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Just for Fun

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Did your cat come from a shelters or foster home? was it trapped? found in the yard? bought from a breeder? or received as a gift? My cats seem to find me, but I'd like to know how you found your furry friends.
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Do you regret what you named your cat? Did you have to pick a nickname to cover up a bad name choice? Help others avoid your mistake! ;-)
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Need help naming your new cat? Here are some great ideas!
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I only created this topic because I can name a few places my cat has barfed that not only shocked me, but made me certain cats believe in retaliation!
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What does your cat do that's off-the-wall funny or weird? And please, no stories about hurting or abusing animals-EVER!
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In a box, with some sox? With the dog, by a log?
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