I cannot believe the number of people who tweeted, re-posted, wrote articles, emailed their friends about this ONE black beauty! As of this afternoon, the little mama kitty was picked up by Bobbi, who is graciously taking her to the Vet so she'll be checked out and hopefully get a clean bill of health. Next stop-ARIZONA where she will be living with her new family! Tonight they're going to pick out a name for her!
I am completely stunned that this one cat, who surely would be facing her last hours, will now have the hopes of living out her days with a loving family. The odds she would have been rescued? Well according to Henry Co.'s stats, roughly 95% of cats that go in the door, never come out alive. Yes, I said 95%.
Not only is this mama being rescued, but another cat is also getting pulled, too! When we get the word out that cats need help, good people step up and say; "YES!" I will give that cat a home or "Yes! I will donate money for that cat's care!" It DOES take a village, as they say...
To Bobbie Coker for doing all the work today and actually went to Henry to get the kitty (who she says is a big love bug!) and for her great photo!
Photo ©2010 Bobbie Coker
Team Furr for arranging transportation of the kitty
Dorian Wagner of Your Daily Cute for jumping all over this story and helped connect everyone together so we could do what we needed to do.
Janiss Garza of Sparkle the Designer Cat for pounding the keyboard and getting more attention for this kitty!
Stuart and his family in Arizona for offering to adopt a cat they've never even met before!
For now, let's all hope, pray, whatever you do, that the cat tests neg/neg for FIV and Feline Leukemia. Yes, there is more to worry about, but hopefully it is not a worry. If she is clear, the the rest should be easy. We MAY do some fundraising to help get this kitty to Arizona. I hope you'll be able to chip in a small amount to help her rescue be a complete success and not a financial drain on the good folks who offered to get her out of Henry or transport her to Arizona.
Oh... what a worthwhile effort all this has been! The last two days have been nothing short of crazy trying to find this girl a way out of there, but it's the best crazy I've ever known.
What an AMAZING bunch of people we know to post and repost and get together to to make this miracle happen. I'm am just so, so, so happy that it all worked out.
Here's to this kitty's new, happy and loving LIFE!
OMG you all are amazing. Just amazing. I am astounded by this loving, giving AHMAZING community and the things you do.
The world is a better place when you ladies are "on watch."
...the planets just line up perfectly and we can all take time out of our lives to focus our efforts together, then be amazed at what powerful things we can do.
As a result of this effort, we have a chance to save more cats at Henry. Not only that, but one of my dear readers who lives 2 MILES from Henry Co., offered to do some transports for us and will pick up cats for us, too. She's helped me in the past and I'm so glad she can help us again. Now we just need that darn GA license and we need a vet and and and...money!
I'm so proud of everyone who got together. I really just so proud of you all. The folks at Henry were stunned that the black kitty got busted out. I hope in the coming days, we can surprise them even more-for the better.
It's the POWER of Twitter, Facebook and the internet!
Just wondering
Does Henry Co. require neutering as a condition of adoption?
Just wondering, because the public shelters in WA state do. King Co. is still high kill as far as I know, but the Humane Society in Pierce Co. (Tacoma) reported no euthenasia for adoptable dogs for 2 years and in March announce I think it was 2 months for cats. I don't know how they are doing now that it's kitten season. But we seem to have a couple of low cost neutering projects and I know you must have a neuter done before an animal leaves a public shelter.
Yay! Kudos to all of you who
Yay! Kudos to all of you who made it happen!
WE are so happy
We are thrilled the black cat got rescued. Purrs that she gets a good vet report.
Three cheers to all that
Three cheers to all that helped retweet this!!
(and a couple of extra cheers to Daily Cute and Sparkle, cause they're wonderful and always doing lots for underprivileged kitties)
Don't you love the intertubes leveraged for good?
Big hugs to you, Daily Cute and Sparkle for leading the charge!!!
Not that it matters, but that
Not that it matters, but that sweet kitty is going to Arkansas, not Arizona.....little bit closer to GA so a little easier to get her to her new home!! The man that adopted her is a good friend of mine and LOVE LOVE LOVE kitties so she is going to be SPOILED ROTTEN!!! :)
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