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Helping Animals in Need in Haiti

Thanks to our reader, Mary, she posted a link in the comment section of my last post regarding where to make donations to help the animals of Haiti. You can make your donation by visiting:
WSPA, Animals in Disasters Blog.

I did a bit of digging around because this web site didn't seem very legit. I found more info and sounds like these guys ARE doing the work, according to Charity Navigator, an online resource for checking out charities. Here's the info so you can decide for yourself if you'd like to make a donation: WSPCA on Charity Navigator and here's their main web site, too.

So you can donate through their blog, or via their web site, whichever you prefer.


Not only are they legitimate. they are one of only three organizations that I know of that respond from the US to international disasters. They are preparing to go. Check them out

I ignored Tweetie's pleas and called out again, assuring him that "hoomins need to not smell bad and this is the only way to get there, other than wear too much perfume, which really only masks the problem and doesn't really head the problem off at the pass, like people who think those air fresheners really do anything other than mask a lie. They should clean their house, not spray chemicals on their belongings."

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