It's been waaaay too nice outside for the past few days. We've been seeing temps well into the 60's with sparkling blue skies. I'm taking the day off and am headed to hike with my nephew and to see the effect all the recent rains have had on our local waterfall in Kent, CT.
In honor of Spring, here is a photo of some daffodils from my own yard, taken last year. It's still too early in the year for them to bloom, but I'm anxious to get spring started!
And on a cat-note, I am going to visit Donner & Dancer. Hopefully my anxiety of their placement will fade once I see how they're doing-even if they are being fed crappy grained food. Okay, I know it's not about the food, it's about the loving care, right? But that includes the food, if you ask me. All right...off I go. More in a bit...
SPENCE!!!!!!!!! Head bumps!
SPENCE!!!!!!!!! Head bumps!
Good luck with the visit!
Good luck with the visit!
I absolutely think you are
I absolutely think you are doing the right thing by visiting Donner and Dancer. I'm literally almost broke but still buy my 2 cats the highest quality food possible. I'll never skimp on that. I do think providing high quality food to your pets falls under basic care. It's possible that the adopters do not realize the importance of high quality food. Just my 2 cents, but if you find that they are feeding the cats low quality food, I think you are completely justified to ask to take the cats back. Or if you want to give them another chance, you could bring over some cat food to show them what they should be feeding Donner and Dancer and explain why and try to make another follow up visit. But if you feel in your gut that they won't change or actually see that they don't, in my opinion, I think you should ask to take them back in the most diplomatic way possible. Good luck with the visit! I hope things work out with the adopters.
Just to add to my previous
Just to add to my previous comment (sorry, I feel strongly about this issue). You should not ever have to compromise on your animal welfare values. It's not enough for animal caretakers to get it 50% or even 90% right. They have to get it 100% right. Even if you can't change the everyone in the world, you can at least change a few...and that's a lot better than none..and trying is better than giving up. You do a wonderful job and I admire all that you do! I believe you have made the world a lot better place with your rescue work, care, and commitment & have educated and inspired many through your blog.
It has been so nice here, too. A little cool for Florida, but generally really nice. This weekend is supposed to be gorgeous!
Don't worry too much about their food. It's good that they have a happy, loving home (I'm assuming!). Much luckier than some poor kitties out there. Give them big hugs!
Spencer is so cute =^.^=
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