Foster Cat Journal: Week Three-Cupid Confined

It's tough on Cupid being confined and it's tough on me because I've got to spend time with her every day to keep her from going crazy. I know she's lonely and bored. The hour or more we spend together-spread out across the day in short play-periods, is something, but not enough. I can't wait for this to be over. I'm sure she would agree.


Still waiting for that darn ringworm to GO AWAY! Looking pretty as ever, during the process, of course.

The ringworm hasn't spread, KNOOCK WOOD, to any other part of her body, nor has is spread, KNOCOK WOOD AGAIN, to ANY of the kittens, myself, Sam or our cats. So far, so good.

Next week ends four weeks confined. At that time, I'm going to beg Dr. Larry to give me the go-ahead to free her from the bathroom. I wonder how she'll be with her kittens after such a long separation? Her mammary glands are finally flat and normal again and her spay surgery wound is healed and barely visible. Cupid's put on a few POUNDS and looks terrific. I just wonder if she'll remember her offspring or look at them as strangers?

On March 6th, we're having an Adoption Event. I had to cancel the last two because WE HAD NO CATS. With any luck, ALL the fosters will be READY to be ADOPTED-at LAST!!!!

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Cupid enjoys batting at toys with her paws. She's very expressive with them. I can get her to give me a “high five” or she'll reach out to get me to pet her. She's a very sweet cat.

By the Adoption Event, the cats will have been here almost THREE MONTHS. Compared to the last group I took in from GA, those 9 were here for only 10 days before they all went to great homes. You think this will be tough-saying goodbye to this pile o' cats?

Tough doesn't even come close.

File Under: “My Cat is Insane”

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Spencer flailing around in the hopes that the string toy will accidently fall into his waiting arms. Getting up to chase after it seems like just too much work.

Room for One More?

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Nick and Nora spooning the night away in their cat bed. To the right is an EMPTY cat bed. Go figure.

Lookie! Lookie! Lookie!

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I just HAD to do it! I just HAD to buy both of these paintings on Ebay yesterday. I kept looking at the listings and looking at the images. I asked the seller about them, hoping that I wasn't going to be duped and end up with some sort of computer generated print, mounted onto board.

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I don't have them yet, so time will tell. Supposedly they're oil on board and painted in the late 1950's to early 1960's. I can't find much about the artist; L. Cassidy, but did find a few other paintings he or she did-of dogs.

I've always wanted Victorian era oils of kittens, but my budget does not allow for that. These little gems were sort of “affordable” and are only about 8" x 10." Will be easy to find a nice spot to hang them.

I'm so excited! I can't wait for them to arrive!

Plus, they NEVER need to go to the VET and they can't get RINGWORM!

So this Kitten walks into a bar...

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...yeah. I gotta million of 'em! That one was so funny, right? Right, buddy?

How 'bout this one:

What do you get if you cross a cat with a tree? A cat-a-logue.

Get it? Cat-a-Log??!!

Hey. That was funny! Hey! Come back here!

The Purrfect Idea! Cat Cafe!


I LOVE the Japanese culture and I really LOVE how much they LOVE their cats. I have a small stash of books I've bought from (yes, JAPAN). I have NO IDEA what they say because I can't read Japanese, but there are so many great photos, it doesn't matter! Maybe some day I'll go to Japan, but with my fear of flying and lack of funds, that doesn't seem like something that will happen any time soon.

Apparently, Japanese landlords are douches. Most don't allow pets, so Norimmasa Hanada decided to change things. She opened Neko no mise (Shop of Cats) and the rest is history. Anyone lonely for the company of a cat or who is shy about meeting people, heads to Ms Hanada's shop. For a small fee, about $9/hr, her patrons PAY to sit in the cafe and pet and play with the cats. They can even buy food and treats for the cats for an extra charge!

You got that, right? They PAY to sit in the cafe with the cats. The "cover charge" pays for the cats Vet visits, food, litter, etc. and keeps out the folks from staying all DAY. Okay, we have shelters in this country that need people to come visit the cats-if not adopt them. Why not combine these two things together?


TOMOKAZU KOSUGA covered the story and it was picked up by (oo!) and translated into English-whew! To read the entire article, click HERE but keep in mind that this web site is more “adult” in nature, but not really bad at all. I'd rate it at a PG level if that's of concern.


Now, I just LOVE this idea, but am wondering if it could be done in the USA? What are the regulations regarding having cats in a shop that might serve coffee and tea? I'm thinking Covered in Cat Hair Cafe, coming to your town, soon! Who wants to bankroll me?

Foster Cat Journal: At Last! Something Good's On TV!

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Blitzen and Donner really enjoyed watching the bouncing DVD logo move across the TV screen this weekend. I wonder if it was designed specially to interest cats? The logo appears when my “HELLO KITTY” brand DVD player goes into “sleep” mode and the TV is left on.

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Yes, even my DVD player has something to do with cats. I can't help it! And no, I don't have a flat screen tv! This one works fine! So there!

My Funny Valentine

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Stanely Pertwee Kokopelli. 1990-2002.

Most people get cards on Valentine's Day.

In 1998, I got a cat, instead.

This is Stanley. I adopted him 12 years ago today and from the first moment he arrived, I was not only smitten with this silly 7 year old cat, but I found my best furry friend forever.

Sadly, Stanley and I only shared 5 short years together before he died suddenly from misdiagnosed/undiagnosed HCM. I was truly heartbroken.

If any of you have lost a cat to HCM, you know how terrible the disease is. Steve Dale, a nationally syndicated pet columnist, has worked with The Winn Feline Foundation to create The Ricky Fund, in memory of the cat he lost to HCM in 2002.

To learn more about HCM, visit here.

...and to all of you, give your cats a BIG HUG from me and remember to cherish each of them, faults and all. I wish you ALL a very Happy and Love-Filled Valentine's Day.

Will You Be Our Valentine?

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After MONTHS of Vet visits, mounds of medications and lots of hope, sprinkled with tears and love, “Santa's Team” is finally recovering from their horrendous URI's, eye infections and ringworm. Hopefully, very soon they'll be ready to move forward with the next chapter of their lives.

In honor of Valentine's Day and the loving support you've given to me and the kitties during this tough time, I ask you to considering giving a donation to help us pay their HUGE Vet bill.

While we're looking at well over $1500 in care and medications, I'm not going to ask for a lot from each of you. I know times are tough and there are so many others who need help, too.

All I ask is to donate the cost of a box of chocolates, about $10 (or more if you can) to our Angel Fund or our General Donation Fund. 100 percent of your donation goes straight to helping the animals in our Program. Your donation is also tax deductible (as the law allows), as The Animal Center is a registered non-profit 501(c)(3).

And on a personal note, I want to let you all know how very much I appreciate and am humbled by your friendship, your compassion to help homeless and injured animals and your willingness to share your life story with me, as I share mine with you.

Happy Valentine's Day!

Robin, your cat hair covered hostess

Covered in Cat Hair? There's an Ap for That!

I'm very pleased and excited to announce that you can now follow my crazy exploits on Covered in Cat Hair on your iPhone or iPod Touch (2nd Gen)!

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Sure, you can use Safari on your iPhone to read CiCH when you're away from home, but using this Ap makes reading the latest posts MUCH easier. The text is nice and big and the photos are crystal clear. No need to zoom in on those photos of kittens pooping or puddles of vomit! They're already nice and big, too! And if you'd like, you can even “Tweet” or email your favorite posts!

AND it's FREE!

You can't beat that with a stick!

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Read more about the CiCH Ap HERE then press the “View in iTunes” button and you will be re-directed to iTunes to download the Ap. If you enjoy using the Ap, I'd be really grateful if you'd give it a nice rating.

Special thanks to Sam, of Resonetrics, for helping me get my Ap off the ground.

Want to read Sam's blog about Technology for Marketers?

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Check out Sam's iPhone Ap, Tech4Mktrs too!


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