This morning I brought Cara in to see Dr. Larry. Thankfully, they were able to fit her into the schedule for today without an appointment, but it meant I had to leave her there and they'd do x-rays and an exam at some point during the day. I got home and sat in the foster room with Mazie, Chester and Polly. They've been in that room for FOUR MONTHS. Only Mazie can be adopted and no one has been interested in her. Polly STILL has a URI and Chester is dealing with that spot of ringworm on his head. I know that being in a small room, even if it does have one huge window that overlooks the yard and another smaller window that gives them a view of the sky and tree tops, is not enough. Since they can't really catch anything from my cats and vice versa, I let them out into my bedroom once in awhile. There's more room to run around, but they really need a huge space to stretch their legs. I suppose if being bored or not having a lot of space was their biggest problem, I'd be lucky.
Dr Larry called me early this afternoon. Cara's x-rays did not show any obvious foreign object, but he wanted to do a blood panel to make sure she didn't also have an infection. I wanted to push back and say, no, not to spend the money since Cara seems fine, but I agreed. He told me to meet him at 4pm and by then he'd have the results and I could take Cara home.
Things were busy at Maple Ridge today, so I grabbed a People magazine and looked at it while I waited for Dr. Larry in exam room number 2. I noticed photos of celebrities in their bathing suit, walking on the beach at some exclusive resort. I didn't even know who half the people were. Then, it dawned on me. Why does it matter that I need to see these photos at all? If there were photos of my neighbors walking on the beach, I would be just as uninterested. They're on vacation? So what! What are they doing that's unusual, interesting, important? Maybe People should be renamed; “Photos of people on the beach with really nice bodies, wearing huge sunglasses, but otherwise not really doing anything.” I swear they use the same photo each week, they just photoshop the latest celebrity A-lister face over the body they used the week before.
I was just about to read about why Catherine Zeta-Jones is disclosing she has Bipolar Disorder II and why there is a “II” and what that means? Is it a sequel to Bipolar Disorder I? Maybe it's fancy movie star version of Bipolar disorder? Dr. Larry entered the exam room before I could sort it all out. He sighed. Then he said something about me having too much on my plate. I had a feeling he was about to add more to it and I was right.
Cara's blood work showed her White Blood Cell Count was VERY HIGH. High-normal is about 20,000. Cara's is 35,000. She's got a raging infection. Her stomach is swollen full of gas. Her intestines are full of stool-almost packed solid. I looked at the x-rays and asked about something I saw in her stomach-some small particulate. Dr. Larry waved it off saying it was the cat food I feed...you know the RAW food with the BONES in it. I balked. Cara does not get raw. She gets canned. So of course it has to be the canned food. It's CANNED FOOD! There aren't BONES in it. Then it hit me. It was the cat litter. It confirmed what I had been suspicious of all along—that Cara has been eating the corn based cat litter. Perhaps the high WBC count is due to her eating out of the litter pan?
It's tough to say what's going on exactly. Dr Larry wanted to have an ultrasound done. The Vet who performs them had a cancellation. It's for tomorrow at 8:30AM. Larry felt we might be able to see if there's still a piece of yarn toy acting as a filter between her stomach and her intestines or if there's any damage to her stomach from eating the toy or ingesting the litter. It would give us some info, but potentially not enough.
Cara may need exploratory surgery or another endoscopy. Dr. Kittral, who's been performing all Cara's endoscopies needs to be included in our decisions. Sadly, she doesn't start her work week until TOMORROW. Dr. Larry wanted to put Cara on antibiotics, which, of course, raised a huge alarm bell in me. We can't give her oral meds or we risk causing her strictures to return. We compromised and Larry gave her an injection that will only last until tomorrow. By then, hopefully we will have more answers and be able to figure out a game plan for Cara.
I tried to be brave, but I felt a bit weak in the knees. Cara could be in a very dangerous situation. With her esophagus compromised already and her stomach lining possibly being damaged, we can't try to clear the stool out of her without risking her rupturing somewhere. Anything invasive that needs to be done, has to be carefully considered. Any medications given must be carefully scrutinized. She's been on too many antibiotics. She's been through so much already. I just don't know how we're going to get her over this next hurdle.
This Vet bill, even with a discount, is going to be bad. It could be the beginning of VERY BAD, I don't know how bad just yet. I'm going to open up yet another fundraiser for Cara. Her last two Vet bills came to $1500.00 and with the loan I got, we were able to pay everything off in full, but now we're back to loose change in our pockets to pay for the next Vet bills. I'm guessing that between today and tomorrow it will be $600.00 and counting. I can't give up on Cara even if the timing is the worst, ever. I thought we were over the hump, but now we've been pushed back down the hill like a feline version of Sisyphus.
I also have a lot of guilt about this situation. The past two weeks I just haven't been home much with frequent trips to NYC to care for Sam's mother. I couldn't feed the cats as regularly as usual and I fear that Cara resorted to eating the litter out of desperation and perhaps now has developed a taste for it. I really LIKE the litter and the other cats are fine with it, but I have to stop using it around Cara.
As for Cara; we've just GOT to get her well; for once and for all.
I realize we've had to ask for help more often than I ever imagined to get Cara well. I'm blessed with having devoted and compassionate friends of this Blog. My hope is that not one person has to donate more than $5. If we can all ChipIn, we'll hit our goal in a heartbeat. If you can share this request with your friends, I would appreciate it very much. Your donation IS tax deductible, as the funds go to a Kitten Associates, Inc. foster kitten (Cara).
some $ and *HUGS* to both of you.
Think of you and praying for you.
I just went back to work, on this coming Wednesday... but I will contribute as soon as I get paid. What you do means the world to me... I have two kitties and a stray I adopted. She needs shots, a flea bath and grooming... I love them all so much. I also have a two year old male bunny. I would have 1,000 kitties and bunnies if I could.
When I pass, I will be leaving whatever I have in this world to people like you. I am so impressed and care so much that you save so many beautiful kitties.
Thanks again for all you do.
Mychal Meyers
Las Vegas, NV 89128
I know what it's like having
I know what it's like having a sick kitty. I can't think of anything that at least one of my cats hasn't had (including kennel cough and heartworm). I don't know the backstory on this baby but it sounds like they're proceeding in a sensible fashion. I hope she does get well once and for all.
I just went back to work, on this coming Wednesday... but I will contribute as soon as I get paid. What you do means the world to me... I have two kitties and a stray I adopted. She needs shots, a flea bath and grooming... I love them all so much. I also have a two year old male bunny. I would have 1,000 kitties and bunnies if I could.
When I pass, I will be leaving whatever I have in this world to people like you. I am so impressed and care so much that you save so many beautiful kitties.
Thanks again for all you do.
Mychal Meyers
Las Vegas, NV 89128
My husband and I gave a
My husband and I gave a little that we could spare this week. Looking at Cara's big, sad looking eyes in the last picture brought tears to my eyes. I'll be praying for you.
As I sat here reading about Cara's newest troubles this morning, my husband asked why I was sniffing and I told him what I was reading. He stated that we would not have our Big Willy (20 pound Maine Coon Cat), if not for people that helped him with donations before we adopted him and even though we are on such a strict budget he agreed that we should send in a little bit of help. How I wish it could be more.... Cara, you are such a beautiful little girl and we hope and pray that you can over come this next challange!! You are loved by so many!!
hope this helps some
Hope this contribution can help. Lots of luck with Cara. xo L & S
Robin, my cat ate that corn
Robin, my cat ate that corn litter, too. And it definitely wasn't for lack of feeding her. After eating it she got sick and vomited all over the house. Even worse, she refused to use the litter box and held everything in. She would only go if I took her and put her in the box, the poor thing. After a couple of days I dumped the corn litter and went back to clay. She was fine after that. Hope Cara improves soon, she's such a sweetie.
Get well soon!
Just topped you off at $1,000! I love the internet! And I love making worthwhile donations to animals in need!
Blessed Be the Rescue Cats
All of my cats were rescued from one situation or another, and I've had a diabetic cat AND a diabetic horse, a cat who had cancer, and one who has urinary issues. There have been times I've had to ask for help, and it always came.
With that in mind, I've donated what I can, to Bob Dole and Cara Melle. I've also posted a call for help on my own blog. We knitters stick together, and most of us have at least one cat, so we empathize. You're doing good work here. May all the cats be restored to good health and live long, purring lives.
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