Tonight, one of our most dear friends on Covered in Cat Hair, Anne (AnnaBanana74 here and on Twitter, too), sent out a number of “Tweets” that sent a shock wave through those of us who follow her. I got a call from Andrew, another one of our CiCH friends, asking me if I'd seen what Anne had been posting. I had not. I ran over to my computer to look. I was sickened and saddened by what I read:
‘Made the decision to disavow most of my family. That's news.”
“Two bottles of wine, 6 Xanax and xx number of Ambien TBD.”
“Hey at least the cats give a fuck”
“Peace out all.”
“Please find my cats and fosters good homes”
and an hour later...this....
Everyone experiences difficulties in their lifetime and some come with such force, the only option we might feel we have to stop the hurting is to hurt ourselves, one last time, and to be over and done with this awful life. I'm not reading out of a self help book. I've lived it and lived through it, myself. Tonight Anne called out for help on Twitter. Maybe she was just venting “aloud,” but it was so unlike anything she's ever said before that a number of people perked up and took action.
Another one of our friends, here, Ms Julie G, jumped on the phone, calling Anne (as I had done, along with a few others) and got nothing but ringing or the call went right to voicemail. I left Anne a message asking her to call me right away and that no family argument was worth hurting yourself. Out of concern, Julie called the Police. So did I. So did some other people. Not ONE of us have ever even MET Anne. Tonight was the first time I ever heard her voice on her outgoing message. It didn't matter that we had never met, the cords of love bind us whether we are living in the same house or living hundreds of miles apart. Anne has always been supportive, compassionate, loving to everyone. She is passionate about rescuing her little kitties. She shares advice and offers her heart to whoever needs it.
Something happened to her that tipped her over the edge. She called out for help and her voice was heard loud and clear.
After a number of frantic calls, emails, txts, I finally heard from Julie. She had saved the day...well...and probably saved Anne's life. I'm not totally clear on who's call did the trick, but does it matter? We called. Things happened. They reached the right person at the right Police department. They had spoken to Anne! She WAS alert, but...she HAD tried to hurt herself and needed help.
I don't know much more than that. Anne is in a hospital somewhere in upstate NY. What happens next. I don't know. What I do know is that when I heard that Anne WAS in good hands, I burst out crying and began to shake with relief. I've lost two family members to suicide. No one got to them in time. I've battled with that demon, myself. What causes someone to feel that taking their own life is the solution, is a private, complex matter. Thankfully, for our Anne, she cried out for help, perhaps not realizing just how many people were listening.
Anne, I am so sorry you felt so badly tonight that you wanted to end your life. You need to know that you are NOT alone. We ARE here with you and we DO CARE, so very much. If you think I'm a big jerk for writing about you, please understand, I only do it because I care about you and I want other people to know-other people who might feel just like you or I do, that they, too are not alone.
Please, all of you, if you ever get to a place in your life where you feel like you don't want to go on, remember, the one thing you can count on is things will always change. Take a deep breath. Wait a moment, then...another. Suddenly, you will soften and not feel as badly as you did a few minutes before. Give yourself the chance to take the next breath. There's so much in life to enjoy and experience. Don't let these bad feelings drive you to miss out on all of the wonderful things in the world.
Anne, you are loved. Don't forget that.
And there is always someone to talk to at the Hopeline:
1-800-442-HOPE (800)442-4673
You and Anne's other friends did a good thing tonight.
Hugs to you and to Anne.
Hugs to you and to Anne.
I'm so glad she's ok! I've
I'm so glad she's ok! I've been through some bad times myself. My kitty and my family pulled me back from the edge. I' glad you wew able to do that for anne!!
We're Glad, Too
...zoe. I'm sorry to hear that, but GLAD you got some help. It's a rough place to be, that's for sure. We are really glad, too, that Anne is up and chatting with us!!! Some times you gotta hit rock bottom so you can start climbing back upwards. What a night, though!
Hugs to you! I'm here if you need a shoulder to lean on! I mean it!
Hugs and Love to Anne
and to all of you who stepped up and helped her. So glad people were not afraid to get involved and to show their care and love for Anne.
Robin, this made me cry too. I don't know Anne, but I feel for anyone who gets so low that they feel they should end their life. I am so glad she has been given some help - I hope that support continues until she is able to manage herself.
A few years ago my mother attempted to end her life. I went to the hospital. She looked very small, lying in the emergency room. It was a sobering lesson for us all.
I have had some very low points in my life also. Anne is in my thoughts, as are you and the other people who worked so hard to help her.
Many many years
ago, I tried to take my own life. I was 15, and like Robin says, what drives someone to suicide is complicated. This was before Twitter and cell phones and even the Internet, and I told no one my plans. Through a series of events that can only be attributed to Divine Intervention, I was found before it was too late, but it was close.
After I was better, I came to understand and accept that SOMEONE wanted me here on this Earth. That where I should have died, I was found and saved when by all rights no one should have been able to. After that, no matter how horrible things were, and no matter how hard life got, I remembered that I am supposed to be here, I have something to do and I'm not done yet.
I hope Anne comes to understand the same thing. It was a series of small miracles that saved her, and she is meant to be here. For herself. For the world. For the cats she saves. There is something she has to do, and she's not done yet.
*HUGS to all*
Oh Izzy...what a horrible place the world would have been without you in it! I'm so glad you're here with us! Oh boy...crying again...
Thank you for sharing your very personal story with us!
So glad to hear she's OK. Things like this remind us every day that you'd be surprised about how many people care about you -- sometimes people you don't even know, and haven't even met. It's beautiful, really, and important to remember.
I'm glad she reached out in the way she did, and I'm glad she people like you all to listen.
Holidays have the highest
Holidays have the highest suicide rate of the year.One of my patients in the ICU is a woman whose neighbor found her before the pills completely shut off oxygen to her brain. Her suicide note is xeroxed to the chart, and it breaks my heart to see it every day, so I can barely imagine the agonies that drove this poor woman to try (for the second time in 3 weeks) to take her life. Your friend is very lucky that you reached out to her before it might have been too late.
Anne's scattered friends
Thank you. Very timely. xxx
Wow! You are all Anne's Angels!
You ARE! And, Robin, as you can probably figure out, your partner-in-crime (as far as cats--and design--are concerned) Taylor here hasn't been reading any posts in chronological order. Just another symptom of--augh!--world class ADD and Christmas overload.
One thought I always keep for the really bad times, and they're not many, thank God, is that anything you don't complete in this life you have to deal with in the next. I hope that doesn't sound too mystical, but it certainly works like a charm for me.
So to you, Nice Robin Lady (I love little Tweetie's name for you), Anne and all of the CiCH family, a beautiful 2010 with many new kittens and cats to meet in our lives. Oh--and people, too! And all good things to you all!
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