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The Last of the Halloween Express Heads Home

The Halloween Express has reached its' final destination-homes for all the cats we rescued!

As you know, we placed our four kooky kittens: Trick, Treat, Skittles and Candy Corn with ONE family. While they enjoy life in their forever home, Rocco, the 20 pound, declawed love-bug has been living in Wilton at Animals in Distress.

He was doing all right, but really didn't like so many other cats wanting to play. He just wanted to relax and get petted, but being an adult, it was tough to find him a good home as quickly as we could find one for the kittens.

If you're not familiar with Rocco you can read about him HERE and HERE

Rescuing Rocco was a leap of faith. I really believed we could place him, but I did fear he would be at the shelter for a very long time. Turns out I was wrong, which I was happy to admit.

Rocco's been adopted! A woman came to AID looking for a lap cat. She'd always rescued cats from local shelters who had already been declawed. She spent some time with Rocco and really bonded with the big boy. He seemed to be smitten with her, as well. Her vet check was great and she was approved to adopt. Rocco will never have to worry about being on death row ever again. Now all he'll have to worry about is where he should take a nap next and if he'll get belly rubs next or a chin skritch.

Another long journey for a cat in need, comes to an end-not at the tip of a needle but by the efforts of people who believed in giving him a second chance. Way to go, Rocco!

Smiling adopted.jpg

And, as always, thank you to Carole at AID for allowing us to place Rocco in her care until he could find his forever home. Without AID's support this rescue never would have happened.


What a great way to start the week! Thanks for the happy sniffle/tears!

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