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As with people, what to feed your cat and why, is subject to a great deal of discussion. The feud over dry vs. wet (canned), are grains in cat food good for them or harmful? New guidelines have many of us scratching our heads. This is a good place to find out more and hear stories of struggles to keep our cats healthy and disease-free.
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Which is better? Are they both the same? What are the health benefits and risks? Why is this so important?
2 | 11 | By debrue 15 years 9 months ago |
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Weigh in about what you're feeding your cats and why. Is it a cost issue? Just don't care. Do you free feed or have specific mealtime? Are your cats overweight? Do you need help getting them to slim down?
1 | 4 | By Fletchersmom 16 years 11 months ago |
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Raw what? Why feed RAW? If you're interested in learning more about feeding RAW or if you already do and want to share your stories, this is the place!
1 | 9 | By Kerry-Ann (not verified) 13 years 7 months ago |
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Sounds crazy? Not necessarily! If you have recipes to share, we'd love to know about them and how you feel it benefits your cat's health.
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Anything from how to pill your cat to what pills, treatments, therapies work and how you help your cat manage to stay health—or advice if you're having trouble.
7 | 30 | By Jay Broad (not verified) 7 years 5 months ago |
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Ha ha ha ha ha! How many scars do you have from trying to "Pill" your cat? Got a great way to get the job done without ruining your relationship with your cat? Give us some pointers (and maybe some bandages, too)
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If you have a cat, odds are, they do something that drives you crazy. Although we are NOT professionals, we can certainly give our two cents on this topic and do, please note: SEE YOUR VETERANARIAN, or ANIMAL BEHAVIORIST FIRST, IF YOU NOTICE ANY BEHAVIOR CHANGES IN YOUR CAT TO RULE OUT ILLNESS/DISEASE. There are links on this website to find more help. See the Links section.
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Ugh. Been there. Cleaned that up. What to do. How to get rid of the smell! What do you use? Anyone use a Black Light?
1 | 24 | By Ashly Tremblay (not verified) 7 years 6 months ago |
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Is your cat nasty to other cats? Dogs? YOU? Find others who have similar problems and discover how they've treated the problem.
1 | 5 | By debrue 15 years 7 months ago |
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1 | 1 | By tuckers mom 16 years 12 months ago | |
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What is going on with your cat? Why do they vocalize? Are anti-depressants the answer?
2 | 5 | By AnnaBanana74 16 years 3 weeks ago |
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If you have a cat/s, you have cat toys. Which ones do you think are great and which ones are just a snooze? High tech or just a wad of paper? What does your cat like best? What do you do if your cat likes to bring home its' own "toy" (err...mice, birds, etc).
2 | 6 | By Catnonymouse (not verified) 11 years 4 months ago | |
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Well, this isn't so much of play time, but it is part of our cat's natural instinct to hunt. Is your cat a ground or air hunter? Did you know there was a difference? What do you do if Fluffy brings home a mouse, bird or??? What the heck is it with that funny chattering sound they make?
1 | 2 | By Teracey Evans 14 years 4 months ago |
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I've had cats for most of my life and only ONCE I've known a cat that fetched. Does your cat do this? What does he/she fetch? Anything? Or just one special toy or item? Why do you suppose this happens?
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If it plugs in, runs on batteries or is computer operated, this is the place to talk about it.
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I never know what my cats are going to love playing with, so here's a place to list things that one might not think of as a cat toy, but which works great!
1 | 2 | By tuckers mom 16 years 12 months ago |
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The silly and the strange-things cats do to make us laugh.
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Did your cat come from a shelters or foster home? was it trapped? found in the yard? bought from a breeder? or received as a gift? My cats seem to find me, but I'd like to know how you found your furry friends.
1 | 2 | By Tee 'n' the Wildlife (not verified) 15 years 2 months ago |
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Do you regret what you named your cat? Did you have to pick a nickname to cover up a bad name choice? Help others avoid your mistake! ;-)
1 | 3 | By Robin Olson 15 years 8 months ago |
1 | 1 | By Robin Olson 17 years 1 month ago | |
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I only created this topic because I can name a few places my cat has barfed that not only shocked me, but made me certain cats believe in retaliation!
1 | 6 | By SuperGrouper 15 years 8 months ago |
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What does your cat do that's off-the-wall funny or weird? And please, no stories about hurting or abusing animals-EVER!
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In a box, with some sox? With the dog, by a log?
1 | 1 | By Robin Olson 16 years 6 months ago |
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