Kitten Associates is Born...Ass End First!

There comes a point in your life where you start to see a direction you need to take. You can avoid it or run away from it. You can meet it head on and get bugs in your teeth, but you gotta do something.

I can't sit here and know little babies are being euthanized, along with their mamas. It's just so wrong on so many levels. No animal should be put down just due to space limitations or budget reasons, but that's how it goes.

Since volunteering with local rescue groups hasn't worked well for me, I'm just going to do my own thing. I am scared shitless, but perhaps that will motivate me to find a way to get this to work out? There's a lot of work to do, but I've already got things started.

Of course, I'm doing this bass-ackwards. I have no funding. My 501(3)c paperwork hasn't even been downloaded off the web yet. I'm working on getting onto Petfinder because I seem to already have foster cats coming here soon, but I DO have one thing figured out!

Sam gave my group a name. We were driving in the car, talking about whether or not I should make a go of it on my own and he just blurted out; “How 'bout Kitten Associates?”

YES! Done! Locked and loaded. Love it!

My first two babies under the Kitten Associates rescue moniker, you already met last week. They're at foster mama, Maria's home in McDonough, GA until they can hitch a ride back Northeast with Aunt Izzy, our CiCH friend.

Maria sent some photos of the babies. They look big and happy! I still need to name them! Any ideas? One boy. One girl.

©2010 Maria Sandoval, used with permission.

Their Mama, a sweet calico is already adopted by a nice lady in North Carolina. Mama needs to be spayed still, but for now she is very comfy and happy in her foster home and to be back with her babies for awhile longer.

©2010 Maria Sandoval, used with permission.

So two kittens that I have to find homes for and pay out-of-pocket for anything they need while with me, is a good start. I can afford this. No problem. But...

...I forgot to take it steps.

The End is Here. A New Beginning is Near.

I've been trying to write this post for a week. I'm torn between writing a virtual rant vs. just moving forward with my life. The temptation is to light these words on fire and to really let off a years' worth of steam, but reason states that those of us in the rescue community all know each other and burn one bridge now means making trouble for yourself later.

So with that in mind, I will write this:


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©2009 Robin A.F. Olson. Spencer says it all.

I left The Animal Center for good. No turning back. Done. Whatever reasons I have for this, for now, will be my own. I gave it my all for 5 years, but there was a price to pay that I wasn't willing to pay any longer. I leave angry and hurt, but I know in time those feelings will fade away and for now, I can use that energy to do something positive.

I've been grappling with what to do next. The answer has been right in front of me for a long time, but I was afraid to give it a shot. I'll continue to use my tiny networking skills to help rescue cats from southern death row shelters. I'll also keep doing everything I did before, but...

I'm going to make a go of it on my own. I'm going to start my own Non-Profit Cat Rescue Group. Stupid idea or perfect timing, I have no idea. There are lots of hurdles ahead, but I'm going to try. This is the dawning of my new journey. The road I've travelled on has led me to this place. I stand here before you and take a deep breath. I'm ready to stick my neck out, kick some ass and save lots more cats.

You're welcome to come along for the ride and see how this pans out. Maybe you'll say “I knew her back when she first started that was just her, but now look at it!” but hopefully not; “Oh yes, that was before she got stuck with all those cats she couldn't adopt out and went crazy and they found her body...the cats got to it first...

I'm truly scared. I had all these plans to start super small, go slowly, only take those two cute cow kittens in to foster and see how it goes...

But so many need help! I can't just sit here with two foster kittens when I have room for more! Oh boy...what have I done?

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Details of my craziness coming soon...



Sweet Cali Mama is NEG/NEG for FIV and FeLuk and so are her super cute cowbabies!

Everyone is clear to go into foster care...but wait...there's more!

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Last night a lovely lady named, Marian in North Carolina offered to give Cali Mama a home! So as soon as Mama is done with quarantine and is ready to travel, our dear friend, Bobby has offered to DRIVE her all the way to Charlotte- which is a good five hours drive. Who would just offer to do such a thing without an ulterior motive? BOBBY! He is such a nice nice man. Last year he helped me by picking up Huggy Mama, who was my first rescue from Henry Co. He truly loves animals and has a heart of gold. Thank you, Bobby and thank you Marian for giving Mama a new home to call her own.

My brains are scrambled. I think I forgot to thank someone. Once I have normal blood pressure again and cognitive function, I will re-check this post and make sure I didn't leave anyone out...

oh yeah..and the COWBABIES ARE MINE MINE MINE MINE MINE!!!!! Okay, I'm just fostering them, but...

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Don't let me keep these foster kittens. When I start writing about how I can't let them go, remind me I told you to YELL AT ME! I can't keep them, but I LOVE LOVE LOVE TUXY BABIES!!!! I can't wait to meet them!!!

Not on My Watch: BUSTED!!!!!

Last night was a CRAZY barrage of emails going back and forth. Things were lining up to rescue this mama and her little babies! I had a transport, I had someone to pull the cats for me, I had a place for them here, but I didn't have a two-three week foster home or place to board the cats until they could leave the State and head northeast! All pets have to be quarantined for about 2 weeks before they can go anywhere to help prevent the spread of disease. Finding a place to keep them safe is really tough-espeically when you live 1000 miles away!!!

Somehow things just started to click...

I decided to try and ask for help. Our new BFF, Maria, saw my plea. She actually LIVES in the same town where the shelter is located! She DOES cat rescue for RescueCats! She HAS an EMPTY foster room! She even is prepared to de-worm the kittens! This lady knows her stuff! Oh yeah...and Maria contacted me and offered to help! She made all the difference in this rescue even being possible.

So did our DEAR friend Bobby, who graciously offered to drive over to Henry Co., sign out the cats, take them to the Vet and wait with them while they are being checked out. You'd think that would be enough, but Bobby offered to help in other ways, which I will tell you about later! There is more news ahead, but I have to wait until I know that mama and babies have passed their exam (so to speak) and can go into their foster home. There is the gut-knot-worry that their "Combo" test to determine if they have FIV or Feline Leukemia will show a positive. We do NOT want this to happen and it's the last real serious hurdle in this rescue.

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Bust 'em loud and bust 'em proud! BUSTED OUT!

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So as of this moment, Mama and kits are NO LONGER IN A CAGE ON DEATH ROW. THEY ARE BUSTED OUT! NEXT..combo test result. OK? Or NOT? Can we jump up and down for joy? Not yet, but maybe a little “yippie!” wouldn't hurt.

Not on My Watch: GOOD FRIDAY!

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Thumper was in a cage at the Emergency Vet Clinic for 3 MONTHS! We get the word out on him and he gets a home in ONE WEEK!!!!!!

Do I know any details? He went to a family with one other cat and should have a grand old time in his new home. That's all I got!

Of course, while I was asking the Vet about Thumper they told me a kitten was just dumped there with a prolapsed rectum. They fixed it, for now, but it may require another surgery if it does not hold. I offered to come down and get photos of the kitten once she is ready to be we will be at it again trying to find a home for this baby, too.

In the meantime, CONGRATS, THUMPER!!!!

Not on My Watch: ALMOST Rescued. We NEED A FOSTER HOME!

I'm really trying to jump over the hurdles to help save one mama and two kittens from Henry. Co before it's too late.

Right now I have a rescue in New Jersey ready to take the Mama into foster care and find her a loving home. I am willing to take the kittens into foster care and do the same for them.

I have someone who can pick the kittens up from the Shelter. I have our Izzy, a good friend to CiCH and her sweet hubby, ready to help with the transport since they are also rescuing a GA kitty and adopting her! It will be their 18th cat!

The problem...I can't find a place to board these cats. They have to go through, at least, a 2 week "quarantine" period either at a Vet or in a foster home where they keep their other animals away from the foster. The fosters would have to have their own space. They also have to be vetted, which we can raise funds for. If we can find a home or rescue or Vet to take them for 2 to 3 weeks, until Izzy can get there, we are golden.

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If we can't, these cats will die. It would be one thing if no one wanted them, but they ARE wanted and we want to help them, but we're stuck and time is very short. They will be euthanized soon.

I'm so frustrated! I just need one person to help us out, just for a few weeks. We could pay a fair rate to board the cats. They would have to run them to the vet once or twice and just love and care for them. That's it.

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If any of you have any affiliations with friends in GA who might help us, please have them contact me ASAP:
Please spread the word!

Not on my Watch: Another Mama Faces Her Last Days

Okay, everyone. We had a great success two weeks ago, finding a home for a special, all-black sweetie, adult Mama cat, we named Arizona. Now we have another adult mama cat, who is in dire need of a home or rescue placement. Do you think we can get her busted out of Henry Care & Control, too? We just need ONE HOME or ONE RESCUE GROUP to take her in! This girl is pure delight!

Add to that, her kittens are facing death row, too. They also need adopters or a rescue group to pull them! Pet ID: 6/25-2568




PLEASE REFER TO THIS ID# Calico in C1; ID# 6-25/2567 WHEN YOU ASK AFTER THIS CAT and Pet ID: 6/25-2568, 6/25-2569 IF YOU ASK AFTER THE KITTENS.


This gorgeous, SWEET girl has been with us since June 25th which you all know is unheard of this time of year! She is so special her caretaker/kennel master has really tried to find a way to save her life.


Please help us save her life. She is very affectionate and loveable.

Can everyone try one more time to get her noticed. Our cat kennel master really does love those in her care and watching them perish here is heartbreaking for all concerned.


**Please Note; When forwarding, crossposting, or re-posting I ask that you leave this message intact exactly as it was written by me. I do not give permission to post my message, part of my message, or my photographs on Craig's List. Thank you for your help and support, and for respecting my wishes.**

Betsy Merchant~

We are very rescue friendly and are more than happy to work with any rescue group as long as the group has a valid Georgia Department of Agriculture license! Any rescue group, whether in or out of state, that takes pets from Georgia shelters, is required, by Georgia law, to have a rescue license issued by the Georgia Department of Agriculture's Animal Protection Division. Having tax exempt status is not the same as a license. For more information on obtaining a license, please call (404) 656-4914.


Henry County Animal Care and Control

527 Hampton Street

McDonough, Georgia 30253

(770) 288-7401

Our Hours:

Monday-Friday: 9 am-4:30 pm

Saturday: 9 am-1 pm

Sunday: Closed

County Observed Holidays: Closed

The shelter is located at 527 Hampton Street in McDonough. We are located south of Atlanta off I-75. Take exit 218 and head east on 20/81 toward McDonough. Our address is 527 Hwy 20/81 East.

For all other information regarding ordinances, county codes, and other functions of Henry County Animal Care and Control please visit

If you can't provide a loving home for this wonderful kitty, would you please ReTweet, re-post on Facebook and tell all your friends about her-ESPECIALLY ONES WHO LIVE IN GEORGIA? THANK YOU!

Not on My Watch: There's No Place Like Home

Every cat should have a loving family and a warm, safe place to call home. Whether that cat is feral and has a caretaker who feeds him and provides shelter or a pampered “princess” who wants for nothing and is valued above all others. Within those extremes, come folks like most of us-people who deeply love their cats and are devoted to their care and well being, come what may. Maybe we don't put rhinestone collars on our cats or feed them imported delicacies. Maybe we don't even have a cat bed just for them, our bed is easily shared, if not a bit too crowded.

When Chester was lost, then found again, he could never have survived his adventure without having a dedicated and loving family, supporting him from afar. They could have stepped back and said; “No. The Vet costs are too high.” or “He's an old cat, just let him go...”

But they didn't.

They stood by their boy when so many would have made an excuse and let him go. For that, they are the heroes in this story. I was just the lucky one to have found a lost kitty in the woods.

Yesterday, Chester's family got together to celebrate his homecoming. He's been back for just about the same amount of time he was lost in the woods. I'm told he's still a bit weak in his rear legs, but he can jump up onto his favorite chair and get onto the bed, too! He's eating well and happy to be home again.

©2010 Michael C. Rosenstein. Used with permission. The family portrait we were all hoping to see one day! Our dreams and wishes came true for this wonderful family.

Chester's family, from left to right: Frank, Chester, Frank's wife, Ruth, Michael, and Frank & Ruth's Daughter/Michael's wife, Nicole.

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©2010 Michael C. Rosenstein. Used with permission. Chester with his mousey toy.

Chester has a Vet appointment coming up this week. They're going to see how he's doing and find out if there's anything that still needs to be done to help Chester's recovery. I'm told that Chester isn't a big fan of cat carriers, but hopefully he will be traveling in one, so he can get used to it!

©2010 Michael C. Rosenstein. Used with permission. His fur looks clean and thick. Chester is filling out a bit and livin' large on his favorite bed.

I want to hang on to this wonderful feeling forever, but I know that it's time for Chester to be with his family and for me to quit bugging them for updates. We have so many more cats to rescue, cats to find! (no luck in finding Cowboy!) and cats to raise money for so they can have a chance at finding just what Chester has had all along: a loving, forever home with a wonderful family.

Let's get to work!

Thank You, NewsTimes!

Thank you to Vinti Singh for the excellent article she wrote covering Chester's Rescue! I was honored to be part of the story and it was fun to share his tale with the local community and beyond.

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If you'd like to read the article, you can visit the HERE

Not on My Watch: Helping Thumper

A week ago, I was just leaving the Emergency Vet's office after dropping off Chester, the 21 yr. old cat I'd rescued from being lost for almost 5 days of no food or water.

The second the Vet Tech found out I did cat rescue, she asked me if I could wait a minute. She wanted to show me a cat they were trying to find a home for. He'd been dumped at their door 3 months prior. His left front leg was deformed. When he walked, you could hear a distinct “thump,” hence his nickname, Thumper.


Thumper is a very outgoing and handsome cat. He's big, too, but only about 2 or 3 years old. He's still got a lot of “kitten” in him. I asked about his leg and the Tech said they had it checked out by a neurologist and that he couldn't say if it was from his genetics or an injury, that since he was comfortable and using the leg (instead of limping), that they didn't need to have it removed.


Thumper is VERY friendly and affectionate, as you can see here. He's curious, confident and interested in the world around him. He seems to get along with other cats and dogs, too. Because he's such a big, hardy, cat, he would be great for a family with kids.

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Thumper spends most of his day in a small cage. A Vet Clinic is NOT set up as an animal shelter and the staff is constantly busy helping other cats and dogs who are have serious medical issues. Thumper's life is a lonely one and this big love-bug deserves to be busted out of that cage and with a family he can call his own.

If you're interested in adopting Thumper, please contact The Animal Emergency Clinic of Danabury, P.C. at 203-790-6383.

(This is in western Connecticut)


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