Okay, that's it. I've been trying to come up with a name for our latest foster kitty. None of them are good enough. He's a young adult, flame point, Himalayan. I've never had a cat like this EVER---Not in over 10 years of doing cat rescue and certainly never have we had a purebred cat in Kitten Associates.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
We've come up with a list of names. The one we use now, just to call him SOMETHING is…FLUFF DADDY. I like it as a nickname, but his "forever" name?
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
Here's The List:
Fluff Daddy
HR Fluff-n-stuff
Rhed Buttler
Bumble Snow Monster
Mr. Bumble
Cookie Puss
George Clooney
Muffin Man
Jampa Tashi
Tibetan: Jampa JAHM-pah - Loving-kindness
Tashi TAH-shee - Auspicious, Fortunate
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson.
All seriously chosen, thoughtful, imaginative, clever, funny names considered. Thank you for your help!
Fluff Daddy
and Cashmere are my 2 favorites. He is such a gorgeous boy!
Fluff Daddy's name
How about Zack? He looks like a Zack. Or Maxim?
With eyes like that... how about Frank... for Frank Sinatra "Old Blue Eyes"?
Fluff Daddy's name
All the names are quite unique - like he is - but my favorite is Rhed Buttler.
name suggestion for the fluffy kitty =)
like Snuffy from Sesame Street. =)
I really like Fluff Daddy. If
I really like Fluff Daddy.
If you want a good "regal" name how about Sir Lancelot?
Fluff Daddy's name
I say keep him as Fluff Daddy. If ever there were a kitty worthy of the name, he's it!
I say let him keep the name
I say let him keep the name Fluff Daddy. If there were ever a kitty worthy of the name, it's him!
New name for Fluff Daddy
Falco, from The Never-ending Story.
With such big blue eyes he has, I would be tempted to seriously consider Sinatra. You said he has a great personality and was a charmer!
Name the kitty's
Fuzzy Britches.
puff daddy's name
With those beautiful blue eyes what about
Newman after Paul Newman or Sinatra
I first thought Rhett Butler
I first thought Rhett Butler would be cute but when I saw the i saw the Hat I thought of Humphrey Bogart in Casa Blanca
permanent name for Fluff Daddy
I think that since he is a flamepoint, the name HR Fluff-n-stuff is great.
Names for Foster Kitty
These a a few names I came up with for your Foster Cat
Puffy or Sir Puffinton , Mr. Puffy , Mr. Puffpuff , Dude
Good Luck naming him !!
Hrmmm how about Mr. Darby or Watson :)
Mr. Fluffington would work too....and it goes with his nickname :) ..ooorrr Paddington :) He just looks so proper, LOL and FLLUUUFFYYY
I love the name Paddington! He looks like a Paddington!!
Name suggestion
Well, seeing how his face reminds me of Wilford Brimley I vote to name him Brimley. :-)
Personally I think Fluff
Personally I think Fluff Daddy fits him perfectly!!
Jolyon \j(o)-lyon, jol-yon\ is a male given name, a variant of Julian, with roots as a Medieval spelling. Its meaning is often taken to be "youthful" or "soft haired".
I think he looks like a Zeus. He for sure is a cat God!
Name that Cat
His name should be Frankie, after Ol' Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra. A little rough around the edges but makes such beautiful music!
Name that Cat
Look at those blue eyes - he should be named Frankie, after Ol' Blue Eyes himself, Frank Sinatra!
Cashmere! I hear strains of
Cashmere! I hear strains of Led Zeppelin playing....
Fluff Daddy
For some reason Stuart just came into my head! LOL
Fluff Daddy
For some reason, Stuart just popped into my head!
Jampa Tashi or JT for short
My vote goes to Jampa Tashi because of his Himalayan origins and the wonderful meaning of the names.
Fluffy's name
Fluffy or Butters. He is beautiful.
Some thoughts?
Mufasa, Humphrey, griffon, Percy, Auggie(Augustus), Figaro, Higgins?
Fluff Daddy
I think he looks like a Fluff Daddy. Not many cats could carry a name like that but I think he totally rocks it.
kitty name
He looks like a muppet haha so maybe name him Muppet or Hensen
Yum yum
I love Yum Yum. Or Samson- in honor of the haircut and the new life he'll have as his hair grows back.
I also like Maneki-Neko, he seems very lucky.
Or Fluffy Bottomsworth.
A Name for Fluff Daddy
What about Kashmir instead of Cashmere? More exotic, less frou-fou. Please don't name him a silly name. He has more dignity than that. Also, the name Aden means "flame." What about Beau, which means flame in another way (my boyfriend, my flame....)?
Fluff Daddy Name
Leo. CCK
Cotton Candy King!
Remington Steel, Remy for short :)
I like Fluff - someone
I like Fluff - someone suggested Fluffington - I like that. You could call Him Prince Fluffington since he's all pure bred and so on. I like Kashmir too.
I have a red tabby named Flame, that sprung to mind since he's a flame point. My dearly departed little black Persian was supposed to be Coal, but he never went by anything but Plush.
How about Furgus?
compassionate liberator of suffering beings
Chenrezig - The earthly manifestation of the self born, eternal Buddha. According to legend, Chenrezig made a a vow that he would not rest until he had liberated all the beings in all the realms of suffering. After working diligently at this task for a very long time, he looked out and realized the immense number of miserable beings yet to be saved. Seeing this, he became despondent and his head split into thousands of pieces. Amitabha Buddha put the pieces back together. Whenever we are compassionate, or feel love for anyone, or for an animal or some part of the natural world, we experience a taste of our own natural connection with Chenrezig.
Learning about the nature of compassion, and learning about Chenrezig, repeating his mantra Om Mani Padme Hum and imagining that we would like to be like Chenrezig, pretending that we really are just like Chenrezig, we actually can become aware of increasing compassion in our lives, and ultimately, the lamas tell us, awaken as completely wise and compassionate buddhas.
So how about these three nominations for Fluff Daddy?
Chenrezig - the compassionate liberator of suffering beings
Om Mani Padme Hum - his mantra
Kuan-yin as he is known in China
"Griffin" (Some have
Furever name
How about Mortimore or Morty for short?
Cat name
How about Kimba (the white lion). He looks rather like a lion don't you think?
Barbara UK
A name for Fluff Daddy
name for fluffy cat
Well the first thing I noticed about your foster kitty is how incredibly large his jaw is (it is a male...right?) which reminded me of Jay Leno's jaw. Therefore I suggest naming him Leno.
Found your blog by fluke.
Found your blog by fluke. Great work you do!! Kudos from Canada!
Id say 'Cash'...short for 'Mister Cashmere'.
Keep up the good work!
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