This sweet little fella wasn't doing so well when I picked him up from our Director a few days ago. Two young boys found him in a dumpster, filthy and starving. I was scared he'd die before I even got him to the Vet (which I admit to driving a weeeee bit over the speed limit to get him there quick).
Cheech needed a lot of care, so he stayed at the Vet for the weekend. We were all worried that the call would come in saying he'd passed away.
But Cheech is a plucky little kitten and after a bath, some fluids, antibiotics, good food and some rest, he started to perk up.
Cheech got to hang out with Kringle, the last kitten from GA to get adopted. Their friendship was short lived. Kringle went to her forever home today. Her adopter's daughter got Kringle for her birthday gift. When she realized she could take the kitten home she screamed aloud; “I gotta kitty! I gotta kitty! I gotta kitty!”
I feel badly that Cheech is alone. My efforts to pull a dozen (the Twelve Cats of Christmas!) have failed. I've rescued NINE cats so far, but the remaining three...well I don't have a GA Rescue license and sadly, things are too busy with other rescues to add mine to the mix. I am determined to take more on as soon as I can.
Meanwhile, Cheech will enjoy the comforts of a warm room and enjoy driving me crazy by finding a way to get behind the TV, which requires me to take way too many things out of the way to get at him. I've blocked off the access, but I swear he can slip through objects to hide. I'm annoyed I've been outsmarted by a KITTEN!
Chee-chee is a cutie pants, so he has that going for him. That and the biggest, roundest belly I have ever seen. He's been de-wormed. Hopefully it's nothing more than that. I need to get this boy healthy and relaxed and ready for his forever home! I think he's well on his way.
P.S. I did NOT retouch his eye color! Yes, they ARE amazing!
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