I'm in trouble. A lot of trouble!
I get emails and calls every day about cats needing a new home. Their owners give them up because they are suddenly allergic to them, or they're moving and their new landlord doesn't allow cats (so why MOVE THERE?!) or they've fallen on tough times or they just found the cat on the street. Whatever the reason, they're out there. So many there's no way I could even make much of a dent by saving one cat, but heck, it makes a difference to that cat.
I admit it. I was missing MacGruber and Polly. The house is silent without them running around. Okay, I don't yell much any more either, since the two of them were pretty good at getting into trouble, but I MISS it, you know? Also, my own cat, Blitzen is very sluggish and sad. He has no one even close to his age to play with and he just follows me around the house now.
©2011 Wei H. Photo from Craigslist Ad.
So I felt weak. I got an email from our local rescue group mailing list. It was a copy of a Craigslist ad for a Free kitten, 2-3 months old. Litterbox traiend. That's it. No other info. Craigslist doesn't allow postings like this so they aren't up for very long-which means, the contact info of the person who wrote the ad, is not valid for more than a day or so. The rescuers try to intercept these ads and get those animals help because the people giving the cats away are giving them away, unvetted, not spayed or neutered!!!, and to just ANYONE, so those cats could be harmed or worse.
Many times these cats are kicked outside to fend for themselves if the ad doesn't work. So, I replied to the ad. Did they need help with the kitten? A few days passed. I got an answer. YES, they needed help.
Oh dear, now I actually have to do something! Okay...my foster room is booked. Phil will be here from Georgia on Saturday. My only other space is my bathroom. I guess that will have to do. If this cat isn't as advertised or is nasty, I might have him here for a long time. It's very tough to take on something without having any idea of the outcome. You're responsible for a LIFE. YOU have to choose, if this cat can be adopted and what the heck to do if it's a mess!
©2011 Robin A.F. Olson. Cutie!
In a month, I'll have Amberly's family here, then The Angel Babies, so this little kitten BETTER be adoptable and I better be able to get him neutered in time-knowing that the S/N Clinic near us always books out this time of year-at least a month. Oh boy...well...It's a risk worth taking, I think.
Then there was the family...I have to say dealing with them did not go smoothly at all. First, they blew us off after we went to all the trouble to make a vet appointment, get the room ready, and get ourselves in the car to meet them, then they say they can't be there for 2 more hours! So we re-scheduled and while we were on the road, anyway, we went to Target to buy a new litter pan for the kitten.
Then they didn't want to sign the Surrender form, which would protect us should they ever want the cat back and find we had already adopted him to another family. That was announced in an email I got at 1am this morning. They said NO, we will just not bring the cat if we have to sign the paper.
So bleary-eyed and half asleep I had to try to "nicely" tell him in my reply, not to worry. That it was a common thing to sign off on and that it was just so that WE were not sued if THEY didn't like where the cat went after they gave it to us. At 8 am he wrote me back saying; OK, thanks for explaining. See you at 9:35 AM.” Yes, 9:35 AM, not 9:30 or 10...hmmm...odd.
Sam and I were both sure we would never see the kitten.
We pulled into the Park & Ride off I-84 to wait for the owner, who I didn't know anything about other than he had an Asian name, to bring the kitten. A car was already there waiting even though we were 15 minutes early. There were two Asian ladies in the car, one waved at me. I waved back. Their windows were open. I thought it was strange. I didn't see a cat carrier. I got out of the car and said hello. Turns out they waved at the person in the car BEHIND us and did not have the kitten! Oops. I live in a pretty much “New England Yankee” sort of demographic area so what were the odds we'd see another group fitting the same heritage as the owner of the kitten?
At 9:30 AM, an SUV pulled up. Definitely our guy. He got out of the car and smiled, then went to get the kitten. They had closed him up inside a small, covered CAT LITTER PAN. It was clean, but really? No holes in it to breathe? Sam took the litter pan and got in the car to transfer the kitten into our cat carrier. The guy gave me the paperwork signed and I signed it, too. I asked if there was anything I should know about and he, in a round about way, said the kitten peed on soft things when they first got him. Did they give him a litter pan? I don't know. Then he said he used the litter pan, but was weird about telling me if the cat pees on soft fabric that's on the floor, like a rug or cat bed. May have a litterbox aversion issue. Other than that, he said the kitten was fine.
©2011 Sam Moore. Meet DoodleBug!
He never told me the cat's name. He didn't give me any of the leftover food, if there was any. I asked him if they fed the cat. His mother said something in Chinese, not sure what, but he nodded at her and said the cat was fed breakfast. That was it. No remorse, no sadness, not even a goodbye to the kitty. No donation to provide for the cat's vet care, which I had asked for a few times. Oh well.
They left just a few minutes after they arrived. I got in the car and looked inside the cat carrier. That was it. I was “done.” What a sweet little face was looking at me from inside the carrier. When we got to Dr Larry's I took him out. He was purring. He was FLUFFY. He has a little white TIP on his stubby black fluffy tail! He didn't mind being held. His fur was very soft.
Sam almost whined at me. He wanted a turn holding the little guy! So we traded. He nibble at Sam's whiskers, then got a bit over excited so we put him back in the cat carrier. Lauren came out and we took the kitten out and put him on the countertop. He calmly explored this new place and I saw his butt. It was just the right amount of FLUFFY. He had that cute little butt-wiggle when he walked. Oh shit, I'm in trouble.
I think I'm in love.
Thank you for sharing this
Thank you for sharing this 'behind the scenes' story. You are brave and strong and caring and conscientious, and yes, you made a difference. It makes me sad to think of those with no heart...
I don't blame you for falling
I don't blame you for falling in love - I would too!! :) Thank you for saving him!! Hugs to you both!!
Been there..... And the boy
Been there..... And the boy is ADORABLE!!!!
I was at an adoption event at Petsmart once when a woman and her daughter came in with this adorable kitten. They asked staff if someone could help and they pointed them to us. I gave them directions to the shelter and after 5 minutes ran after them - I couldn't live with myself if they DIDN'T take him there. So, he was put in a carrier and we took him back with us. I was forever teased for coming back from an adoption event with MORE animals than we left with. But I don't regret it - and Sebastion was adopted as soon as he hit the adoption floor.
Good for you for doing the right thing. And I can only sigh about these other people....
I'd be a goner too!
That is one cutie pootie kitten. If he'd shown up at our house I'm not sure what we'd do, but I have a feeling you may have a new man inyour life now! :-P
Hmm, sounds kinda like
Hmm, sounds kinda like destiny to me! He is unbelievably cute, I'm so glad he's with you now.
He is So Cute!
He's certainly a cute kittie... no wonder you and Sam have fallen for him. I wonder if they've "got rid" of him, because he does pee outside his litter tray? Still, with a Robin to take care of him, and a bathroom to be his quarantine home, perhaps he will be re-trainable fairly easily. What did the vet think of him - presume they were happy with him, or you'd have told us about any problem.
I wish him well - he is a lovely kitten. I hope you find him a new home quickly - someone to love him. He deserves it!
Oh, he's beautiful! He looks
Oh, he's beautiful! He looks so alert! He looks like he'll be full of mischief and personality.
He's so Gorgeous!
Robin, first of all...THANK YOU for saving this little boy.
My wife and I live in Mexico City and we are currently looking for a companion for our cat. We just felt in love with DoodleBug!!! It is so sad we are down here...we want him!!!!!
You Can't Have Him! ;-)
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