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Wish Me Luck

We're going to leave in a few hours. Bad storms on the way down, then one day of peace, then run like Hell back to CT on Saturday morning. I have no idea how bad this is going to end up, but between having to leave my frail boy, Bob, a nasty stomach bug that's been killing me for a week and knowing that my car is going to be at the repair shop, in their bay over the weekend, makes me want to throw up.

The repair place has big glass bay doors. I am imagining all the doors blowing out and my car getting destroyed. I wouldn't even care except that when you know you can't financially deal with something like that, should it happen, is when things like that happen...and I don't want to think about my house, which is part way down a hill, overshadowed by 100's of trees. Thankfully, many are oak, but...ugh..CAT 2 Hurricane headed right for us. I am terrified. I don't think I've ever been so scared and worried about the choices I've made-other than my failed marriage many years ago!

I guess like the millions of us on the coasts of New England and the Mid-Atlantic states, time to take a deep breath...hopefully we will ALL be all right. No loss of life. No loss of power. Just a nasty day...

Off to BlogPaws...yay?...and to meet Bobby, Maria and Amberly's Family.

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I'm sure everything will be fine with the coming hurricane. The trees behind your house will anchor the hillside. It'd be worse if it were bare. Good luck to you and yours.

We will be purring for you and hope everything goes okay.

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