Thanks to Super-Deb, knower of all things important and good for kitties, I can share with you the url of a great resource for anyone considering changing their cat's diet from crappy dry or questionable canned, to a RAW or better choice of grain-free canned.
The Feline Nutrition Education Society, in their own words: "Promote[s] awareness of the issues involved in feline nutrition and health, with an emphasis on specie-appropriate raw feeding for cats. We will educate people on the techniques, benefits and issues involved in raw feeding for cats, and advocate not feeding grain-based artificial foods to cats."
Provide information on feline nutrition and health.
Provide information on raw feeding for people new to the idea.
• Create awareness of feline nutrition and raw feeding through traditional outreach: ads, adoption booklets, media outreach/releases.
•Create awareness of feline nutrition and raw feeding through new media: internet, video, blogs, mobile, viral marketing.
•Inform and shape the current attitude towards feline nutrition and raw feeding with the general public by promoting the health benefits, safety, and ease of a raw diet.
•Inform and shape the current attitude towards feline nutrition and raw feeding within the veterinary and pet food industry by promoting the common sense health effects of raw feeding.
•Help to change how people (general public, veterinary, pet food industry) think of dry food for cats by providing information about its unhealthy effect on felines and its inappropriate use for obligate carnivores.
•Reward the commercial prepared raw food industry by increasing their customer base.
•Encourage "do it yourselfers" with information on how to make homemade raw food for cats.
•Create a national/international member organization for feline raw feeders and those interested in feline nutrition and health.
Do I feed Raw? No. Did I? Yes! Did it make a big difference? YES, but...I did experience that "OMG I GAVE MY CAT FOOD POISONING" last year so I stopped, also it was ungodly expensive for me. Am I reconsidering feeding RAW. Hell, YES!
I'd pop over to FNES and check it out. Really looks to be an awesome resource!
Interesting information. I'm
Interesting information. I'm not sure I can afford the expense or the prep time. But worth learning about and considering.
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