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© 2006-2019 Covered in Cat Hair, Robin A.F. Olson. All Rights Reserved
The only Holiday Song my cats know is: “Feed Me! Pet Me! Feed Me!”
(from left to right) Petunia, Spencer, Gracie, (front-center) Nora & Nick (held by Gracie) Bob J. Dole. ©2008 Robin A.F. Olson
they must know that old beatles song "Love me do"!
your photo. It's only a red X. :(
I'll check into it. Working fine here...hmmmm
yeah - can't see it
Should be fixed and working now! Let me know if you still can't see it. Apparently I uploaded a CMYK, not RGB image and PC users can't view those. Oops!
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Name Robin Olson
Cats, cats, cats and tacky reality shows. Art, Music, Reading Chick Lit, Writing, "shambhala buddhism", Collecting Goofy Stuff, Cars, Technology, Travel (Road trips!/Road to speak), Cats. Animal Welfare and Animal Rescue, Improv Comedy, Knitting, Cooking (if I have to).
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they must know that old
they must know that old beatles song "Love me do"!
Can't see...
your photo. It's only a red X. :(
I'll check into it. Working fine here...hmmmm
still red X
yeah - can't see it
Problem for PC Users...
Should be fixed and working now! Let me know if you still can't see it. Apparently I uploaded a CMYK, not RGB image and PC users can't view those. Oops!
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