When you open the door to Animals in Distress's shelter you're greeted by their new Host, Jackson Galaxy-the cat. Jackson was rescued from a Kill Shelter before his time was “up.” I saw his photo and just fell in love. Thankfully, AID's Shelter Manager, Katherine, offered to take him into their rescue if I could get him to Connecticut. She saw that big “biscuit head” (as they say down south) and knew she could find him a home.
©2012 Katherine Reid. Tom cats get a BIG head when they don't get neutered as kittens. I think it adds to Jackson's appeal. More to kiss! (and he HAS been neutered recently!)
I named this big lug, Jackson, in honor of “Cat Daddy” and cat behaviorist, Jackson Galaxy, because this cat is something special. He has the same calm and gentle disposition as his namesake. The only difference is Jackson, the cat, lacks the tattoos and cool outfits-though his snow white coat IS very nice now that he's getting brushed regularly.
©2012 Katherine Reid. White as snow and sweet as sugar…
Jack's been at AID for less than a week. Already there have been some surprising changes. First-Jackson runs the place-but not in a bad way. Jackson gets along with ALL of the other cats in this open-plan shelter. Though his first day or two was spent in a large cage, it was clear he was ready to meet everyone early on. One cat did not like Jacks, but he didn't mind and she's come to accept him in short order.
©2012 Katherine Reid. Susi, one of Jackson's new friends. And no, Susi isn't bigger than Jackson-it's the angle.
Want to adopt Jackson? Visit his Petfinder Page
Jackson's Petfinder page is up today! I hope his new family finds him soon. Of course not only will they be lucky to have this marvelous new family member…
©2012 Katherine Reid. Chillin' out and waiting' for his forever home.
As for Jackson, he's too tired by all this fuss and needs to take a nap.
Sweet dreams, sweet boy. Sweet dreams.
You can learn more about Jackson Galaxy and pick up life-saving cat behavior tips via his hit show on Animal Planet entitled: My Cat From Hell. The next episode airs this Saturday, Feb 4th at 8pm EST.
Biscuit heads
I had no idea that toms with big heads were called 'biscuit heads'. Now I know what to call my Percy :)
And that Jackson Galaxy (cat) looks like such a lovey. Oh how I would love to scritch his cheeks!
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