Things have been pretty awful around here the past few months. Between the lingering pall of grief after the shooting at our elementary school, the long, almost never-ending winter coupled with the harrowing road we traveled with kitten-Fred, only to end in tragedy—the deaths of our family pets, Mel and Oliver, just adds up to an overly long season of “the blues.”
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. We try to move on, but the sadness lingers.
Usually I’d try to snap myself out of it, but perhaps now that I’m middle-aged, I’m to a point where I just accept it and try to find a way to continue moving forward. I’ve been reluctant to foster any new cats, even though we’re in the throes of “kitten season.” It’s just been too much heartbreak and frankly, I haven’t had a break from fostering for almost four years. I promised Maria, our super foster mom, a break and I hoped that I’d be able to take one myself. Just having Bongo, George, Bunny, Barney and Mabel here is enough, added to my own eight cats.
But, I’m haunted by a longing—a deep-seated need to be around kittens; even though I’m not sure my heart can take any more pain. Perhaps it’s because I haven’t even been around a kitten for almost a year that I feel this pull inside my heart. I’m not sure what drives my desire. I only know it’s there and with every email plea for help or every call about a cat in need, I ask myself; “Is this the one I should be helping?” Then I come up with a reason to say no.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. My dear Fred. I miss you so much.
I need to work and make a living. I need to focus on getting some Kitten Associates housekeeping done. I’d like to feel like I’m caught up or could catch up on what I need to do, but I’m constantly distracted by seeing photos of foster kittens on Facebook!
Watching kittens take their first wobbly steps or pounce awkwardly onto a toy would soften the toughest of hearts. Kittens allow me to be a mother, something I never had the chance to be to a human, but something I have a biological need to do.
I wrestle with the heartache I feel over losing Fred and with adoptions way down, I’m also a bit scared to take on any more foster cats, too.
But yesterday, I experienced a knowing, a gut-tugging feeling that directed me to open my heart and take another chance. When my friend Katherine called me about a mama-cat who just had a litter of kittens on a sidewalk in a tough part of Bridgeport, CT, I knew right away that this was what I needed to do. These were the cats I’d been waiting for for so long.
©2013 Katherine Reid. My first look at our new family. Mama with 5 kittens born on June 1, 2013.
Tears welled up in my eyes and somehow I choked out the words; “Yes, I’ll take them.” This was my new family and the start of six new stories. I know I can’t replace Fred, but this feels like Fred gets a second chance somehow and I need to do this—for Fred and for my heart.
I’m leaving to pick up this family in a few minutes. Later today you can visit our brand NEW webcam, which I’m calling SqueeTV. Just visit this link to see live, streaming video of our newest rescues and stay tuned as we name each one and begin the process of helping them grow, thrive and become wonderful adoptable kittens.
New Kittens
I am very happy you made this decision to take on a new litter of kittens and it is ironic that they are red and white like dear "Fred." Wishing you every success in your new kitten adventure. You deserve this, Robin.
RE: Fostering, and SqueeTV
Awww, Fred. How HANDSOME. *<3*
Fostering this sweet family can only do everyone involved a lot of good, IMHO. Checked in with SqueeTV and think I see a muzzle and an eartip in there ;)
Your New Foster "Squee-tins"
I wholeheartedly believe that Fred guided this beautiful "50/50 bar" family to you & you to them! He knew you needed & could help each other! Thank you for opening your heart & home to this sweet family! Give them lovin' from me & my Panda! Much love to you & your beautiful heart!
>^..^< Laurie McRae
It is so rewarded when you
It is so rewarded when you can watch babies grow and then send them to thier forever homes. As a Volunteer myself, I know the heartache that takes place for theanimals and on us. Bit just knowing we can help them on kitty at a time, we know that we are making progress and that our efforts are not unseen
Your webcam
Love, love, love the webcam! Those kittens are so dang cute. Can you put up a donation link on that page with a short description? Don't see how one could resist donating to help cover the costs of their care. Thank you for taking in this cat family!
You had us...
Okay, you had us at "SqueeTV"!
Orange is your color
Orange seems to be your color. Your heart is the best guide to wisdom and it always knows when something is right. Enjoy these precious babies, as you are right, there is nothing quite as beautiful as watching a kitten revel in the simple joy and act of being a kitten. Everything is just so fresh, wonderful, and new to them, without any clutter of the daily chores and stress that life can bring...
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