The kittens are 10 1/2 weeks old and today is the "big day." It's time for the boys to be neutered and Gracey to be spayed. Although it's vital this procedure be done, I dread it. I'd rather wait until the kittens are a few months old, but this is their best chance to be adopted, when they're still little. I could have done it even sooner than today, but I dragged it out as long as I dared. They're all at a good weight and the soft stool they suffered from for so long seems to have resolved by feeding them a raw diet. I think they're ready.
So while I put the kittens into their carriers and kiss their little faces, take a moment to enjoy this celebration of my dear kittens. To Stanley, the high-flyer, to Mel the comedian, to Gracey the tough-cookie, to Petey the rascal and to Joey the gentle soul, I honor your amazing journey; being fearless, taking delight in your ever-expanding world, and reminding me that joy can be found in the simplest of things. I love each one of you very much.
I present to you, my fearless flyers. Enjoy!
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Invisible ladder.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Put your paws in the air like you don't care.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Invisible rope climbing.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Petey is a big boy now.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Double dutch jumpers.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Put your hands up!
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Pole-dancer Joe.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. I got it! I got it!
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Extreme gotcha!
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Going up!
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Lil' Gracey at 10 weeks.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Invisible pony ride.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Beware the toilet-zombie!
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Wrong way Mel.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Invisible recliner.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Joey at 10 weeks.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Marmalade mayhem.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Mellie at 10 weeks.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Twist and shout!
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Catch me when I fall.
©2013 Robin A.F. Olson. Petey at 10 weeks.
If you'd like to catch up on The Squee Diaries, just visit these links:
Chapter Three. The Unbearable Cuteness of Kittens
Chapter Four. The Pitter Patter
Chapter Five. The Last Days of the Blue Bathtub
Chapter Six. Happy Family No More
Chapter Seven. Let the Good Times Roll
Minnie and Her Babies
I have enjoyed watching this family of furballs grow and get healthy and be happy. I hope they understand why they had to go to the vet today. I've got a special folder with pictures of Minnie and her babies. They have touched my heart deeply and pray the best for all of them. I will miss them dearly when they find their forever home and won't beable to see them on your site, but knowing they will have a happy life with their new families will be good. Prayers that all goes good and that Minnie continues to improve and be a happy girl again. Just wanted you to know how thankful I am of you taking in this family of kitties. Love, kisses, hugs and prayers to Minnie and her family.
Bless you all at CICH.
Jeanne Voreis
Thank you so much for taking Minnie and her family in and raising them. Thank you for sharing the webcam with us. I turn it on everyday to watch these beautiful little creatures play. I love them and will miss them so much. Hope you get another family to raise when one is needed. You did a great job and the photos above are awesome!
Jeanne Voreis, also posting, said it eloquently! I second her thoughts and thank you for your unflagging devotion to this sweet family. Would love to see "new improved" Minnie pix, too <3
Melted My Heart
Those photos are just heart meltingly gorgeous. How can kittens be so gorgeous - it's just impossible :)
"Invisible Recliner" is my favourite - very funny and a brilliant action shot.
I love all these kittens and hope they are OK after their vet visit. I have just checked the SQuee TV and they are all snuggled up asleep except for Gracie - I can't see her but I hope she's OK?
Barbara UK
You've done it again, Robin!
Your writing goes straight to my heart and makes tears flow . . . often they're happy tears, and sometimes they are sad, sad ones. I love how much you love these kittens. And, by the way, you are an incredible photographer! Bless you, my dear, and I hope the vet visit is as un-traumatic as possible - for all of you. <3
You've done it again, Robin!
Your writing goes straight to my heart and makes tears flow . . . often they're happy tears, and sometimes they are sad, sad ones. I love how much you love these kittens. And, by the way, you are an incredible photographer! Bless you, my dear, and I hope the vet visit is as un-traumatic as possible - for all of you. <3
Squeee is right!
They are sooooo cute! And the photos are great! I just wanna reach in the monitor and hug the cute!
I don't know how you can ultimately rehome them heh (I'm a rescue fail "victim" lol) They're sooooo cute! :P
But whoever ends up with these cuties will have well adjusted and loved critters.
So Precious!
Oh my gosh... they are all just so darling and I love them all so dearly...
I some how stumbled onto your
I some how stumbled onto your page. How fortunate for me! I spent the past hour reviewing the life and times of Minnie and her babies, enjoying beyond description the happy times and the scarey times. You are an amazing person to be able to care for the furry families, along with writing so enthrallingly and the photography is wonderful. Have got to follow you. Thanks for what you are doing.
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