Nineteen Top Cat Bloggers have been selected as World’s Best Cat Litter™ Catvocates and I'm glad to be counted as one of them. As a Catvocate I'll be sharing new product news and giveaways—and who doesn't love FREE CAT LITTER?
In the coming days, I'll be revealing details about the top secret NEW SCENT that will be added to World's Best lineup and offering up a fun giveaway. I can't give you more details than that just yet so stay tuned!
©2010 Robin A.F. Olson. Blitzen was just a baby when we started using World's Best Cat Litter. You can read about my year-long test & review as well as see more pix of baby Blitzen and Bob Dole HERE.
Scented WBCL
I find the scented WAAAY too strong! If I am put off by too much scent, I know my cats are. And they prove it! They all refuse to use the litter unless it is mixed in with LOTS of the unscented litter.
Hope this helps.
Not a fan of repurposing food crops for anything other than food, and clumping clay works fine for us. A lot of cats HATE scented litters, too, and won't use them. I don't want anything with fake perfumes in my family's toilets. And since none of my cats eat litter, I think we're okay with what we normally use. I've tried a fair number of others, too, and none of them comes up to "scratch" so far. Thank you for the review and thorough product testing, free from bias, though. Always appreciate that! and the photos of Bob and Blitzen are, of course, adorable ;)
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