Will someone please tell me WHY it's necessary to INHALE buttock-fumes? Do I go around doing that to MY friends and family? If I did, I certainly would keep that to myself!
Just thought with all the pleas for help and sick cats and traumas, it was time for something ELSE to balance the load a bit. Sure, I could have chosen a CUTE photo of a kitten, and I did, sort of.
unexpected and awesome at the same time!
Guess what...
Cat butt!
Seriously, thanks for the light note. I've been reading your posts for a while but just recently joined. Last night I was looking through your pictures, saw "the saddest note" and started crying like a baby. I thought of it again when I woke up this morning & again, the tears flowed. "There but for the grace of God..." What a relief to see such a funny picture tonight.
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