Cats, cats, cats and tacky reality shows. Art, Music, Reading Chick Lit, Writing, "shambhala buddhism", Collecting Goofy Stuff, Cars, Technology, Travel (Road trips!/Road Food...so to speak), Cats. Animal Welfare and Animal Rescue, Improv Comedy, Knitting, Cooking (if I have to).
Edward Scissorhands, Rebecca, Jane Eyre (with Orson Welles), Bridget Jones' Diary, French Kiss, Under the Tuscan Sun, Amelie, Dogma, A Boy and His Dog, American Beauty, The Philadelphia Story (Hepburn), the Incredibles!, V for Vendetta, Rescue Me, South Park, Extreme Elimination, The Starter Wife, House, True Blood!
To avoid this list from getting outdated, you can just visit my Book List on Good Reads
Beat the Reaper, DaVinci Code, Rocket City, The Art of Breaking Glass, Lunch (By Karen Moline), The Sacred Path of the Warrior (Rinpoche), Hissy Fit, The Psycho Ex Game (markoe), Good Grief (Lolly Winston), anything by Janet Evanovich, Gabaldon's Outlander Series, The Time Traveller's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger and LOTS MORE!
Astor Piazzolla, Anton Karas Zither Music!, Ben Folds, Puccini, Frank Sinatra (swing), YELLO, Bhangra, Japanese Pop, African Pop (Kidjo, among others), Leon Redbone, Sheryl Crow, Dylan, Patsy Cline, K.D. Lang, Smashing Pumpkins, Shawn Colvin, DEVO, Screamin' Jay Hawkins, Billie Holiday, Louis Armstrong...lots more.
1. Spencer, I call him, Mr. Super Pouffy, for obvious reasons. 2. Gracie, blue-grey fluffy scardy-cat whose nickname is, Bubbles because she drools little bubbles of saliva...yeah..cute....3. Gracie's daughter, Petunia. Blue-grey shorthair who is prone to over-reacting to everything and peeing all over the house. Fun! 4. & 5. Nick and Nora, brother and sister, white and ginger shorthairs. Very BIG cats, though Nicky just lost a few pounds! Yay Nicky! He is still a BIG boy! Very sweet! 6, 7, 8-The formerlly feral foster fiends. Three short-haired black cats. Each with a spot of white on their belly or chest. They are all available for adoption! Boo-Boo, Sophie and Cricket, 2 boys, 1 girl.
Update: Boo-Boo and Sophie were adopted together and now live with two big dogs and one very nice lady in an old farmhouse in western CT.
Downdate: My Mother passed away in 2006 so I adopted her cat, Bob Dole. Bob was never vetted regularly and ended up being diagnosed with FIV. After having 6 teeth removed and lots of further Vet care, Bob is doing well and has become a cherished member of the family. His new buddy, Nora, is his favorite feline snuggle-buddy.
2010: Foster Cat FAIL! Cat #8: I adopted one of my foster kittens. His name is Blitzen and he was part of Santa's Team rescue from Georgia. Blitzen is a much beloved member of our family.
2012: On Sept 3, 2011, Bob Dole passed away due to complications from lymphoma, FIV and a type of hepatic cancer. Bob left a permanent paw print on my heart. He is very much missed. I'm grappling with possibly having another foster fail with the DOOD, but we will see how that goes.
You're at it, baby!
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