This evening, the nice family that came to visit, decided they would like to offer Huggy her dream of a forever home. Not only that, but they generously opened their home to someone else you may know...
I hope, hope, hope, that because I'm telling you this news now, just after the contracts have been signed, that the adoption won't get jinxed! Huggy still has to stay with me until she completely recovers from Mastitis and the boys have to stay here until their little nuggets drop and we can get them neutered. It'll be a week or two more, but certainly by the end of the month, everyone will be in their new home-and their new family doesn't mind waiting.
I'm not normally someone who believes that things are fated to be, but in this case, I have to say, maybe I'm wrong. All the things that had to fall into place, all the people who had to offer their precious time and money to make this happen-is this a miracle?
Whatever you choose to call it, this is one of the most precious, magical and amazing experiences of my life. I am so deeply grateful and happy.
...and to think...Huggy and her boys would never have made it this far, if it wasn't for all of us. Wow. That really gets the tears rolling!
Congratulations to Huggy, Dash & Snuggles!
So thrilling! Will the
So thrilling! Will the adopters visit the Huggy Family while they're waiting on the adoption? It's so sweet that they want to adopt an adult and keep the family together. I'm sending out energy that this is the real deal and will bring happiness to everyone.
On a side note, I'm sending out energy for the nuggets to drop, too. Ollie was cryptorchid and I think Dr. Sandler had to spend a good amount of time neutering him today. He's got the biggest neuter incision I've ever seen, but he's bopping around like nothing happened. Boys - always oblivious!
Good Job!!!!
OH, I'm crying too! So happy!
Yay for Huggy Mama and her boys!!! This is so good!
*happy tears*
EXCELLENT NEWS! Major hugs to
EXCELLENT NEWS! Major hugs to that family and I hope that things go smoothly over the next few weeks so that the three happy, lucky cats can move to their forever home!
Thanks again for everything that you do to help! You are amazing!
I'm so glad they're going to
I'm so glad they're going to get to stay together!
I'm glad the Huggy's get a happy ending! They deserve it!
I don't know, I think you and Fate seem to have a fairly nice relationship. Fate helped along by a lot of hard work on your part!
Fantastic news!
Congratulations to Robin, Huggy, Snuggles and Dash on the best possible outcome - such a wonderful happy ending after all your worry and hard work - acninee is right!
To think they have made the journey from a death row cage to a happy, full life together is joyous.
Wonderful news :)
You are so dedicated and such an amazing lady. Huggy and her kittens are going to have the best life and things only came together because of all of your hard work in bringing this all about. Way to go to you and Huggy and family.
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