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I Wish it Was Just a Bad Dream

It's 2:30 am. I've hardly slept. Bob and Spencer are both sick now.

Spencer, who purrs almost 24/7, stopped purring. He also stopped grooming himself and has begun to sneeze loudly. Spencer's scarred sinus tissue, from an illness when he was a kitten, causes him to wheeze. Normally, he manages just fine, but now the URI is making it harder for him to breathe. I'm freaking out.

Bob with FIV+ has been, at first, looking as though he has a hairball and has been having LOUD, BARKING coughing fits. I gave him Petromalt twice today, but it doesn't help. I think Bob's getting stuffed up and the post nasal drip is making him cough.

Bob, too, has all but stopped purring. And he, too, purrs loudly ALL the time.

What the FUCK am I going to do? I just tried to give Bob a does of Baytril. That stuff is terrible. It's a thick, creamy liquid. WHY give it to a cat that's stuffed up? It only makes them have a harder time breathing and both Bob and Nora (who is still VERY sick) react to the med by oozing thick, ropey, strands of mucus! This is NOT helpful to their well being. WHY Dr. M. suggested this shit is beyond my understanding.

Tomorrow I'm going to beg to get someone over here with enough Baytril, in PILL form, to treat everyone. What else can I do? All but two cats are sick. This is a nightmare I want to wake up from!!!!! Sadly, it's 2:49 AM and I'm awake and I doubt I'll get back to sleep any time soon.

Meanwhile, Sam is asleep. How can he sleep through all these cats coughing and sneezing so loud?


What does the Vet say to do? I assume they all caught it from one source? Any healthy ones around that can be quarantined from the others? I can't imagine!

Oh, Robin, I'm so sorry you are going through all of this! I hope everyone is well asap! Don't forget to take care of yourself; you aren't any help to anyone if you're not well yourself. Sending good kitty health wishes ...

This sounds like a nightmare Robin. I have never had both of my cats sick at once, but it sounds like quite the ordeal. I hope the doc came through with those Baytril pills!

Frank B.
Personal injury lawyer

Hi Frank,

The cats are doing better now. It was a long, scary road. I set up my bedroom as a kitty intensive care facility! Had a heater, humidifier, food and litter pan, so they could just stay in the room and rest. Bob and Spencer both have sniffles at times, but overall everyone is doing much better.

I'm glad your kitties are doing well! We'd love to hear a story about them or post some photos, now that you have an account!

Welcome aboard, we're glad to have you!
Robin :-)

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