I have a penetrating love for cats. It cuts me to the core. The sharpness of the love I have for their very form, their “niblet” sized toes, purring-who wouldn't be moved by that sound? Their soft fur and fluffy, wiggly little behind. The rough tickle of their tongue on your face...the little triangle shaped nose. Ear tufts. Toe tufts. Ruff. I just love cats. It almost doesn't even matter what the cat looks like. It's a cat. I will love it. Even if it drives me nuts and makes me want to run away from home and never come back, I will still love them.
Last week I got an email from our friend, Betsy at Henry County. I had to turn my back on it. There was nothing I could do to help this family. I thought someone else would step up to take them, but no one did. A week later, another plea...could someone save these cats before the become ill?
PLEASE get them out of here before they become ill. Right this minute there are no other nursing moms in their area, this is the time to get them moved!
ID# 10/19-4193 Mama and 3 kits
©2010 HCC&C. This is the Mama and her newborns.
©2010 HCC&C. “I was just born...zzzzz”
©2010 HCC&C. “Here I am a week later! Look at me! I'm a fine specimen of manliness, right?”
I'm not going to post Betsy's entire plea for help. Though I feel lousy and am overloaded, I did the math. The kittens are too young to be moved anywhere near Connecticut right now, but by December, they WILL be ready to go.
©2010 HCC&C. “What's a belly rub and can I get one?”
I did the usual. I contacted Maria, first. Did she have space to take this family. Of course. Maria would put them in her closet if she had to. What she won't do for cats...I really love her for it. I do.
©2010 HCC&C. “You know you love me. Admit it.”
I emailed Bobby. Can you pick the cats up? Do I have to ask? Of COURSE he will go get them and get them to the Vet for a quick check up. Bobby is a gem. I love him, too.
©2010 HCC&C. The one on the right looks like a guinea pig!
I contacted Carole to see if she could take the Mama in December. I didn't hear back right away. I pondered whether or not to wait. I learned too many times over NOT to wait so I made a choice to take the Mama even if I can't get her placed at AID's no kill facility. In fact, the mama looks a lot like my cat, Squeegee, who passed away seven Novembers ago. This rescue will be in her honor.
©2010 HCC&C. Look at Mama. She's a sweetie. You can just see it on her face.
So...in my overloaded, sick-of-cats, mentally unstable mind, I picked up the phone. I called the folks at Henry Co. The cats were still there. Had no rescue. I said they HAVE a rescue and I will have Bobby get them in the morning.
©2010 HCC&C. Welcome to Kitten Associates, Family. We'll be looking forward to meeting you in a few weeks.
Of course nothing is THAT easy. Mama has to have a neg/neg on her "snap test" and after that hurdle, we just let the kittens get bigger and let mama get some rest outside of the confines of a cage. They will be here the week before Christmas, or maybe a bit sooner. I can't move them when they are too little so we will wait a bit. They'll be here in time to do what I hoped to do last year-have kittens for adoption just before Christmas. Will this be another “Santa's Team” nightmare of sick cats for 3 months? Guess we will find out.
'Cause thsee guys ARE RESCUED and coming to Connecticut!
For the love of cats on national cat day!
Robin, that was a wonderful post..thank you for sharing the pictures of those sweet lil kits and their mom! thank you for rescuing them!
You are amazing!
I love what you are doing for these and other kitties. I do what I can too, but just take them in an love them and give them a forever home, not the wonderful rescue work on the scale you do.
Thank you for the work you do from me and the Shady Hollow cats.
May you and your kitties be forever blessed!
ill say it again...
I almost dreaded getting to the end of this post... only to find the happy ending! Yes!! You are my hero, Robin. What a treat for your readers on Natl. Cat Day!
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