I bought an electric blanket for the feral cats even though once I shelled out $60 for it and it arrived, I found out you're not supposed to use it with PETS. Who cares if they stick their claw through the electrified wires?
Ok..I care, but the damn ferals won't even go INTO the stupid, but cute little feral cat house that we built for them. No matter what I do, I can't get the cats to go in there. They'd rather live outdoors and freeze their kitty-tushes off!
So I got into the habit of making sure the controller on the electric blanket says the blanket is heating. It turns itself OFF every 10 hours, regardless of whether or not you WANT it to go off every 10 hours!!!! What if you're really SICK and need the blankee 24/7? Yeah, it's preventing a law suit so they don't get nailed when the house catches fire because someone left their blanket on for days on end. This is all nuts to me. Just let me burn down my house if I want to. At least my feral cat house, which no cats live in, will be warm.
Tonight I was downstairs and I looked out into the room where the empty feral cat house was. I thought I'd go out and turn the pain in the ass electric blanket controller back ON. Why not..just in case the cats change their minds, right?
Fortunately, I had the wisdom to turn ON a LIGHT before I walked out into the feral room. Sitting on TOP of the feral cat house, was a Possum. All I could see was his little behind, so I walked over to another part of the basement where there's another window to get a better look. It's just a baby possum. It can't be more than 6 months old. He's all alone and looks so sad, but at least he's sitting on an old fluffy mattress pad. Must be nice on the toes, compared to the snow and ice that fell today.
He was just too cute to scare away, so I left him there. I know. I know. I shouldn't do that, but I just didn't have the heart tonight and besides, who says the cats have to get all the comforts of human home life?
Why does my gut tell me I'm going to pay for saying that?
For some inspiration, go to
For some inspiration, go to my Flickr contacts and find Kisluvkis...she constructed little houses for her stray and/or feral "Yardies." Amazing.
And, hey, that little opossum has great survival instincts so go ahead and reward him. His little heinie feels the cold, too. You're doing good things.
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