I've rarely been so excited to write about a new product. It's so top secret, I'I had to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement. I've been lucky, heck, honored to be the ONLY BLOGGER TO BE GIVEN BEHIND THE SCENES ACCESS TO THE MOST DAZZLING NEW PET PRODUCT TO COME TO MARKET SINCE CAT LITTER!
I can't even believe I'm going to write this...inappropriate cat urination problems have been SOLVED with the modification of a simple device that's been around since the 1930's.
I give you, Flunette™
Let’s start with the obvious question: What is this thing? Flunette is a silicone container, a reusable device that collects the urine of female cats rather than allowing it to be released, then collected (by you) as clumped waste in litter pans. The container can be worn continuously for up to 12 hours, including overnight, before it must be emptied. This just means a quick rinse off with their Feelin' Good Feline Wash Liquid and you're ready to go.
The Flunette is based on menstrual cups, which were first used in the 1930's. It was a reusable alternative to tampons and pads that collects the menstrual flow rather than absorbs it. With a slight modification and adjustment downwards to a small size, the Flunette was born.
There’s a learning curve, for sure. But there’s also a payoff. Flunette is comfortable, well at least that's the theory. Your cat can do everything she normally does – take a nap, eat, play with a mousey toy – but no matter how mad or territorial she may get, the last thing she can do is empty her bladder onto your favorite chair, the wall in your bedroom or even on your kitchen counter! All her urine is safely contained inside the Flunette until YOU empty it.
Made of silicone, the Flunette (above) is flexible enough to ensure comfortable insertion. Note: I wear kevlar gloves when I insert the device into my cats. I find it's safer for us both if I take that simple precaution.
Insertion is a snap. Just press the sides together to collapse the container area then insert open end first. The tapered tip should face OUT. It's the handle you'll tug on later to remove the Flunette from your cat.
For those of us who suffer, as I do, with cats peeing all over their homes. The Flunette is a lifesaver. Sure, it was difficult to insert the device into my cat's urethra, but I found that if I gave her a bag of treats, she was so busy gobbling them up, she didn't notice what was going on in her back end. Yes, I did get clawed and bitten the first few times, but never so badly I had to be hospitalized and like anything else, persistence pays off.
I can't believe how clean and fresh smelling my home is now that I have Flunettes in all my female cats! Now that they stopped spraying, the males stopped, too and they didn't even need to wear the cup!
In the big picture, using a urination barrier device is better for the environment since it reduces the need for cat litter! Now Fluffy will only need the litter pan for moving her bowels, though don't tell, but there is a rumor that Flunette will soon have a companion product; Turdtainer.
Think of the money you'll save on cat litter, since a Flunette device can last for several years with proper care. Your back will thank you, too. No more lugging heavy bags of cat waste to the trash!
Flunette is:
Made of 100% medical grade silicone
Hypoallergenic and latex-free
Environmentally friendly
Rinse carefully with soap and water (or Feelin' Good Feline Wash)
As with all of my Product reviews, know I did not receive any payment for my review, only a sample of the product and the wash. My results are simply that, mine! Your results may vary. Also, make sure you have health insurance before you purchase this product.
Ordering information for Flunette is HERE. The Flunette is $12.95 for one and $16.95 for two. The Feelin' Good Feline Wash is $6.95. Both products will be available April 31, 2011 for one day only, so ACT FAST! Please share this post with ALL your fed up, peed upon friends! You'll be glad you did.
We hope this is an April
We hope this is an April Fools joke!! ;-)
this is funny
hmmm....i'm not so excited....
"insert the device into my cat's urethra"
Happy April Fool's Day, Robin. You did have me going for awhile!!
April Fools?
This looks great. I'm ordering one for each of my cats. They've never inappropriately peed anywhere yet, but you can never be too careful, can you! ;-)
I tried one of those myself a
I tried one of those myself a few weeks ago, and to be honest I forgot about it! Can't remember what happened to it either!
April Fools
What a wonder April Fool's Joke!
Had me going there for a minute
Then I figured out what the cup thingy REALLY was and where you wanted me to stick it. Can't fool me!
heh - I was like - WHY does
heh - I was like - WHY does she have a DIVA CUP on her feed?! ;)
I eagerly clicked on this to find out how to solve my problems!!! well done on an awesome April
OK, you really had me going there till I read about the "turdtainer"!!
ha yes... april foll! I hope
ha yes... april foll! I hope
You definitely had me going
You definitely had me going until the end.
They're grrrrreat!
LOL. For serious solutions: 1. Don't declaw cats; & 2. see "Urinary Tract Health" on Catinfo.org by Dr. Pierson, http://www.catinfo.org/?link=urinarytracthealth.
(These menstrual cups work great, BTW. They save money and are environmentally friendly. Canadian-made Diva Cups available from LunaPads, http://lunapads.com/)
Great link!
Thanks for the GREAT link to the Dr. Pierson page. I've been saying for years that cats need to eat canned not dry food and so this page will be great to pass along to people :))
Ah geez...
Yep, tag under WTF! :)
LOL made me piss my pants!
I'm so pathetic I wanted it to be real :) Awesome prank, Robin!
You are TOO FUNNY!!!
You had me going for a moment, but then when I got to "insertion is a snap..." hahaha
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