During the course of my life, I've never had a purebred cat. All my cats were rescued from the Pound or sort of fell into my lap. While I figure one day I'll find a purebred that needs to be rescued, for now it's just me and a house full of "mutts." That is...
...until I decided to watch Cats 101 on Animal Planet this afternoon.
I was intrigued by their teaser ad, showing the selection of cats they were to highlight. There was a Havana Brown, Abyssinian, Ocicat, blah blah blah, Norwegian Forest Cat. I did a double-take. The cat they were showing was a doppleganger for Spencer. As the show began, my heart started to race. Was I having a heart attack or was I just excited the Spencer had a secret that was about to be revealed...one that would "change our lives FOREVER" (that quoted part should be read with great authority and grandeur and maybe a bit of reverb).
So I sat there and watched and listened. The narrator talked about some of the traits of the Norwegian Forest Cat. Things like, tufted toes (check!), big-ass bushy tail (check!, though he didn't say "big ass"), tail often has a WHITE TIP (CHECK!), triangular shaped head with really fluffy ear fur (CHECK!), thick double-layer coat (CHECK!!!), extra "pouff" around the head (CHECK!!!) rounded tipped ears (CHECK!!!).
Look at his tail! See the white tip? See the look of dementia on his face? Wait, that's not a trait...is it?
Holy crap. Spencer's gotta be a Norwegian Forest Cat! I went online and looked at some Breeder's photos. You tell me Spencer does not look like this guy!! Spencer is just as pouffy! What do you think??
CH Meisterhaus Talia of LostWoods. photo: lostwoodswegies.com
Is my precious pouff a "Wegie?" I feel like I just won the Lottery!
Weggie Boy
I have been to Norway. It is a beautiful place! And now that you have figured out that
your guy is a real NFC maybe you can get residency and move there??? Norway just won
the place to live that has the highest quality of life in the world! Tee-hee. He is a beauty no
matter what he is.
I recently got excited while reading about Maine Coon Kittehs.
Seems like my Sunny must be at least half Maine Coon. He looks like Bob Dole's long lost cousin!
Scroll through my comments on
Scroll through my comments on Spence from my first one, I'm SURE one of my first questions was is he a NFC? ;).
But how could it change your life? He's been fixed, right?
Maybe Spencer is a NFC, in any case he's much, much cuter
Spencer is way more gorgeous than CH Meisterhaus Talia of LostWoods
Weggie Baby!
Yes, Spencer IS fixed. Gosh, yes. I was saying it would "change my life forever" because I feel like I have a superstar in my house...well I do already, but even MORE SUPER than before! Maybe Spencer was a show cat who got dumped at the New Haven Animal Shelter? Maybe he had a life of fame and fortune, got hooked on booze and women, then had a fall from grace? Then I saved him? The possibilities are endless!
Post some pix of Sunny so we can put them next to Bob! Maine Coon's rock. They said they were related to Marie Antoinette's cats and that she shipped her NFC's to Maine before she had her head chopped off! That those cats are now Maine Coons?!
I always thought we was a NFC!
He is gorgeous!
He is gorgeous!
Just look at his eyes. They are NEON! So beautiful. I hope hair loss is nothing serious.
It is unique that it is on both sides of the shoulder blades at the same place.
I am sure he will be OK. He WILL.
How do I post photos for you here?
Sorry, I am sure I should see, but I am a bit sleepy.
Posting Photos
We're just about ready to roll out another way to include a photo in your post that should look better, but might be a bit of a pain to do. I haven't seen the final gui yet, but hope to very soon.
In the mean time, you can write a post, then send me the photo. I will upload it for you and place it into your post. I know...how fancy is that? You get one-on-one service here, I tell ya!
Anyway, so send me something and I'll upload it for you!
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