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So, Yeah.

gabby outside.jpg

I guess I got a bit cocky, there. After finding out that Gabby was trying to bust out of the dog crate, I thought I had her all set up to be comfortable, but I was wrong. I heard yet another racket coming from upstairs in her room and after going to investigate, I saw what looked like Gabby stuck under the cat carrier that was leashed to the dog crate. Ugh.

I grabbed a broom to move the carrier out of her way and it lightly touched her side. She FLIPPED out and RAN AT ME, so I backed away from the open dog crate and let her run free in the room. She quickly disappeared into a time continuum of some sort because I couldn't find her even though I've fairly well cat proofed the small spaces. I remained calm, if embarrassed, and used the time to clean out the dog crate and have a few seconds holding each of the kittens. They ALL hissed at me, but I didn't care. They're so soft and cute. It was nice to hold them. I *think* I have two girls and a boy, but I'm not positive and I didn't want to handle them for too long.

I called our Director and confessed my foolishness. She told me the kittens would be moved and I might as well just get used to not seeing any of them. But wait, I really closed off all the tough places to hide! Maybe it would be fine? No way, I was assured, would this mama go back into the crate.

I accepted the guilt of being stupid and set up my pet cam to try to catch what she was doing. I was worried she'd stop feeding the kittens.

I got one shot of her outside the crate, looking in. I got lucky because I went to see a crappy movie (Land of the Lost) and while we were out, Gabby went back into the crate to care for her offspring. When I got home, I found her nursing them, so I quietly closed the dog crate door and covered it back up. For that, I'm very grateful.

All is well. For now!


Don't feel foolish - I would have backed away (and would have probably fallen down doing so) if a teeth-baring feral mama charged me.

I've already been bitten by a former feral and had to go to the ER and get that fun shot-in-the-hip(ass). Don't need that again, esp because this cat hasn't had her rabies shot. It would be worse for her, than me...yikes. Don't want to think about that.

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