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It Takes Two


Last night LuLu was reunited with her brother, Sammy. Our Director, had Sammy in foster care at her home, but Sammy wasn't doing too well on his own and I realized that LuLu, though making progress, was suffering from something, as well. She was friendly to me but she was just limp. She didn't play much, if at all. I couldn't get her to eat unless I sat with her. Clearly, something was wrong, but I feared she was ill.

I called M. and she was having the same concerns with her foster kitten. We both agreed to reunite the kittens as soon as possible. Within a few hours, the kittens were back together in my home.

I was VERY pleased to see that after a quick hiss, the kittens knew each other and snuggled up right away. I saw huge changes in LuLu. First, she ate for me. Once she saw Sammy gobbling up food, she joined him and they both ate well.


This morning, LuLu wanted to PLAY! She gained so much confidence, just overnight that I was stunned. Clearly, she needed her brother. Just being there, gave her the freedom to quickly dash in and out of her dog crate to play outside the crate walls. She climbed a bit and used one of the cardboard scratchers. She seemed to truly be enjoying herself, while her brother calmly looked on.

LuLu Goes for It.jpg

This is the sort of thing I live for-knowing I'm helping make a difference in getting a kitten off to a good start. Now, I feel like I can make some progress on the road to getting these two a forever home!


Great action shot here! :D

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