Author's note: Bob has a few nicknames-one I use most often is: Baba-D. Some others are: Bobbee Tinkleberry, Mr. Bob and Robert J. Dole (only used if I'm yelling at him)
Barely 24 hours ago, I got a call from one of the Vets at VCA Cheshire. He said something I didn't expect to hear: “Bob's ready to go home. He's eating a bit and has perked up. If you can get here before, say 3pm, we won't charge you for an extra day.”
All I could muster in reply was; “You're shitting me.”
I was told that shortly after Sam and I left yesterday, Bob perked up. He ate a little bit, he sat up in his cage. Dr Weisman, who I LOVE, said she felt the pain meds were really taking a toll on Bob, so she eased off on them. Sure enough, the minute it started to wear off, our old Bob started to make a comeback.
Of course I had a Vet appointment for Polly, who is, getting SICK again. I had to postpone it to today. I basically had to postpone everything to get ready for Bob to arrive. Since Bob's belly is in a fragile state of repair, we have to give him either cage rest or put him in a small room with no furniture. Since we don't have a room like that, I set up a BIG dog crate, then went out and bought a dog pen to attach to the crate. It would give Bob some chance to walk around a bit. I didn't want to put it in a dark part of the house or off in a corner, so Bob's in the middle of the living room. I want him to have sunshine and to be part of our daily activity so he can feel like he's part of the gang again.
©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Bob's new digs.
Sam and I got things set up and I realized I needed a few things so I left early to hit a pet store that was on the way to the hospital, which is a 45 minute drive from here. Of course, I took the wrong exit and the store is in the middle of Waterbury, where the roads are like a messy plate of spaghetti. I panicked and decided to skip the store and not risk getting lost. I did NOT want to be late. The Vet bill was over $3000.00 and I didn't want it to go any higher if I could help it.
I hit a grocery store and got a new litter pan and the litter my Vet wants to use. I bought a few groceries and ignored the bell ringer from Salvation Army. I wanted to go up to him and tell him how much money I give to animal charities and how I run my own. I ask myself why I feel so guilty about not putting money in his bin when I donate clothing and household goods to them every year. Maybe that's how they score? The guilt factor?
Guilty or not, I was racing to get to Bob on time. It was 2:30pm and there was some sort of nightmare traffic jam, from what, I could not figure out. So I crawled along, finally getting to the hospital in the nick of time. I grabbed my empty cat carrier, walked in the door and almost yelled, “Filler Up!”
Oh yes, but there is a matter of the rest of the payment to deal with first. They were very nice, very professional. They went over Bob's discharge information, which isn't really much, other than to watch Bob and check his incision. He doesn't need extra meds. He can go back on Denamarin and Dasquin and eat what he likes (so THEY say!). He is supposed to wear a “cone of shame”, e-collar but he hasn't picked at his belly at all so no go for now. He's been through enough.
I spoke with Dr. Weisman, who I LOVE (yes, i know I wrote that earlier and it's still true). She told me what to watch out for and to either call her or just email her to let me know how Bob is doing or just to say hello. You're KIDDING ME, right? Woah. I love her. She's not tossing me to the wind now that the surgery is over!
While we were talking, I realized someone was standing next to me. It was a tech holding BOB!!!! I grabbed his carrier and she placed him inside it. He looked perkier, even at a glance. I couldn't wait to get him HOME!
I got the bill settled. It was actually a bit less than the low end of the estimate. The amount still kills me and it will be a year before it's paid off, but I can get it done. It was time to head home with my BOB!
©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Bob, at home, at last. By the way, we moved his litter pan out of this crate, into the penned in area after this photo was taken so Bob has more space to relax and not smell his own fumes.
I wanted to let Bob out so he could walk around a bit, when we got home. I thought he might like to use his familiar litter pan, then I'd put him into his crate. Instead, Bob almost RAN around the house, then got away from us and RAN up TWO flights of STAIRS! Oh NO! he's gonna blow himself wide open! Thankfully we got him and put him into the crate. Sheesh!
We warmed up some raw food and offered it to him. He licked once or twice, then went to his heated bed and laid down. He was exhausted. I offered him some chicken treats, which he ate, but then turned away from me. He licked his paws and his face, a great sign. He got comfortable and went to sleep.
Sam and I sat in the living room, talking quietly. I sat facing Bob so I could keep an eye on him. He groomed himself some more, but stayed clear of his belly. He put his head down, then twisted it at a cute angle, as he so often does, and went to sleep. I was worried that he didn't eat, but hoped he'd eat a bit later.
©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Bob loves his blanket from Aunt Jennifer.
As the evening passed, I got into the penned in area and sat with Bob. I offered him dehydrated chicken and he ate every piece. He wouldn't eat any real food, but it was a start. We said good night and let him rest. I didn't sleep well. I worried about what I might find this morning. I got up at 6:15am and went downstairs to check on Bob.
I walked over to his crate and said, hello. He got right up and came over to me, purring loudly! I hustled into the kitchen and got him some grain-free canned food. I warmed it slightly and put dry chicken treat on top. He lapped at it hungrily! I was SO GLAD to see him eat! He didn't eat as much as I'd like to see, but he probably ate about 1/4 of a can of food, purring the whole time.
Of course, the problem with feeding Bob is ALL the other cats, including MacGruber, circled the pen and reached into it trying to get at Bob's food. I had to put Mac and Blitzen into the bathroom they were so bad! We've found Blitzen in Bob's pen a few times, now, so we can't leave food in there or Blitz will snarf it. Pig!
Of course, Bob doesn't seem to pay any heed to these interruptions. He just licks at his food and purrs, just as Bob did before, like any other day, but this isn't any other day. Bob just survived a very serious surgery and he's HOME. HE'S HOME! HE'S HOME!
So glad Bob is home and resting comfortably! I bet he is glad to be there. Thanks for the update on his recovery.
All the best to Bob!
Great news!
Great news and big purrs from another big orange fella, eh! My roommate Lila had a big incision like that after she had breat cancer, she did very well. Never licked it. I think us cats are smarter than dogs, eh! *MOL* I hope Bob continues to heal and we'll keep all kitties toes crossed for the news from the lab. Send purrs and love and kitty blessings.
(and Niece and The Boy)
We are so glad Bob made it through the surgery and is home with you. What a wonderful place for Bob to be in the dog crate and pen. That is just purrfect. His belly is kind of scary but that will heal. Good job Bob getting through all that trama. We know it is going to be good news from now on. Lots of purrs headed your way and prayers too. We will all cross our paws and will try to get the donkeys to cross their hooves for you. Take care.
the crate
I commented on one of your fb posts but am not sure you'll see it. I think Bob may be good about staying inside the crate, although I don't know about that larger enclosure. I had to keep my cat in a similar crate/pen thing for months after she broke her pelvis in 3 places. It was the same thing - we had to keep her from jumping and moving around. I thought she would hate it and try to escape but instead, she was completely cooperative and willingly stayed inside. She is great at communicating and seems to understand most of what I say, and she really, truly seemed to understand that the crate was a safe place for her to heal. I hope you have as much luck with Bob!
Doing the Kitty Dance O' Joy!
ALL of the Kitty Tribe members (all 45 of us!) are doing the Kitty Dance O' Joy that Bob is home! Nip Nip Mewray! The d*g crate and pen was a brilliant idea - we do the same here! We have one little girl, Mooey, who is recovering from complications from a spay, but she is recovering. We are all purring that mew all have a Cool Yule!
It sounds to me like Bob is
It sounds to me like Bob is healing right on schedule! Brian's 11-year-old German shepherd/border collie mix, Sushi, had to have her pancreas removed last year (2009... I can't believe 2010 is almost over!), and her recovery was pretty much along the same lines as Bob - she looked terrible and pathetic the first day, but over the next few days perked up, started eating, and pretty soon she was back to BETTER than she was before. And the tumor on the pancreas (the reason for its removal) was benign. So way to go, Bob - and way to go you, because you are doing such a great job of caring for him! I can't even say any of us would have done the same because you are thinking of things (the dog run, for example), that a lot of us would not have thought of!
Quincy beast will only eat
Quincy beast will only eat 1/2 a can of the small BG at a time - and you know, he's spry, only 7, and didn't just have surgery!
GO BOB! :)
Bob's recovery...
Wht a great Christmas present... Bob's sucessful recovery! Great work, u'all!
~ js/cat!
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