Foster Cat Journal: Day 7, Day 8 Who Do We Appreciate?

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We appreciate toothbrushes for helping socialize feral kittens!

A week has passed. Little Candy is doing very well. I must say the big key was using the toothbrush on her, instead of that giant hairbrush. I notice that kittens are easily frightened by large objects and pretty much everything is bigger than they are, so keeping that in mind is important.

When I sacrificed my only good wooden spoon and taped the toothbrush to it, that was the breakthrough. Candy reacted VERY well to being brushed, even though she hissed as I did it. She'd quickly forget to hiss a few moments later because she felt so good being touched. I also used the toothbrush as a toy and I rubbed the bristles against the newspaper or paper plates so she'd come up to me when she heard the sound.

Well, hello Candy. I see you're SITTING ON MY LAP NOW!

I'm not sure how wise this is, but I just started petting Candy even though she was still hissing. She showed me no aggression and has not bitten or scratched me once (knock wood). I believe her instinctual fear reaction is hissing, but I'm not taking it personally. I just pick her up, pet her, rub her belly. She purrs very quickly and seems relaxed and excited to be out of the crate during our training time. I can even pick her up and she doesn't fuss much.

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Candy explores her cat carrier.

Last night I let Candy roam around half of the foster room. She ran, hopped like a bunny, chased toys, sniffed and sniffed everything she could. She also hissed at me, which gave me pause, but moments later, instead of hiding, which is what I feared, she came over and I was able to put her back into her crate-for which she hissed and walked off calmly, then began to cry because she was bored or lonely or both.

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I don't know why the obvious is so foreign to me, but I just realized that fostering is full of feeling bad. Not just saying good bye to your ward or worrying about their health, but geez, I feel bad locking Candy up in the cage now. She's had a tough week. Her confidence is growing and she's becoming friendlier every day. I know she's not very stimulated where she is right now, but I have to do what's best for her and gives her the most chance at success. She still needs to see me as her friend and letting her run loose right now is not going to help that.

It IS wonderful, though, to see her running around the room. A little free spirit, with no fear and just simple joy in her heart. I know she will be a good companion now. Just another week or so and she should be in great shape.

All hail the mighty toothbrush!

What Time Is It? It's 2:30 (tooth-hurty).

I learned at an early age that I would never be a sports heroine when instead of gracefully grabbing a fly ball in my mitt, I caught it with my FACE. The ball hit me on my upper lip, chipping my top two and bottom front two teeth. I was 9. I was wearing the new, matching bright orange polyester short set my Mother had just got me from K-Mart. I was terrified I'd get blood on my clothes and get yelled at, so while I was screaming and squirting blood, I held my head forward to drip onto the ground, as I walked the three (hundred, it seemed) blocks back to my family's house.

I was lucky that just about at that time, my Dentist had learned about a new procedure where you could use some sort of concrete (or whatever) and bond it onto the chipped teeth. He did the repair, while I was trying not to pass out from having all the nerves exposed in my teeth.

The repair lasted all these MANY years, but it was discolored and the bonded material was chipping away over time. It didn't look great and my front teeth, well, they aren't so aesthetically pleasing, anyway, Dentist, Dr. David, who is awesome, who I share the same birthday with, same day and YEAR, has been after me to get veneers.

What a complete waste of money. Pure vanity! Just re-bond the teeth and be done. But the re-bonding won't ever match and will discolor. The material will fail and I will still have teeth that flare out at the bottom, like an outdated skirt from Goodwill.

We're about to lose our Health Insurance and I had some money left to use in the dental plan. I figured I was going to get about 25% off if I did the veneers, so in case I ever become famous, I figured, why not?

Let's just say, that although Dr. David is a fine Dentist and I really like him a lot, I can't understand how celebrities get a full set of these things. Holy crap! It's not that painful during, well not painful at all, but afterwards, yikes, not fun, but the WORST is when the temporaries come off and you get to hear your temporaries being CRACKED, following by pieces of the material falling down your shirt. I know I'm going to have nightmares about this.

After the chipping, cracking, buzz sawing, I was left with a fat lip, numb inside my nose and gums and with a much nicer smile. I will post before and after photos, maybe.

Bob Dole, my cat, also went to the dentist, well, he saw Dr. Larry. Since Bob has FIV+, he's prone to having gum/teeth problems. Bob's down to about 6 teeth and we're doing all we can to KEEP what he has left. Dr. Larry told me that Bob had a nasty looking molar and that it needed work now to prevent it from having to come out later. We ran the usual blood panel and everything looked normal, except for Bob's ALT. Bob has never had a normal ALT, but word was it was not as high as it had been in the past. I give kudos to his raw diet and no-more-kibble nutrition for making a difference.

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That said, all the good blood work in the world wasn't going to assure me that the sedation wouldn't kill Bob or mess him up badly. I hate having Bob sedated and I'm sure I'm a pain in the ass about asking to have someone call me the second he's awake and the procedure is done. Bob's old. I don't know how old, but maybe 14 or so?

The other thing Bob needed was a haircut. I do brush him, but not often enough. He gets nasty mats and with the warm weather upon us, I thought that for once I'd get him a “lion cut” which would remove all the mats and give him a fresh look for the summer. I hoped he wouldn't be embarrassed.

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Bob took it like a champ. Bob is unflappable unless he's hungry-then there's a LOT of flapping. Sam and I picked him up at 6:30pm. We got to see him in his cage. The cage card had “FIV+” highlighted in marker, under his name. It made me sad. Bob had to be separated from the other animals. I never think about him being contagious to anyone. In fact, I am going to have his combo test re-run. I dunno...are there false positives?

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Bob looked a bit sad. He didn't have any teeth extracted, which was great, so I knew he would be too uncomfortable. I called to him and opened the cage door. He looked so odd! It was if there was Bob's head, attached to another body all together. I could still see the mackerel stripes where his fur was trimmed away. He feels very nice and smooth and has very cute fur “boots” on this legs. Super Deb, knew I'd be posting photos of her work, so she made sure to do an extra nice job. I never thought writing a Blog would bring a perk like that! Yes, Super-Deb, you will still be called “Super.” You did a good job. I think Bob appreciates, too, that you “expressed” his anal glands (if you want to read more about why cats need their anal glands cleaned out, see my post here). I'm sorry I didn't notice he was having a problem back there! I was also surprised that Bob has STUD tail! What's up with that? I guess once a stud, always a stud.

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Bob's home now and crabby. He wants to eat. I'm not supposed to feed him, so I fed him a little bit. He wants more and is hissing at all the other cats and checking out their empty plates for a scrap to eat. I want to eat, but my gums are killing me and the nerves in my front teeth are throbbing. I'm crabby, too. Sam had a crown replaced yesterday and a filling done a few days ago, but somehow he remains crabby-free. It's been “2:30” for too long. Here's hoping for a time change coming soon.(crossing paws).

Foster Cat Journal: Day 6. Sex and the City 2

I didn't have much time to spend with Candy today. I had to dash off early; okay it was 11 AM, to meet my friend, Marcia so we could see Sex & the City 2. I felt bad about leaving Candy, but I didn't expect any changes from her today since last night she wasn't too friendly and was back to her uber-hissy routine.

I'd been looking forward to get a hit of chick-flick-bliss. The last movie (I tried) to watch was Inglorious Basterds, which I would guess is about as far from chick-flick as you can get.

I'm sad to say that after watching S&TC2, I'm still longing for that chick-flick-high. I'm the perfect demographic for this movie. I should have loved it! Instead, acting was stiff and the costuming bordered on ridiculous, no, it WAS ridiculous! Yes, fashion dares to push us in new directions, make a statement, but does a bright red dress with metal spikes on the shoulders say "dare" or "don't you dare make this actress look like a punk rock Michael Jackson (sans glove)!"?

I wear black stretchy pants. I no nothing about fashion, but I do know about common sense and I'm sorry, but the Emperor is NAKED. In fact, naked might have been better.

There were NO cats of any kind in this movie and just one token pocket Yorkie. How can the characters have any soul without a pet? Sure, they have perfectly clean apartments and their garments are not covered in cat hair, but really. Where is the plot without some fluffy cat scratching up Carrie's perfect sofa or peeing inside her closet door!

Lastly, I'm sorry but Kim Catrell, I will never be thin or in great shape, the way you are (so kudos to you), but honey, you are too old for some of the lines you yelled out at any guy you thought you could hump. You don't even wait to find out if the guy is available before you say you are “open to anything and available all day and night.” When you're 30 and you say that, sure it's tacky, but you can get away with it. When you're a bit (a lot)...OLDER, it comes off as desperate and made my skin crawl. Wouldn't it have been more interesting to find out what “Samantha” was like as a woman who decided that 30 years of screwing around was tiring and maybe it was time to grow up? It doesn't mean you give up your sexuality, but it shouldn't be so important to flaunt it all the time. Maybe she was afraid of losing her "power" over men? That said, what does that say about women? There's a long conversation for all of us-how we use our sexuality as power over men, but this is not the place to delve into that subject.

Yes, this is a blog about cats, but it's my Blog so I can stray (pardon the rescue pun) if I need to! So one more thing-Carrie. What are you thinking? Another character that needs to grow up. The truth is, that you get married and the romance fades away. Sure it comes back from time to time, but it's never going to be like it was during all those years of you courting Mr. Big and vice versa. There's nothing wrong with watching tv or (gasp!) learning to cook a meal once in awhile. Does going out to galas and spending a sick amount of money on yourself really make the world a better place? You're living with Mr. Big! What is your problem? You're loaded! What worries do you have? My God...

Perhaps if the economy was in better shape or I was 15 years younger, I might fall for this stuff, but get real. People are struggling and suffering. Watching four well-to-do women worry about themselves and no one else, is irritating.

I got home from the movie and spent some time with Candy. She knows nothing about the foolishness of humans, only that they scare her. I sat with her, as I do, with my legs crammed in front of the open door of the dog crate. I sit as long as I can stand it, while my legs fall asleep. I jiggle the new toys I got her and gave her some treats which she ignored. She didn't seem to hiss as much and it took less time for her to come towards me.

I felt impatient about Candy's progress, so I decided to just give her a bigger push. After I brushed her and snuck in a few pets, I gave her chicken baby food from a spoon. She was sitting right next to me. My legs were buzzing. I wanted to move them, but I didn't dare. I jabbed my finger into the can of baby food and offered it to her. Instead of hissing, she licked it off!

Hee, hee, hee, right off my finger!

I grabbed my camera. I knew I only had one shot before she ran off, so I made it work. I also didn't want to take my eyes off her in case she was going to bite me. I got the shot, then I moved my hand a bit and she walked into my lap, looking for more chicken. I petted her and fed her. She PURRED. She let me pet her for a short time, then jumped down-completely blasè about the whole thing!

Just when I figured things were going at a slower pace, she surprises me again. So far I have not had her try to bite or claw me. This is great news! Of course, she had to turn and hiss a little bit when she was done getting a snack, but I ignored her and moved on. Kinda like how I felt about the characters in S&TC2. They need to move on (and please GOD, get some less dopey looking clothing).

Foster Cat Journal: Day 4.95-Breakthrough!

Imagine trying to take a photo with your iPhone, it's dark in the room, so you have to hold still. You're trying not to squeal;“OH MY GOD!” and you need to be mindful that one false move could get you bitten or scratched.

Late tonight, I brought Candy some food. She picked at it a bit and hissed. I decided to try the toothbrush on her again. This time I just kept brushing her as much as I could. Within a few moments, she stopped protesting and started to come up to the front of the crate, where I was sitting with my legs crossed (and falling asleep).

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She could not get enough. She sat in her litter pan, then suddenly rolled on her back, exposing her tummy. I brushed her tummy. She LOVED it. She got up, faced me and it was clear she wanted me to brush her face, so I did. She was clearly in dire need of being touched-and though this is not a big surprise, that she would change in a heartbeat really put a knot in my throat. I did not expect this so soon.


I got greedy. When Candy had her back turned to me, I ran one finger down her back. She didn't hiss. I kept brushing. She turned again. She had left the crate and was next to me. I petted her briefly with my entire hand. She was fine with it. No hissing!!! I didn't want to push my luck, since I was bare handed, so I went back to focusing on brushing her, while I gently coaxed her back into the crate. I can't risk having her get loose in the foster room right now.

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You can see the blue-green handle of the toothbrush. Candy has her head on my knee. She is SMILING!

I felt pretty choked up and that would have been a big enough breakthrough for me for one day, but Candy wasn't done.

She purred. Not for long and not very loudly, but she PURRED!

I didn't want to overdue it, so I slowly stopped brushing Candy. She hissed and went back to the rear of the crate. I showed her the brush and she came all the way to the front and clearly wanted more. I brushed her a bit, but soon left her for the night. I wanted to end our visit on a good note. It would be too easy to have her regress. Today we had some very big changes in a small amount of time. She did great and I'm very proud of her!

It was as if she finally got what she really wanted from me and now that she knows she can get it, perhaps the rest of this journey will feature fewer hisses and more purrs?

Foster Cat Journal: Day 4. A New Tool & Challenge.

You're supposed to use a “high value” food and only give it to the kitten when YOU are in the room and you provide the food. The problem is figuring out what is a high value food. Apparently, this flavor was not a big hit.

Candy plays hard to get. I play “eat your damn food!”

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A hiss here or there, but not bad. Candy is willing to investigate the food, even if it means she needs to hiss at it as she does so. If I time it right, I will take the food away if she hisses and only bring it back if she is not hissing.

Candy is less fearful of the spoon, but it still takes effort to get her to come to me. She needs to be able to smell what's on the spoon and granted there's not much food on there to create much temptation. I end up bringing the spoon close, but moving it slowly away once she gets a good sniff or a tiny taste.

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Chicken baby food is a winner!

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Candy will definitely come towards me if I have baby food on the spoon. I worry that she's not getting enough nutrition so I do supplement the baby food with other canned or raw, yes raw food (she goes crazy for the raw!).

I was able to get Candy to put her paw on my (covered) leg today. She hissed when she touched me, but she did it. She didn't attack me. I just sat there quietly and sat still. I hope that being calm around her will keep her calm. Tough to do when I also feel tense that she might lunge at me, but so far, so good.

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How can this kitten look at me like that, then hiss? She is so cute, though, right? She's only inches away from me, but no. I do not pet her.

I gave Candy more challenges. First, I added a small scratching post to her crate. She was VERY interested to smell it and walk around it. Since my original brush was just too big, I took a toothbrush and taped it to a wooden spoon. I rubbed the bristles against the newspaper lining the crate and she responded well to the sound. She wanted to investigate, so I slowly brought the brush closer. I scratched it against the sisal on the post and she stretched, then began to climb up the post to get the toy. She also began to forget to hiss quite as much.

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The toothbrush doesn't bother her except for when I dared to brush HER with it. She let me brush her back, but she walked away from me as I did it. She hissed, but I did it a few different times with the same result. I didn't push her hard, but I did ask her to deal with a new stimulus and she did well. Sooner or later, she might come to like being brushed and it's a great way to get her to feel comfortable being touched...I hope.

I could go hard core on her and wrap her in a towel and force myself on her, but I want to see how she'll do if we take it a bit easy. I'm trying to balance getting this job done quickly, so I can take on more fosters, and getting it done well and having a better lasting result, which will take more time.

Candy's mood has shifted a bit. She's more relaxed and seems to be very interested in new toys and the scratching post. My goal is to get her to feel happy and safe, instead of frightened and depressed. It's important that I'm consistent, too. I've asked a lot from her the past two days, so I won't make any more changes for another day or so and see how she does.

Foster Cat Journal: Candy Day 3

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Scared little girl, at least has taken to enjoying her mini-cat bed, instead of trying to kill it, as she had the day before.

Patience is a virtue that I'm struggling with. Candy got here a few days ago and I still haven't touched her-which is torture for me. I'm going slowly, but today I decided she'd been here long enough and it was time to give her a bit of a push.

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Oh Joy. Candy is hissing at me, yet again. Hmpf!

Candy hisses at me all the time. In fact, she hissed so much, she “broke her hisser.” For when she tried to hiss, it came out as a little squeak. The good thing is that her ears have never been flat back, her pupils don't seem to dilate and she doesn't growl much. She's quieted down a lot more, but definitely seemed bored. There was only the basics in her crate: a litter pan, fresh water and food and a bed. That was it.

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I just want to hold you, you stupid kitten! You're too cute for me to not touch you!

I gave Candy a small, lavender soft ball with a bell inside. Tweetie had one just like it that he loved. Being small, it didn't frighten Candy and she investigated it right away.

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Candy reaches for a toy for the first time!

Because she had a positive reaction to the toy, I added an small krinkly ball, and later a toy mouse. I gave her nothing large or scary. She must have been playing with the toys when I was out of the room, because I found out later that they had been moved from where I left them and one had been tossed outside the crate.

I think that being able to play gets her mind off confinement and perhaps softens her overall well being. I also challenged her with a “Cat Dancer” and she liked watching it, but was a bit nervous about going too close to it just yet.

Candy is doing well, moving about the crate while I'm in the room. She doesn't get too close to me, unless I have food, but that's okay. She's not cowering in the back of the crate and I've even seen her stop to wash her face and once in awhile she looks up at me, which melts my heart, of course and makes me want to touch her. She's good at reminding me that she'll kick my butt if I try.

So the battle continues, but so far Candy is doing well.

Foster Cat Journal: Candy Begins Her Transition


I haven't socialized super-fractious kittens very often and Candy certainly is going to be among one of the toughest nuts to crack. It appears she has never been handled, given that she growls, spits, stomps and hisses if I get near her. She's still very young. Her back legs are still weak. She's very small. I would think she's no more than five weeks old.

I did some reading and there is the thought that it might take a week or two before she will come around. At this point, I would be surprised if it were that short of a period, BUT...Candy already has made some changes in just barely a day.

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Yesterday, Candy ate some chicken baby food off a tiny spoon that was attached to a long stick. It was touch and go, but once she realized what was in the spoon, she ate, hissed a bit, ate, then started to meow LOUDLY. It was very clear that she is quite distressed and most likely, calling to her Mother. I took it as a good sign that she was meowing and eating in front of me, but of course I was sad, too. She must be going through Hell right now. She's alone, scared, wants to feed off her Mama. I can't comfort her. All I can do is hope she will find the courage to become to trust me and then I can give her all the love and comfort she so desires.

Last night I fed Candy more special treats. She has water and dry food all day, but she only gets the good stuff when I'm in the room. She kept crying and crying. Blitzen sits outside her door and cries when I'm in the room with Candy-which makes Candy cry even more.

The poor little baby.


This morning Candy hissed a tiny bit, but was fairly relaxed when I entered her room. I brought some raw food with me and she devoured it. I got her to come right up to the front of the crate, but she let me know she was not ready for any sort of interaction with me. At one point, she walked right up to the front of the crate, crying for her mama. She saw the door was open. I sat next to the crate with my hand on the door. I thought she was going to charge me to get out. The little bugger scared ME! She didn't attack, just gave me a warning hiss and returned to her corner.

She also used the litter pan in front of me, so that was good, too. I saw her step on her poop though, and there was nothing I could do to help her get clean. If I tried to wash her, she'd completely flip out. She wasn't in bad shape at all, so I opted to leave her be. It's too important for her to know me as something good. I have to wait.

A few folks made comments about the BIG scary brush that's visible in some of the photos. I've left it sit in the cage so Candy is used to seeing it. The goal will be to pet her with it before I ever touch her. Using a brush is safe for everyone and it may encourage Candy to come out of her shell. Yes, the brush is big, but it was the best I could find that had soft bristles and was small! So there.

The TV is on. The volume is turned low. Candy has the afternoon to rest and relax and I'll continue with socializing her again later. For inspiration, I will think back on my own cat, Cricket, who was MUCH older-maybe 6 months old, when I started working with him. I can rub his belly now and he's a big love-muffin. Will I ever see this with Candy?

I have to have faith that one day it will happen.

New Product Idea. Stackable Cat Hotel.

So you can't get your cat into the cat carrier when it's time to go to the Vet, but maybe if you leave your cat carrier out with the door open, the cats will come up with another use for what was once their fear locker.

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Petunia, below and Blitzen obove, for once are in close proximity without any conflict.

Introducing, the Stackable Cat Hotel!

Reminds me of those Capsule hotels in Japan, sans the TVs and clean linens.

The Tweetie Chronicles: Socks reaches 1.5 MILLION followers!

I am SO excited and delighted to see my little (well, not so little any more), foster, Tweetie doing well and finding a happy home with Sockington, who truly IS the most Famous Cat on the Internet.

Congrats to Jason Scott (sorry, I can't call you, Fatty) and Food Lady, Pennycat and of course SOCKS for reaching 1.5 MILLION followers on Twitter!

I LOVE this video! Jason Scott makes great use of Sockington's fame by sending a message to everyone-GET INVOLVED when you see an animal on the street who needs your help. ADOPT a SHELTER CAT or DOG! It's great. Thank you, Jason! Your heart is as big as the world!

Here's the video! Enjoy!

Sockington 1.5 Million Movie from Jason Scott on Vimeo.

Foster Cat Journal: Candytuft

Yesterday I was asked to take a fractious feral kitten in to foster to see if I could socialize her. I was told to think “Tweetie” as far as her friendliness factor was concerned. If you recall, Tweetie was a fear-biter and it was fairly certain he would have to be released back to the woods if I couldn't socialize him. It's one thing to take a kitten into foster and get it ready for a family, but when it's nasty to start with there's the added pressure of trying to get a good result, but not having much time to do it in.


Here's Candytuft. Okay, where is she?

Last month I attended the NEFHS Conference where I learned about a new program being developed that quickly turns kittens around from being nasty to nice. It's called ”Fearful 2 Friendly”

What's amazing about this program is that within a few HOURS you can turn a kitten around IF you follow their rules. Okay, so I took one class. I didn't buy their DVD (because if you read my previous post about it you know that there were some “creative”-aka, annoying problems with the soundtrack that caused me to think twice about PAYING to hear it all over again).

I decided I'd give it a try from memory. Basically, you lock the kitten up, alone. Don't give it anywhere to hide. Then, SLOWLY take a step towards the cage and wait until the cat shows you a sign that is positive. Maybe it blinks or puts its' head down or even doesn't hiss or flick the tail. Any small sign, then leave the room. This is what the cat wants but you only do it when the cat is doing a behavior that is POSITIVE. It's like playing “red light, green light.” If the cat hisses you wait until it stops and does a good behavior.

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Oh, there she is! What a cutie. Too bad she hates my guts right now. I'm going to put her in the dog crate. She will not like this, but so be it.

After awhile you end up getting closer to the cage and the cat does NOT react. If it does you have to take some steps back and re-apporach the cage. In time you'll touch the cage. If that works, then leave again. Keep leaving after each progress and positive reaction from the cat. Eventually you'll be able to open the crate without any reaction.

The big kicker is to use a brush at the end of a pole that's about 12-18 inches long. Let the cat warm up to the brush FIRST. The first time you touch the cat, it should be with the brush. The kittens seem to react very passionately about being touched that way. Once you get them going, it's easy to sneak your hand in there, but this is based on a vertical cage (so you can access it at your full height standing). My dog crate is on the floor and not sure I will be able to get in the cage without freaking out the kitten.

Bottom line-you don't want to grab the kitten or use food as bait to build confidence. You train the cat that you will do what it wants when it does positive things, not hiss or growl and such.


Candytuft is the name of a flower! Who knew? Not me. She's adorable as can be. I want to give her a big kiss, but I want to keep my lips so I'll wait and hope that some day I will be able to tell you about how I can hold her and pet her and give her all the love she wants.

So today I began. I got as far as to touch the cage and she did well overall. I only had to re-start once. Blitzen keeps trying to get into the room with me, so I have to lock him up while I do the training. Since it's just the first day, I'll give it another try tomorrow. Candy just got here and I don't want to overdo it. I feel silly taking a step, waiting, getting the result, then leaving the room. I count out 30 to 60 seconds and I go back in and do it again. I sure hope this works because I feel like Candy is wondering what the heck this silly human is up to.

Good question. Not sure I know the answer.


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