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For Shelli

Dear Shelli,

I know how much you love Spencer, so I took a photo of him for you this morning. As you can see, he's no longer got the upper respiratory illness and he's looking like his feisty old self again.


Spencer sends his regards and invites you to come visit him whenever you're in the area (or on the way to IKEA!)

All the best to you and yours,

Robin, High Priestess of Covered in Cat Hair



Kisses and hugs for my lil Spence! YEA!

(is it shedding season in your house, too? I'm QUITE covered in lots of cat hair already! - gach!)

No shedding here yet. A bit early for that to happen, isn't it???

Anyway, I'm used to having a warm layer of cat hair all over my clothes, bedding, face. Nice for those cold winter days, right?

Hee hee!

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