Between rescuing cats and building a non-profit from the ground up, I also have time for rebuilding the engine of my 10 yr old car, knitting cottage cheese colored mittens for my kittens and cooking complicated cuisine featuring paprika for my man. I'm so completely fabulous that Sharon Castellanos of GrouchyPuppy.com has decided to interview me and share my fabulousness with the world.
You can read the interview in the “Cleo's Day” section of her web site HERE.
...or you can skip the whole thing since you already know how fabulous I am...and isn't that enough?
Note: if you're playing the drinking game where you take a shot of vodka for every time I wrote “fabulous” you should be pretty wasted by now! See? I am...fab...you know...
I have to say I am impressed that you are rebuilding a car engine - I don't think I could do that (I would try, I just can't picture it working). I read the article and I think it was great - I loved your answers, especially the one for your idea of perfect happiness! Oh, and really, you didn't say fabulous THAT many times - and we do think you are fabulous!
Yes you are
so fabulous. ;D Hehehe. Ok, maybe you earn a cheesecake for that. ;D
Wow. You really are fab;
Wow. You really are fab; rebuilding an engine? Thanks for the compliment in the hero section, I didn't see that the first time I read it, or was that some other Bobby that you know?
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