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Update on Rocco! Get Those Tissues Out!

From Rocco's new Mama:

Thank you so much for matching us up with Rocco! He is a delight and already has full use of our home! We love him so much and he knows it - he slept with me last night and right now is scoping out the house. Thank you very much for bringing us together - I am so happy! He is eating canned no grain food very well so far. I will definitely call upon you if it doesn't go well. Tomorrow I am purchasing him a Christmas stocking and filling it with toys - he will have a great Christmas and so will we. I don't feel an empty hole any longer I can't thank you enough. A very Merry Christmas and healthy, happy and prosperous New Year to you, Sam and your family!

Rocco Best copy.jpg
©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Rocco at the shelter before he found his new home.

Yet more news this morning where Rocco's mama talks about her cat, Jasmine, who died earlier this year and about her remaining cat, Stella, who is 14 and shy:

Hi Robin,

I believe after my TT on Thursday (I saw Jasmine and she flopped on my bed and rolled over to have her belly rubbed) I asked her to guide you in finding exactly the right kitty to fill the tremendous hole she left in my heart and life. She smiled and I knew she would guide you. I have been doing TT on a weekly basis for 3 years - and Holly saw the color lavender which in the energetic field meant that Jasmine would always be with me spiritually. So I was able to trust your instincts Thursday night and as soon as I saw Rocco I knew Jasmine had led you and consequently me to him. He is so perfect! What a gentleman! He wants so much to make friends with Stella but she is having a little trouble - not bad but I think she is a little jealous and is still mourning Jasmine's loss as we all are. Rocco lays on the couch with me while I am reading and comes up to bed with me when I tell him it is bedtime! It is so amazing! I love him to death. He is truly a loving boy. i can't thank you enough for introducing us! He is the perfect companion for me and fills the huge void Jasmine left. He is with me constantly - right now as a matter of fact. I have given him a squeeze and kiss from you and hope you will come and visit when you have the chance to see how well he has settled in with us! I know you are crazy busy. A very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and your family as well! Rocco is the best Christmas present I could have! Again, thanks so much! Stay well.


So glad he's in a great furever home.  A handsome guy like him deserves to be adored.

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