It's been almost EIGHT months since Gracie had her first breakout of Milliary Dermatitis (Rash, for gosh sakes!).
The intensity of the breakout has waxed and waned, depending on if she had steroids or a bath or neither. She's on a single source protein diet now, which ALL the cats want to eat, but at $45 a case, they ain't gonna get it! She is supposed to get a bath every other day. She also just got up to Shot #11 of her Allergy Treatment, which means she can go up to three weeks before her next shot.
All this adds up to a lot of nothin.' My poor dear Gracie is still ravaged by blubous crusts. She's still itchy. If I can bathe her every day or two she DOES seem to get better. The problem-she's been handled too much and messed with too much. There is no trick I can play on her to get her to come to me. She's so freaked out that today was the first time I touched her in over a WEEK because I had her trapped in a cat carrier! Being skittish has made it nearly impossible for me to help her any further.
Her suffering is my suffering. Every time I see her scratch, I feel bad. I called Dr. Larry and spoke with Super Deb, first, then Dr. Larry. We all agreed that it might help to have Gracie live at his Clinic for the next week, at least. There, Gracie will have little to do, other than relax, get pets from the staff and a bath, once every day. They'll rotate which shampoo they use, some antibiotic and some steroid based products.
"Oooo! A TWO room apartment! How chic!
The hope is that away from most dust mite allergens and with a daily bath, it will give Gracie a chance to overcome her rash. If we keep her there longer, perhaps she can get to a point where her immune system can handle coming back home.
Gracie checks out her new digs at Spa Larry
But the jury is out on if she can ever live without being on steroids to keep her comfortable. I realize the question will be how to measure her quality of a shortened, but more comfortable life versus the quantity of years she would live, albeit uncomfortably, without the drugs. I'm not ready to make that choice for her.
P.S. No, that's a TOY mouse.
poor sweet Gracie! I hope
poor sweet Gracie! I hope the "spa" does the trick.
Hi Robin, Have they
Hi Robin,
Have they tried interferon? If so, be sure to use the brand name as they say the generic version is less effective. My Smokey was one of the most allergic cats the veterinary dermatologist had ever seen. He even took shots of the reaction from his allergen needle testing on his side :( He turned out to be allergic to humans and most grasses. We tried allergy shots which worked for awhile. I came to the conclusion that he had a very messed up immune system. He had a heart condition so steriods were out.
You and Gracie and in my thoughts and prayers <3. Hope the spa week does her a world of good!
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