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If You Want to Help the Georgia Shelter Cats

Please consider making a donation to Winging Cat Rescue. They have the proper Georgia license that allows them to pull cats from at risk, death row situations at any GA shelter and they are currently part of the team helping me save some of the kitties from Henry County.

You an also make a donation to Kat5. Those ladies have transported over 2000 animals since they started in 2000! They can help us with transports and are the go-to gals to move those animals to safety.

Even if you can only donate $1 and you forward this to 10 people you know who donate $1, then it can really add up.

Most importantly, if you volunteer or run a rescue group and can take in a mama with some kittens or any combination thereof, please contact WCR and they may be able to help you with actually removing the cats from the shelters for you and can work with Kat5 to do the transport. It's not that tough. It just takes a little bit of money and a few emails or calls. The cats come to you vetted and ready to go. You just find them the homes (note: kittens will need to be spayed once they are old enough and that may be an add'l cost. Ask WCR for details).


Just a thought...have you heard about Remote Area Medical (RAM)? It's an amazing group that has brought free health care to impoverished coutries and poor, largely rural parts of America (although they recently had a clinic in Los Angeles). Of course, there are always more people than they can serve.

They have a veterinary program that provides spay/neuter clinics. If a big part of the problem is that the residents of Henry County can't afford to have their pets altered, they might be able to get a RAM team there.

The website is:

Again, just a thought, but I'm becoming obsessive about all of these homeless animals and feeling completely helpless even though I foster in my hometown. It's just so sad and so completely unnecessary.

I'm not sure what's going on with the folks at Henry. I know there are groups working at another shelter and they've gotten them to stop gassing animals and they have a s/n vax program set up now. It's one of those things where we need people on both ends of the equation to be willing to change and adapt to doing things differently that include not killing the animals as a solution. I'm not blaming anyone or pointing's time and resources. I think as one GA shelter converts over, then we go on to the next one and help them.

We have the TEAM van here that does low cost s/n but they don't travel south. I think it's a great idea, but from what I hear the attitude is different in the south and cats and dogs don't get s/n the way they should. Not sure..never been there. Maybe someone who reads this can put in their two cents.

Like anywhere, there's a mix of those who are ready to go whatever it takes and those who treat animals like garbage, with no regard for their well being and dump them when they become sick or impregnated.

I'm sick about the Henry cats. Looks like I'm going to be pulling some out on my own, but I know the others will probably be PTS.


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