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I tried really hard to be a good sport, to not worry or freak out. I took in CallaLilly and her five kittens knowing they had fleas. I thought I did my best to contain them. Today I took three of my cats to the Vet. Two of the three had flea dirt on them. Needless to say, I am not thrilled.
I initially brought Gracie in for a check up since she's not getting any better. It's been TEN MONTHS and her rash still flares up, her skin itches. I'm suddenly wondering if this entire time she's had a serious allergy to flea bites, since it DOES cause miliary dermatitis in some cats. We didn't see fleas on Gracie, but we DID on her daughter, Petunia (well, just dirt, nothing living). We may have accidently stumbled upon a solution for a cure. Advantage for the next three months and a low dose steroid/antihistimine (more on that in a future post).
Dr. Larry looked at Petunia. Lauren combed her and sure enough, flea dirt. Not a lot. Not a tragic amount, but Petunia also has a ring of scabs around her neck, a sure sign of being bitten recently. F-ck. My heart sank. I didn't even want to look at Sam. I waited for the lecture about having too many foster cats and too many cats and this is what happens. One cat gets fleas, they all get it. What is the source? Hard to say.
It's quite possible that the cats got fleas from:
1. Gracie catching mice (about once a year)
2. Bob, Nicky, Spencer and Gracie hanging out on the deck-even though
they don't go on the grass or near the woods. They're a good sixteen feet off the ground, BUT the damn squirrels and raccoons visit on the deck, too. Guess what they could have left behind?
3. Foster cats-cross contamination. Fleas that weren't caught on a litter about 10 months ago when Gracie first got sick.
Then it was Nora's turn. First, she gained the pound we got her to lose. I've had a nightmare lately, trying to get everyone to eat their food. They pick, then run off. Gracie is timid so she's the worst to get fed unless it's grain free dry food, which I only give them as a last resort. Now Gracie's LOST a pound and in only a few months. This is very bad. I'm about to throw my hands in the air and just let them eat whatever they want. I just ordered another $300.00 of cat food that they will pick at. Why bother? I'm so frustrated and fed up (pardon the pun).
Nora had flea dirt. Wasn't hart to see, either. All over. Great. Nora also is in dire need of a dental, which is why she's probably doing this weird rapid-fire sneezing. She doesn't have a URI. It may be triggered by her painful, bleeding gums or a tooth problem.
So after getting the lecture and feeling like I was going to cry, we got Advantage on the cats and bought enough extra to give to all the cats at home. I started to think about how much cleaning I'd have to do-like strip the bedding, vacuum the house, the cat beds, under everything, the bed, itself. Then I'd do a light coating of the poisonous flea spray on the bedding for everyone-the carpets (thank God I don't have wall-to-wall), my OFFICE which has more cat beds than flooring. Then there was the mountain of stuff that would have to be laundered. My heart sank. There goes my day.
Sam was really good about it. He could have pointed a finger at me, but he kept his cool. I bought him a fancy sandwich at the Artisan Food Shop in Southbury. It wasn't much, but it was all I could offer other than saying I was worry even if it wasn't my fault. We drove home in silence, other than Nora occasionally crying. I told her it was going to be OKAY. That we would be home soon. I wish someone would tell me it's going to be okay.
It's not.
We got home, ate, then grabbed the Advantage. I put some on Bob, no problem. Got Nicky, too. I parted the fur on Spencer's neck and there was either a flea or flea dirt right where I parted the fur. How I never saw it on his pure white coat, I don't know. Spencer likes to sleep ON my PILLOW right NEXT TO MY FACE. I just read that fleas will make a home in humans hair. I'm freaked out. Am I gonna have lice now, too???
By Some miracle, Sam was able to get Advantage on Cricket. He's a former feral, but he's not one you can ever pill or get into a cat carrier. Sam said he did it so fast that Cricket didn't have enough time to freak out about being messed with. So, all the cats are treated. Now we wait for the stuff to work. I'm thinking I have to bar them from the bedroom tonight, which will be impossible. They'll just pitch a fit and rip on the door until they blow a hole in it. So why bother. I might as well get some Lice Off or whatever they call it because Spencer is going to sleep on my head.
I'm on the third load of laundry. The new dryer has decided that the big comforter shouldn't dry because it must be blocking the vent with its' bulk. The alarm keeps going off saying the empty the dryer filter, but it's empty. I went up to fix it three times. I blew my lid. I'm so done. This is after spending the past six hours cleaning the house and breathing in fumes from the flea spray. On top of it, I'm riddled with guilt for forcing Huggy Bear to wear an e-collar and stay confined to a dog crate for the next week! Yeah..she's got EAR MITES. Fun.
It's Friday. 8pm EST. I should make dinner, but I'm too tired. I keep hearing the dryer alarm go off, then silence. Sam is doing something to it, I think, but since the dryer isn't RUNNING, I fear he doesn't want to tell me it's broken and we'll have to find a laundromat next.
I know it could always be so much worse. We didn't even SEE one flea, dead or alive. It's a good thing. I'm trying to stay positive. This could have been percolating for months. It could have come in on stuff we brought in from my Mother's estate last year since she NEVER did anything for Bob and he basically LIVED outdoors. Who knows. We will never know. We just need to make sure we don't end up having a flea infestation.
I need a glass of wine. I think the taste will blend nicely with the chemical burn in my throat.
don't worry all will be OK
I know it is a small comfort....but we had a bed bug scare here in April.
Talk about PURE HELL. Fleas have nothing on bed bugs.
Fleas are relatively easy to get rid of and winter is coming so this
is a good time to get all the kitties on Advantage. Thank God for Advantage.
Fleas WILL NOT live in your hair. They 100% prefer the kitties...for better or worse.
You can also bathe the cats on Advantage and
that will help get rid of the fleas much faster than anything. Bathe them as soon as you can.
With colder weather the fleas stick to the kitties.
Even though it sucks to have them on kitties it means they are in the house less. Vacuum,
wash do this cycle a few times and they will be gone. Bed bugs are a million times harder to
get rid of and there is nothing like Advantage to control them. We had to rip up our carpet and throw
out our brand new king size mattress. And exterminate. It cost us thousands of dollars after we bought a new bed etc. Fleas will never be this horrible. YOU WILL GET RID OF THEM.
I have had bouts of them a few times here and there and I always have gotten rid of them
Eucalyptus oil works great on fleas. And as I wrote before you can flea come them and stick the comb
in a bowl of diluted alcohol. Kills the fleas on contact.
Everything will be OK. I promise.
Wish I was there, I would come over to help.
Get rid of cat beds or wash them in Eucalyptus soap.
No reason for Vet to give you lecture. Fleas are a very annoying part of have pets.
We can't control everything in life, and all your cats are VERY lucky...fleas or no fleas
I love you!
You're so awesome! Thank you for your supportive and comforting words. I'm very sorry you had problems with BED BUGS! OMG! THOSE SCARE ME! I've heard it's getting bad at hotels, but never thought about in your own HOME. OMG. and all that money you had to spend! THAT IS SO AWFUL!
I guess it pays to have crappy close up vision because I never saw one flea, living or dead-just some dirt. That was it. I just finished doing 5 loads of laundry..washed all the cat beds, our bedding, whatever I could get my hands on. My friend rec'd me Flea Buster which is non-toxic to also add to bedding and the carpets. I'm going to try that, too cause the toxic stuff is NASTY. Should have good dreams from the fumes tonight!
All my best to you and sorry you had such a bad time. I hope you never have problems like that again!!!
My younger sister and I had a
My younger sister and I had a great vacation once, playing with a litter of kittens that lived in a relative's garage (their garage was nicer than some folks' houses, so don't feel too bad for the kittens). Mom thought we had chicken pox when we both came down with these weird red marks on our legs a day or two after we got home. Turns out we'd been exposed to fleas. Oops. I recall the doctor saying that fleas can't survive very long on humans - especially since most of us have that annoying habit of bathing regularly.
Oh, and Tweetie says hello and has decided the roller blind is his arch-nemesis. Cats are WEIRD.
oof. How tough it must
How tough it must be - I'd scream, too! I had a rough night with the kids, and well, 2 glasses of wine later, it all seems a bit easier.
And even if folks lecture - your heart and soul and love and care for the wee ones who cannot always have their own voice speaks words louder than fleas.
it will be OK.
It might suck a bit in the interim, but it will be OK.
Hugs, sweetie.
Don't feel badly. You'll get the fleas under control. I did, even with 4, now maybe 5 indoor/outdoor cats. One thing you might ask your vet about is Capstar. It's a small pill that will kill fleas on the cat about 5 minutes after the vet drops it into the cat's mouth. That's good for immediate, though there is still work to be done. I used to use the spays to clean up bedding. I dont anymore. I don't like having them around myself of the animals. I read a report recently that there is a study that says most fleas can't survive the vacuum cleaner. So we vac the floor under the bed, the matress. The washable bedding goes into the wash machine, and the drier on hot. And I have noticed that when I don't get to that stuff right away, an advantage treated cat in the bed seems to drive the fleas out. (I am really sensitive to the fleas and they love me so I notice right away). My only problem is that I think I'm noticing that the advantage multi is not as effective as it used to be. So when we run out I'll ask the vet about switching to another product for a few months. I mostly don't treat the pets during cold weather, that save a little money. I don't use the grocery store brands/ 'natural' or 'herbal' brands because I find the animals get dermatitis from them. Good luck!!
Unite against the bugs!
Thanks so much for your response Robin!
Big hugs to you.
Yes, the bed bug scenario is so nightmarish.
We were never absolutely sure that we had them. I was just getting bitten only
in the middle of the night and the more I read about that online, the more I thought
I better just treat the house as if we had them. I wasn't willing to take any chances.
You have to also wash everything and keep it sealed in plastic containers for two weeks....
We practically wore out our brand new washing machine. And to boot spend 9 hours in a laundry
mat while the exterminators were here. Yes, hotels sometimes have them, it has become a huge problem and
you can unknowingly bring them home with you. We bought this house last Oct. and we don't know if
they were already here....just dormant (they can be dormant for over a year!!!!!!!!!!!)
There was some old carpeting here...So we just got rid of everything.
But check the bed of any hotel you stay in. They also leave dirt, and blood like droppings behind.
I so hope the flea situation there is on its way to being under control
I wrote to you before about growing up with tons of pets and tons of fleas.
My Mom never ever took care of the pets or our yard so that we we always
infested with fleas. I remember just sitting in the tub as a kid counting the bites
and hitting 30 on one leg....So SAD. But now I know how to get rid of those SUCKERS!
They are a pain, but they aren't impossible to get under control. And it certainly the right season
to do that.
So sorry to hear about Andie kitten. Glad she is back safe with you and I hope you can find
her a wonderful forever home soon.
Happy Labor Day.
Try to have some you time.
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