Twelve days ago I did a shout out about a sweet, gorgeous dilute kitty in South Carolina who was abandoned in the rain and found living under a car. Her coat, in tatters, her spirit weak, her resolve to go on-strong!
There were a lot of just plain WEIRD things going on with her health and her future. She was supposed to come to Connecticut to find a new home, but when things with her rescue group fell flat (due to the rude folks at said "rescue" group), we thought this kitty's chances of a happy future were slim.
Our dear friend, Jenna, who I've gotten my latest six fosters from, kicked butt trying to find the dilute some help. She found the kitty a foster home that only had one cat, as opposed to SEVENTY, which was how many cats were at the last foster she stayed with. Jenna asked me to step in and try to help, because the poor cat wasn't able to stay with her foster family for long.
As fate, and it must be fate, would have it, someone on Twitter, saw my Tweet and responded, wondering where in South Carolina this cute kitty lived. Turns out she lived in Greenville. Turns out our new Twitter-friend, Brian lives there, too. (Brian is the King-Cat of Terry Frum. Apparently Brain loves to Tweet! I just can't figure out how this kitty types! ) Anyway, Brian must have had some words with Terry about helping out this poor kitty and Terry could not refuse his cat's orders!
Photo by Terry Frum
Turns out...today, Dolly, the dilute, met her NEW DAD, Terry and her four new anipals! Are we BEYOND THRILLED?
I would say; You bet your ass!! Do I love the power of social networks. You BET I DO! I'm starting to wonder if I'm a "cat yenta"-a matchmaker who puts homeless cats and adopters together. Regardless of what you call it, I'm just so happy to be part of this story and SO SO HAPPY FOR DOLLY!
I hope Dolly will get along well with all of Terry's other kitties and that the transition goes smoothly. I wish them all the best and lots of happiness!
If you want to check out Terry and his crazy cat life, featuring Brian, Sister Sascha, Sister Gracie & Sister Zoe and more about Dolly, you can visit them here.
This is wonderful news. Warm wishes to Dolly and her new family, 2- and 4-legged, for many happy years together.
That's fantastic!
That's fantastic!
Yeyyy! Love a happy ending!
Love a happy ending!
Doing Well
I just heard that Dolly is doing REALLY well today and getting tons of love from her new family. Apparently she cannot get enough pets! What a sweetie! I'm so glad she found her forever home with such a great family!
Yeah Robin!
Just popped over from Brian's blog... yes, the power of the intertubes for good can be awesome! Congratulations on your successful outing as a kitteh yenta!!
We popped over from Brian's blog too. What a story. We're so glad it has a happy ending. Good work, all.
I read Brian's blog
I read Brian's blog regularly. Dolly has a great new family! She'll be spoiled rotten in no time!
She's found a great family!
I've been reading Brian's blog for several months. Dolly's a lucky girl to get such a great family!
We came from Brian's blog,
We came from Brian's blog, too. In fact, we're the ones adopting the one-eyed black kitty that is on his blog! He told us about Dolly and may the good spirits be with you for tweeting about this sweetie & hooking her up with Terry & his furrramily. I think she's gotten just where she's supposed to be!
Laura & Morticia
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