There's no news about KoKo so far today. Am hoping for an update some time tonight.
In the meantime, I just wanted to say; “Thank You!” to all the people who took time out of their lives to cross-post my swear-word-laden-rant all over the Net. Some of you had to revise my words a bit here and there so your own readers wouldn't blush too much. To me, it makes little difference what is said-as long as we FIND A PLACEMENT or an ADOPTOR for KoKo.
I also wanted to make a comment about YOUR comments. Many of you, like me, were furious about how this cat was treated and many of you spoke of the great lengths you've gone or would go to provide care for your animal friends. It hurts me to know that many of you are struggling and going without, so that your pets can have what they need. That is so noble and compassionate, but too, please DO remember that you need to take care of YOU, as well. It's a tough balancing act these days-with the costs of pet food and good Vet care on the rise, it's a wonder we have any money left over for our own food and healthcare. I wish things were different.
There was also a comment about how I should "write like an adult" and not use profanity in my blog post. Firstly, I have every right to express my thoughts and feelings however I see fit on My Blog. Also, if you read my Blog once in awhile, you know I don't use profanity as a matter of habit, so if I chose to, then you also know I am PASSIONATE about what I'm writing about. I really care about Koko and all the other cats (and dogs) who get dumped by their owners every day and in this situation, I think profanity was appropriate. I also don't want any bad feelings stirred up around here, so next time I'll still write what my heart moves me to write, but I'll put a little warning notice at the beginning so you don't have to worry about being offended.
Next. Let's change the pace here a bit. There's a brand new Spay/Neuter Clinic opening in GEORGIA with a very clever name: Planned PETHood of Georgia! I'm beyond thrilled. This will help so many families do the right thing for their pets and also allow local rescue groups to save money when they get their fosters fixed. Please visit their web site and say hello. They're also on Facebook, so fan them if you'd care to.
I love their Mission statement:
•Provide a solution to the warehousing and euthanasia of homeless pets by offering affordable, accessible spay/neuter services to individuals and animal welfare organizations.
• Promote awareness of pet overpopulation and the beneficial effects of spay/neuter to underserved communities; specifically low-income, non-English speaking, and those with feral cat populations.
• Present a sustainable, expandable model for low-cost spay/neuter, maintaining and improving this model until there are no communities in Georgia without local access to education and services.
• Produce a significant impact on the number of dogs and cats born, sheltered, and killed in Georgia.
If you live in the area, they're having an Open House on August 21, 2010 from 5-9 pm. Visit their web site for more information.
blog away, sister!
just simply....thank you, Robin for all that you do :)
first, we did post about Koko on my blog - I did put a warning about the language, but belive me if I had written it well, it would have been much worse. I was, and still am, so pissed about this and all situations like this. I really really hope she will be ok. She doesn't deserve to be treated that way. And as far as I am concerned, swear all you want - I hear worse at work every day.
And Planned Pethood sounds like a great idea - and a great name too. We hope it is very successful!
no way... so called adults focused on the words not the message
What is wrong with people!!!! I wonder if they even know what 'freedom of speech' really represents.
Robin, please never change one swear word in the future! The morons who focused on the words and not the message are too dense to be of any worth, ignor them and know we are with you 200%.
Robin, call Connie and ask
Robin, call Connie and ask her for my number (Katherine). Tell her I asked you to call. My heart just breaks for this girl and if I can foster her for however long, I will. I just need your help to use your resource down there to get her out and up here. Maybe I'm crazy but isn't there usually a reason things come across our paths? I guess we need to talk about this one.......
Hope to hear from you,
I've probably been reading
I've probably been reading you a good 18 months now, Robin. Maybe longer, I don't know. You just keep writing from the heart and I'll keep reading. You have earned your right to tell it like you see it.
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