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Uh Oh. Have You Seen Chip?

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I got Chip brushed out. Although he'd been bathed, his coat felt gummy and too thick. I grabbed the Furminator and went at him. He LOVED it right away. I could NOT believe how much fur I got off him and if I'd had more time, I would have gotten even more. I truly lived up to the name of my website, though. There was a lot of excess fur floating around and it COVERED MY PANTS!


I've never had so much cat fur on me in my life! Between the dry air causing static electricity and my black stretchy pants, I was a gonner!

I decided to give Chip some alone-time, plus I couldn't very well sit on my bathroom floor for six hours, could I? He sure was cute and once brushed out, his coat was silky and luxurious. Nah, I had to get some work done (Twitter about Chip). Yeah, work.

An hour later, I went to check in on my little foster cat. He was GONE!!!! GONE GONE GONE! Oh SHIT!

In my laundry room there's a hole in the wall behind the dryer where the vent is located. The hole is abnormally big due to the jerkwad who initially installed the dryer. It needs a major repair to really fix it. I had HOPED Chip would not GO INTO THE HOLE, but I looked all over the bathroom, called him many times, and NOTHING. My heart sank into my gut. He was IN THE WALL and it was TOO QUIET!!!!! MAYBE HE WAS DEAD.


I called out to Sam to help me move the dryer. Since he's six feet tall and I'm a short squirt, he checked behind the dryer. Guess who he saw?

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Chip was casual about coming out from behind the washing machine. It took a broom and some shoving, but he sauntered out and rubbed some more fur off onto my leg. We put a drop cloth up against the hole behind the dryer so he wouldn't have the chance to get into trouble again.

Miss L. wasn't due for a few more hours, so we all went back to waiting. Of course, I had to pet Chip for another half hour before I could leave him alone again. You know, just to make sure he was relaxed. Who am I kidding? This cat ONLY knows RELAXED!


"Oh, shit!" moments? I have no idea what you're talking about. It's not like I've ever had a foster kitten disappear behind the stove, or shimmy into a drawer and fall asleep, or tuck itself away in a closet...

Oh, shit! Here, ZiggyZiggyZiggy! False alarm - there he is!

You said it, sistah!!!!!!

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