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One Less is One More.

Ahhh..fresh paint to claw.jpg

I told you this cat was RELAXED!

Chip must have been truly enjoying life. He was free from being caged and was on the cusp of...maybe...being adopted! I didn't want to stop hanging out with him. He made my heart swell with joy. No wonder Trapper Jeanne had a tough time letting him go. I realized I was going to have the same problem and I had only known this cat for a few hours!

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Finally Miss L. arrived. She seemed to be a very kind and loving person. She couldn't wait to meet Chip and once she did, she was smitten. She didn't mind sitting on the floor with me while Chip rubbed all over her black coat. She played with him and we talked about what was best to feed Chip, when to feed him, how to add some fun to his life since he'd be home alone during the days. Miss L. assured me that even though Chip would be alone during the day, she would lavish attention on him every night and during her summer holiday break and any school breaks, too. She already bought him toys and a cat bed and although I didn't push the matter, I knew she was going to adopt Chip. How could she not?

My nephew wanted to be part of this adoption, so his mom dropped him off just after Miss L. and I filled out the adoption paperwork. I gave her some cans of cat food and a cardboard cat scratcher from my own stash. I wanted to give her some extra things not only because she was so nice, but because I wanted to help Chip, too. He was one of the most affectionate cats I have ever met.

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Miss L. and her new kitty, Chip!

Our brief time was coming to a close. Miss L. was ready to get Chip home. She was planning on giving him a new name. "Something Italian" I suggested Valentino. We'll see what she choses.

Regardless of what his new name will be, Chip is finally where he was meant to be, all this time. He's in his new forever home where he and Miss L. can have a happy life together. One less kitty will know the harsh cold of winter and an empty belly. One less kitty will live in fear and suffer from loneliness.

One less, is one more victory! Hurrah!


Congratulations! You can see in the photo is plastered with Chip hair and doesn't seem to mind at all! He's earned his happy home!

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