It's official. Huggy Bear would rather sit on my lap and purr than do anything else. Tonight I sat on the floor with a towel on my lap. Huggy saw me, walked over, climbed in my lap and started to "Make Muffins" on my leg. She got settled down and made some more muffins, then out came a nice, sweet purr. She seemed blissfully unaware of her children who were scratching the crap out of my ankles, I mean, playing.
Looks like I need to find a home for Huggy with someone who LOVES having a lap cat because it didn't matter if I moved or even lifted her up to put a cat bed on my lap, Huggy wanted nothing else but to rest and reach out her paw to touch my hand.
Do I question whether or not I should have saved her from Death Row?
Are you f-ing kidding me? You're kidding, right? Huggy Bear is the Queen of the Lap Cats and whoever adopts her is going to be a VERY lucky person!!
I love lap kitties.....what a
I love lap kitties.....what a sweet girl! I SO hope Huggy Mama gets a wonderful home.
She is just trying to reach out to touch you and say thank you Foster Mom!
How sweet! I adore lap cats!
How sweet! I adore lap cats! My kitty Rayne is anything but... :( If my kitty didn't hate sharing her space so much I'd want to take Huggy home!
So, the question of the day is: does Huggy still hug the kittens or are they too rambunctious now? With her story and her temperament, she'll have no trouble finding a home.
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