Tweetie was a marvelous passenger. Although he seemed a bit limp and sad, perhaps it was his reaction to the stress of highway sounds? Maybe it was just being a kitten and needing a nap? He settled down quickly. I offered him some toys to play with, but he wasn't interested. I didn't push it with him, instead just offered to pet him, which he seemed to give him some comfort. I could feel him purring through my fingers.
Within a short time, Tweetie was fast asleep on my hand. I didn't move it, figuring I have a spare hand, so if this one falls off due to inadequate blood flow, then heck, I'm mostly right handed, so no big deal. Somehow I managed to send out a few Tweets and the above two photos to everyone to let them know we were making progress and would be reaching Socks Army HQ soon. We didn't hit much traffic and the threatening looking weather moved on, only releasing a modest shower, instead of a torrent. We pulled into the driveway of...hey! I'm NOT telling you the TOP SECRET LOCATION OF SOCKS ARMY HQ! Are you kidding me?! I had to sign a blood oath never to divulge this secret!...
...and low and behold, who should walk out to welcome us, but Food Lady, herself! (no photos, please!)
As I got out of the car, I got slapped by hot, humid air. It was nasty! Socks Army HQ has so many different operations that only certain sectors of the HQ are chilled. When we entered HQ and were escorted to Tweetie's new temporary quarters, I realized Tweetie was going to be very warm, indeed. I started to worry. His quarters were small and sequestered from the lavish surroundings that Socks and Penny enjoy. I kept reminding myself that this was "just for a few days" and that the weather was going to break that night (which it did, thankfully and things cooled down and dried out nicely). Food Lady had everything ready. We released Tweetie and instead of hiding or hissing, he casually walked around and was a proper gentleman and showed Food Lady he knew how to use his new litter pan!
With fresh food and water laid out before him, we decided to let him rest a bit while we sought refuge in the cool chambers of the HQ's main conference room. I was trying to be polite and not demand to know where Sockington and Penny were. We met with, well he's called Fatty, but I would rather call him, Mr. Scott, so we met with Mr. Scott who told us to prepare for the meeting. That we should not expect a warm greeting, but if Sockington did honor us with his presence that we should be delighted-well of course!
He called Sockington on a Top Secret wireless device. Within a moment I heard paws landing on stair steps. I turned from my seat on the floor (my choice) and there he was...Socks!
What an elegant, sleek, regal beast! Socks came right over to me sniffed my hand. I was told he wouldn't let me pet him, but he did! He even gave my hand a few welcoming licks. I still haven't washed it! Maybe I can get the DNA from it and clone a new Socks? Mwwwaahahahaha!
So anyway, Socks is fantastic. He's quite tall and his tail is impressively long, featuring a "tail light" (white tip) as I call it. He was also very friendly with Sam, but I'm not sure if it was because he liked Sam or that Sam's hands smelled like the grilled chicken sandwich he ate in the car on the drive up?
Maybe Socks was just being polite?
He certainly seemed calm and relaxed in front of the camera. You can tell he knows he's famous! He posed carefully for me, making sure he gave me his good side forward (with Socks, though, all sides are good!). I couldn't get over how much Socks looked like Tweetie. I mean, Tweetie looked like Mr. Sockington, excuse me!
I did my best to be witty and entertaining, but in truth, I think I bored Socks. Though he tried to stay with the conversation, it was just too beneath his standards.
Eventually, he decided he'd had enough and wanted to have a wee nap.
But what about meeting Tweetie??! Should we do the introductions? I'd finally gotten Tweetie within a football field (Hey, Socks Army HQ is big!) of Sockington, but I KNOW introductions have to be done properly, or you open a whole world of hurt on yourself!
Suddenly Penny entered the room and it was clear, as sweet and lovely as she is in person, she was also in NO MOOD to meet no stinkin' kitten!
I gulped hard. What had I done?! Was this just a foolish, selfish, idiotic move on my part? Clearly Penny was not happy. Socks didn't know what was waiting for him in the next room. Maybe I should just take Tweetie home with me and forget this ever happened! At least I got to meet The Most Famous Cat on the Internet and geez, everyone is going to be so jealous of me! Woohoo! Take that rich, creepy, materialistic, selfish, evil, elephant-eared family members, who shall remain nameless, but know who they are! Nyah!
What am I gonna do? What will become of Tweetie???
'til next time, World. 'til next time...
Intrigue! Had Penny already
Intrigue! Had Penny already done recon and therefore knew Tweetie was in HQ? I'm keeping my paws crossed for a blissful ending...
What a turn of events for Tweetie! I was hoping and praying the Food Lady's visit meant a new life for little Tweetie. I hope Penny understands that Tweetie could be a minion for her if she allows him to be. Looking forward to more updates
...has "women's" intuition!!! She just knew something was WRONG in the HQ! I guess we'll just have to wait and see how it shakes out.
Meanwhile, I have another chapter to write...
THE MEETING: Tweetie & Sockington!
Excitement!! Excitement!!!
Let me tell you, we can barely contain ourselves over here waiting to hear about the pending meeting between Sockington, Miss Pennycat and tiny little SockerBaby! Of course, unless you're a Food Lady or another cat it's hard to tell cuz we're all napping! But under the guise of massive napping we are all waiting with bated breath. We are most happy to know that now Sockington will have a playmate who won't HIT him all the ("Hi Penny I ow ow ow ow ow ow ow") time. And, who knows? Maybe Baby-Waby Socks will bring out Pennycat's maternal side. Or Sockington's!
We're soooooo excited and happeeeeee, tooooo!
We're Excited, too!
Well, Tee, we're honored you're enjoying Tweetie's saga and we assure you there WILL be more news concerning Tweetie's big face to face with the "Most Famous One" on Monday! So stay tuned and welcome aboard!
We're glad you stopped by to visit us!
Cat Intuition
All cats have cat ESP, they know when an interloper is being sprung upon them, Pennycat is no exception, she rules the house while Mr Sockington gets on with being the famous/fabulous cat that he is! I am sure that Tweetie will get along in the Socks Army HQ!
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