It's here. The day I've long been dreading. I was born fifty years ago today. My God, how did I get this old? Where did the years go?
It's just after 1 AM. My birthday has just begun. I've been thinking about what to write for a week now. I'm sleepy. Part of me would rather just go to bed, but I'm starting to worry that putting things off is a luxury for the young. I've already lost some friends and family. I know too well there isn't always going to be a tomorrow. I wish I was better at doing things promptly: setting goals and achieving them-planning for some sort of future that never arrives, but at least aiming for something.
I feel uneasy looking back-that I didn't live each day to the fullest. I didn't attain enough status or reach some pinnacle in my career, while others half my age are doing amazing things. I tell myself; “better late than never...be a published author in your 50's, better than never being one at all.” I feel like I've lost so much of my life to tending to difficult challenges, sorting things out, trying to make sense or just trying to cope. There was a divorce, a suicide of a beloved parent, NYC on 9/11-I was there, more death and loss. There's been a lot of difficulty for many years in a row. I keep wondering why life is so tough and why I don't have more answers by now.
Through all the struggle, there have been some high points. I can look back on them now and smile. Easily 200 cats and a dog or two have been saved just by the efforts of myself and a few other folks I've worked with. Some cats I've rescued completely on my own. It's not a lot, but what if I never took the risk to get involved?
I've never felt so happy as I do when I can make the call to save a cat from a death row shelter or from off the streets. When I can say; “Please get that cat or those cats (even better) out of their cages. I'm sending someone to pick them up. I'll take it from here.” And I do. Whatever it takes. Sadly, some times it has taken more than I expected, not just out of my pocket, but my own cats have suffered. It's part of the learning curve. Clearly some things work and some things do not. I hope I'll get better at reducing contagions. I'm trying very hard to keep my cats healthy. I'm failing. There are URI's and a dot of ringworm here and there. I want to open the windows and scrub down the walls. I want things to be better. I want to be better at things.
I had hoped that this post was going to be about my birthday wish, but how can I ask anything when I can't even set a good example for all of you? Nevertheless, I am driven to try. Maybe you'll still be willing to jump in, even if your guide is flawed. Here goes:
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Chester, Polly & Cara this morning.
My wish is that at least 50 people, decide to help one homeless cat, each. Either decide it's a good time to adopt or that it's okay to open your home to a foster cat or kittens. That you can brave the sadness you might feel and go into a shelter and volunteer some time in honor of one of the cat's there. Just scoop some litter boxes and refill bowls of food. Offer comfort to the cats hoping to get out before it's too late. It will hurt your heart. It might make you sad, but it will also lift you up in ways you don't expect. You'll feel really important-because they need you. You won't want to say goodbye to them when their adoptive family finds them and you might be afraid you'll cry. So cry. FEEL SOMETHING. Let your heart break, but know this-it will heal your heart, too. That painful feeling will be replaced by warmth and a sense of accomplishment. You did it. YOU helped save that life. What is to be so sad about? They LIVE because of YOU. Better to cry because they're in a new home, than if they were laying motionless in a pile in the back of the shelter about to be sent to the town dump.
Barely two weeks ago, a woman, who said she couldn't afford to feed her dog, let it starve until it was moribund. She tossed him down a laundry chute. In a twist of fate, the dog was found and was rushed to a Vet hospital before it was too late. They named that dog, Patrick, in honor of St. Patrick's day-the day he was found. In that short time, that one life, just your average young pit bull, has changed the lives of tens of thousands of people. Not only was more than enough money raised for his care in a matter of hours, but the Mayor of Newark, NJ, where Patrick was found, has asked that in honor of his birthday, that we all pitch in to help raise money for a new shelter to be built-that could help more animals in dire straights, just like Patrick. And you know, I think it just might come together. All this over saving the life of ONE animal (see Patrick's FB page HERE). One person had to see his frail body and overcome the fear to run away and not deal with it. They had to overcome the fear that this dog would die before he got any help, but they pressed on. This IS a dramatic case, most don't tug at the heartstrings with such stinging urgency, but those animals are no less worthy of our love and attention, compassion and care.
I'm not asking you to take on ANYTHING that you can't afford to do or can't take the time to do or that would put you in harms' way, but I am asking you to take a step out of your comfort zone and open your heart to an animal in need and DO IT NOW, TODAY, AS SOON AS YOU CAN. It's “kitten season” and there's a huge need for foster homes. This is a great time to get started.
If I could see this happen, I think it would help me have the greatest birthday ever. And really, it's not about me, it's about them; the nameless animals out there who need us. Who need us to say YES, I CAN HELP and I WILL HELP YOU. Here I come!
©2008 Robin A.F. Olson. Poppy with her Mama, Rose.
So get to work and report back here to let us know how you're helping save a cat or other animal, today. I'll post the first 50 names on Covered in Cat Hair as a way to say thanks. It's not much, but I know the real thanks is going to come from the purrs you'll hear or the excited voices of a family when they lay eyes on that cat they know they're going to take home with them—another one saved.
Thank you.
Happy Birthday
Robin, what a wonderful post today. Today, I am going to help out at the Texas Cares adoption event at my local Petsmart. Texas Cares is a no-kill foster based cat rescue. I started volunteering with them, cleaning cat cages and loving on cats in Oct 2010 and I was a 3rd alternate rotating on Thusrdays. That soon blossomed into helping whenever someone couldn't be there and whenever they needed a sub. I find myself going to the adoption center on some days, just to hang out and give the cats some play time. They always need help on the weekends at the adoption events and it makes me feel honored to go and spend my weekends there, especially, when the cats get adopted. I have also decided to try their foster program so they can help more cats in need. So, in honor of your birthday, I will give the cats a few extra kisses and extra nose boops.....BTW, Cara looks wonderful in the above photo.
I agree with every word u said...
Happy Birthday, and what a wonderful wish!
First, I've posted a link to your birthday wish on the Paws and Effect Facebook page. Your post has also been an inspiration for a blog post I'm going to write for a new site called All The Single Girlfriends (a social site for women over 40).
As for me, I feel that every Paws and Effect column I write is a way I can save a cat. I participate in the Shelter Pet Project, and I love to participate in Be The Change efforts. My most recent favorite was Adopt A Less Adoptable Pet Week, where I featured links to FIV-positive cats looking for forever homes.
Even when it seems like our efforts are minuscule and irrelevant to the sheer magnitude of the issue -- for example, how does adopting or rescuing one cat compared to the millions in shelters or abandoned? -- your efforts make all the difference in the world to that one cat! And I firmly believe that even if what we do is a drop in the bucket, it also contributes to a change in the collective human consciousness.
Happy birthday, and I hope you have a great one!
Happy Birthday!
Today I'm helping with an adoption event for a small shelter here in Southern AZ. There should be just one dog and a few cats. For your birthday I'll try extra hard to get the kitties adopted! Have a great day!
Wonderful wish
Robin. :) As you prolly know, I really can't take on any more kitties. O.O But today I'll see what I can do for the barn kitties at the boarding farm. :)
Happy birthday!
I recently started helping out the kitties at a local no-kill shelter. You're right about it being difficult - it kills me to see them in cages, but their happy meows when I come in every other Saturday to clean their cages and play with them always brightens my day. It's sad to see them leave me, but so wonderful to know that they will be loved and taken care of, and never see the inside of a cage again.
I hope lots of people take the time to help a cat in need in honor of your birthday. It really doesn't have to take much time....just love.
Happy Birthday!!
Happy Birthday Robin! It saddens me to feel you have not accomplished anything in life when you have dedicated your whole self to saving animals in critical situations. Your untiring devotion to these small helpless beings is huge!!!
I myself have been floundering around for a while wondering what I could do to get me out of the house doing something I love. So...yours and Linda's comments inspired me: I just signed up for volunteer work with Second Chance Pet Adoption here in Raleigh. I can't wait to start doing something for animals in need, not just talking about it.
I will keep you updated on my progress. :-)
PS: I agree, Cara is looking fabulous!!
Thank You
First things first, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! :o) I've got to admit Robin, you are one AWESOME CHIC! It's your birthday and it should be all about you but instead, like always, you make it about the fur babies. The world would be a much better place for all these babies if more people were willing and able to step up and do what they could to help them. I hope your birthday wish comes true.
Happy Birthday
In February, I adopted a kitten who had been abused by her previous owners (and their other pets). I knew that adopting her meant a lot of hard work and patience. When we first got her home, she was very scared, growling and hissing, and hiding under furniture. Within the first two weeks, she trusted us enough to come out for pets and playtime. Now she runs toward us when we walk in the room, purring. On the rare occasion she isn't playing, she stops for a short cuddle. We still have a long way to go, as she is afraid of one of my other two cats, but every day we make a little bit of progress.
I feel like it isn't much. I have three cats, all adopted from shelters. I had another kitten, a rescue, who died when she was 8 weeks old. I only had her for a week, but I know that week was the best week of her life. She had a home, she had toys, she had food, and a warm soft bed. Even though she was sick she still played and purred and she knew she was very loved. I miss her terribly, but I know that at least for a week, she had a home and she felt love. I know for the cats that I have had, I've made a difference in their lives, and they've made a difference in mine. Whenever I can, I make sure to donate food, litter, and other needed supplies to a few local shelters and rescues. It's not much, but I keep reminding myself that sometimes a bowl of food, or a monetary donation, means the difference between life and death for a cat.
Happy Birthday
I have not done close to what you have done, but rescuing animals is very close to my heart. I have rescued numerous "backyard strays" and spent more money than I wish to admit with vets. I currently have two female cats and lost my 15 year old in November. I volunteer for a local pet shelter by cleaning cages and loving on the cats at the nearby Petco location in order to help find adoption homes for the animals. I love your site and the love you have for cats and other animals in need. I hope you have another 50 years to continue your wonderful works! God bless.
Happy Birthday
I've been raising foster kittens for the local humane society for the past seven years. Your post was excellent - it's the most rewarding (and sometimes the most heartbreaking) volunteer work I've ever done. There's lots of us out here sharing your birthday wish!!
Happy Birthday
Thank you for the wonderful post. I do foster cats/kittens and have found the joy of them finding there forever homes and the sadness of losing a complete litter of kittens. I have dealt with URI, Ringworm, young kittens, older cats and hard to place cats and have loved every single minute of it. I have had tears when they have left but I know that is why I do what I do so that they can find their forever homes. There is nothing so soothing as hearing a cat purr, the stress of life just seems to go away when you cuddle with them and have their little motors run. It has a time been a struggle since I don't drive but I have been lucky to have good friends and family who are willing to help. After my last litter of kittens I was told to wait a year until I fostered again. I nearly broke my heart to think I had to go that long without helping out the organizations that I foster for. Thank goodness I didn't have to wait that long. As long as I am able I will open my house to ones in need.
Happy Birthday and a wish...
Your heartfelt post today hit very close to home (in my heart). I just turned 59, have lost my husband and struggle on...but I truly feel, as my therapist tells me, that cats are my 'calling' and any day that I can end it knowing I helped even 1 cat, is not a wasted day. I lose track of that sometimes.
As for you and your goals, in the short time I have known you via blogging, you have done so much! I am positive each day has ended with you helping a cat or dog. And you have learned as you have gained experience. You should be proud of the difference in the world you have made!
May you be surrounded by friends who care deeply for you and your beloved cats and take each day one paw in front of the other and when you look back, you will see how far you have traveled...
Thank you
Robin - I finally had to reach out and say hi (and happy birthday!) Just over two years ago, I took in as a foster a pregnant black lady, dealthy skinny, very pregnant, and still most lovable thing ever. It was a very public litter, as I put them whole lot of them up on ustream and in the process met some amazing cat people, people who also eventually led me to you and your blog and the wonderful work you are doing. As a litter, we had some challenges, to say the least - of the seven initially born, only 3 survived to 7 weeks old. One has been adopted out to a wonderful home, and the rest of them are still with me, my feline cat family of three gorgeous black kitties. This whole process has made me realize that I do want to do something like what you've done, to fill my house with foster cats and abandoned litters. Unfortunately, where I live we have draconian laws regarding rentals and pets, and I already have more than I'm allowed - any more and i'd be out on the streets myself as well and no use to any of the animals. But once I finally have the means and the space (and the deed to my own place!) that is my plan, and I want you to know that you're one of the reasons I will be doing this -- you've been a great inspiration! Heck, I might even be hitting you up for advice when the time comes! So thanks again for doing what you're doing, this random internet stranger appreciates it!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Robin! Helping 200 cats and a dog or two is quite an accomplishment to be proud of. Although I can't adopt any more pets, my friend in Michigan is on her way to a shelter to adopt a cat. That's one of your 50!
Happy Birthday
What a beautifully written piece, full of honesty and hope. Thank you, Robin!
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday Robin, and what a great birthday wish. You know us at The Kitten Crew are in full swing for kitten season. You can see our new babies on the blog or on our Live Kitten Cam. They are approximately 3 weeks old right now Here is a link to the live cam http://www.ustream.tv/channel/thekittencrew
Happy Birthday and Well Done!
Hi Robin, Happy BIRTHDAY!
I currently foster for Gladstone Friends of the RSPCA here in Qld Australia. i currently have 2 foster babies and 4 of my own cats ( 2 i fostered and they just never left :D)
Yesterday at our fourghtnightly adoption day we rehomed 12 Cats and Kittens to there furever Homes! It was a great day!
Fostering is such a rewarding job... Sometimes though it is hard. i get sad everytime one of my babies go but im only sad for me, i am so happy for them to go to their new homes and my tears are ones of joy.
I do feel bad for my own cats sometimes we also have had ringworm, colds, earmites and the like. also my big boy stresses out each time a new cat come in to the house, i have used countless liters of urine off, urine free, vinigar and cleaners not to mention elbow grease cleaning up messes.
BUT.... dispite all the mess fuss fur pee broken things there is also the love and hapiness of the cats i have saved.
Keep up the Good work Robin and it is good to see little Cara looking so good :D
Love Kirra (Mummy), Meggie, Louie, Turtle, and our newest baby Manx, Nitro.
Thank you for this post! How
Thank you for this post! How inspiring! And you DO set an good example - an AMAZING example - to all of us.
I'm still a foster mom for Zanzibar, the kitty who'd run out of time at a local shelter. (Where they treated him badly, so he's still getting over his Kitty PTSD.) Once he finds a furever home, I'm going to take a little break, but I'll be back in the fostering game soon, I'm sure!
I also volunteer with two feral cat TNR groups. One has a rescue attached to it and has space in the local PetSmart, so I spend a couple hours a week helping with that, too.
And I chastise people, on FaceBook and LiveJournal (and my new blog soon, if I can get it going) about adopting, volunteering, and fostering. If I can get even one person to help an animal, it's worth it!
And you - and people like you - are a constant reminder that I can and should do better. I may think I'm doing all I can, but I know there's more I can be doing! I'm making a little start with my Avon for Animals campaign, and we'll see where else I can go!
Happy Birthday, don't worry
Happy Birthday, don't worry too much about the number, I know from experience that the 50's are still fun.
I've been slightly involved with stray neighbourhood cats over the last couple of years. Neutered several, adopted 3 myself.
This year I'm fostering a mother and her 7 kittens for Toronto Cat Rescue. They are all shades of orange, it's a great experience.
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