My cat Apple has recently developed a problem when she eats or purrs she does a "gulping" reflex like "hiccups" in humans but with a pronounced moving forward of the head.
I took her to the vets and she examined her,she could only find a little tenderness around Apple's larynx when she touched her neck and it made her gulp.The vet suggested full blood checks to rule out inflammation or signs of a tumour (lots of white cells in the blood who indicate a problem) but all bloods came back normal (thankfully)
The vet suggested that the only way to find out what was going on would be to give her a full examination under anaesthetic and also take X-Ray and if there is a lump there to take a sample for histology.I am reluctant to let Apple go through all this but at the same time I'm worried if I don't and it turns out to be serious?
Any advice would be greatly appreciated
Thanks from catlady
Cat gulping and swallowing heavily when purring
My 7 year old cat (very fit, active and healthy otherwise) has had the same symptoms. After being referred for C-T scans and endoscopy which showed "infection of the lower bronchi. My cat is going through a course of treatment with medicines; steroids and Veraflox (Pardofloxacin) for a short term. So far we found that these two meds reduced the gulpig dramatically, so we just kept on the steroids, then the gulping came back. So we just re-started the Varoflox for 4 weeks which completely stopped it. Then after 10 days the gulping started again. Back over to the Referrals Vet, upto £4000.00 GBP so far, but thats reached my maximum insurance policy limit for the policy's year. Ouch..
Anyone else got any results for Vets investigating these cats gulping symptoms?
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