Ever since I was a little girl when my mother would read me stories each night before I went to bed, I wanted to believe the world was a magical place. I never outgrew the deep longing to feel like I was like a character in a book specially chosen to be unlike anyone else in a world filled with endless possibilities. I would go to the movies and wonder why I couldn’t be like those people who went out and did great things, against all odds, they’d save the world after a remarkable adventure.
But the reality is, I’m just another schmoe, with ups and downs. I don't have a secret world only I have access to that's filled with talking beasts and dancing trees. But that’s ok because I’m not going to be disappointed when those things don't happen. Those things are for fairy stories, not real life.
The thing that makes me sad is that magic isn’t real. I want the trees to come to life and dance around me or for my cats to talk to me, but those are the notions of a child, not an adult. I have to put those thoughts away and simply enjoy being entertained by movies and books by the fantasy of “what if” and not expect anything more. I’m the daughter of two scientists after all.
©2001 Robin A.F. Olson. My Mother was the first female research scientist hired by Pfizer back in the 1940s. She was part of the team that developed terramycin. She was a genius by any measure. Here we are so many years later by a hidden waterfall in upstate CT.
Eight years ago tonight my mother died. I wasn’t planning on writing about it again, as I have so many other years, but something happened that I wanted to share with all of you. I believe that perhaps I was wrong about magic. It IS real and I have proof.
My mother and I had a tough relationship but we were also very close. We both had the same wicked sense of humor, always had a camera on our hip, were ready to find a new, strange place to visit or take in any cat who needed us. I asked my mother if after she died she would come back to me or send me a sign and she immediately said no. She said “when you die, you die. That’s it. Don’t go looking for me. I’m going to be dead.”
The odd thing was that every year since she died, on the anniversary of her passing, something would happen that truly seemed like a message. One year I received mail addressed to her. It was a coupon from CVS. She was a mad coupon-freak and CVS was the last place she went before she died. I hadn’t gotten mail from them before. It just had to mean something…was it a message from beyond the grave or $2.00 off my next prescription?
©2006 Robin A.F. Olson. My Mother on our last trip to one of our favorite places- Bulls Bridge.
I was driving along Highway I-84. It was early evening and I was on my way to meet my friend Marcia at the movie theater. We had planned to see the movie the The Hundred-Foot Journey, but I hadn’t been feeling well. I almost cancelled at the last minute, but it was too late so I just sucked it up and made my way to the theater.
It had been a lovely day. Cool, dry, sunny. The clouds were puffy and brushed in amber by the setting sun. I looked at the time. It was almost 7pm. I thought to myself that was about the time she died those many years ago, though I wasn’t with her when it happened so I can’t be positive of the exact time. No one was with her. No one even knew she was so sick from congestive heart failure that her life was so fragile.
I felt the familiar tug of missing her and I thought to myself how I wished she’d send me a sign and almost right after that, my scientist DNA said that could not happen and not to be silly. I exited off the highway, trying to get my mind off my mother by thinking about something else. As my car passed between two rows of tall trees I saw it out of the corner of my eye…a rainbow.
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Last night.
I did a double-take because I hadn’t SEEN a rainbow in YEARS. It wasn’t raining. It was lovely weather save for a few clouds. It didn’t make sense. As a lump grew in my throat and my eyes began to fill with tears, the colors in the rainbow became more vivid and part of a second rainbow formed. I flashed back to that silly YouTube sensation video where the guy is crying about the “Double Rainbow!” I did what my mother taught me. I thought about something funny to cover up how I really felt, because my heart felt like it was going to explode from renewed grief.
Seeing that rainbow felt like a kiss from my mother. She was waving at me saying “Hey, I was wrong. Of course I’ll come back to you and I miss you, too! I’m still here, Robin. I’m still here.”
©2014 Robin A.F. Olson. Right over the movie theater.
As I reached the parking lot at the theater I fought back the tears. I lost sight of the rainbow and thought it had faded away, but when I looked up the rainbow was still there. It looked as if the rainbow’s end was at the movie theater—a big colorful ribbon pointing to where I was headed.
Maybe it was all just a coincidence, but this time I’m telling my genetics to shut up and believe that there really is magic all around us. We just have to open our hearts to see it.
Beautiful tribute!
Oh Robin, your post just brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful thing to see and a beautiful tribute!
Don't stop believing in the magic. It truly is all around us. It is in rainbows, in people, in our earth, in the sky, in the stars in the sky, in the sun and moon, and just about everything else you can name. And it is most definitely in the cats you help -- admit it. We don't call it magic but when you stop to think about it how do the stars not fall out of the sky, how do the planets stay in their orbits, what makes flowers and trees grow, what makes out hearts beat without our thinking about it? It is becoming clearer each day by scientists and medical professionals who delve into the subject that genetics are not necessarily the great determiner in how things will be. But what we think and mostly FEEL about things have a great deal to do with the way things will be. So magic may be just one name (there are others) we call that which underlies all of creation and which we are just now beginning to understand and realize. I believe what you experienced with the rainbow was not a fluke of some kind; it was real.
Oh Robin what a wonderful
Oh Robin what a wonderful story and lesson for us all! Thank you for sharing it!
Memories and Sigh(n)s
What a gem of a remembrance...just like you, Robin...a Gem! Thank you for sharing this...and I will always think of your mom now when I see a tube of Terramycin Ophthalmic Oinment! My mom and I don't have the best of relationships either...but I will miss her when she passes, too...
RE: Magic
Wonderful post, Robin. I lost my mom to COPD 12 years ago this August 30th. She wasn't a genius in the human achievement sense, but she WAS a genius in a way your mom was, too: in a shared love of cats and in teaching and being compassionate, caring, and having personal responsibility for the helpless, the innocent, the blameless and the vulnerable. I always believe that THAT is the true genius humankind does not give anywhere near the recognition deserved.
It's wonderful to know that you know you are receiving messages from your mom. I know my folks, and other loved ones who have gone on, are around me and close to me always. And we will all be reunited in due time. That, we can count on.
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