Looks like some of the kittens are showing signs of being almost DONE with the URI, eye infection, ear mites, etc...Hurrah! Perhaps in another week they will be clear.
Yesterday, however, I almost ran Blitzen and Dancer to the ER. Both of them are struggling with eye infections and snotty nose problems. I ran out of some of their eye meds and wondered if they would be stable enough for the day to avoid the trip through the snow storm and the nasty roads to get them seen by a Vet.
Thankfully, Super Deb stepped up to the plate and offered to come over and save the day! Who is better than you, Deb? Who? Our first mission, though was to check out Your Healthy Pet, where we do our Adoption Events. Deb had never been and was foaming at the mouth to check out the goodies. She brought along her super-cute dog, Jayne. Jayne is a shizhu? Right, Deb? With one brown eye and one blue eye. Janyne is a very mellow dog. Once in awhile I take her for a walk and she just toodles along. I didn't think anything would get this dog's motor running. That was until we got to the pet food store.
Jayne during one of our walks earlier last year.
Jayne met Chandler, the owner's of YHP dog. Chandler is a “chweenie”-a Chihuahua and a Dachshund. Chandler is very energetic and outgoing. He loves to bring his toys over for you to toss, well once he saw Janyne, all fetching was off. He wanted Jayne, while Jayne played coy. Chandler sniffed at her and nudged her, then all of a sudden it was like a switch was flipped and Jayne jumped to life. Both dogs started slipping and sliding across the wooden floor trying to dominate the other. Jayne was making all sorts of noise and we were all a bit concerned that the dogs were going to really fight, but Super Deb assured us that Jayne was having fun.
Within a few moments, any throw rugs were being shot across the room, the dogs tearing up the floor, barking, jumping, dodging between stacks of pet beds. They were both having a great time. Tom and Mary Kay said they wanted to adopt Jayne and Super Deb very cooly glared at them and they dropped the topic immediately. No way is Jayne ever going to leave Super Deb's side. Nu uh.
So the dogs had a great play date until Chandler did the unthinkable, okay I thought about it, but I didn't say anything. Chandler jumped onto Jayne's back and humped her right in front of all of us! One of the customer's declared it was “time to get a room.” We broke the dogs apart and Super Deb looked at Jayne (who I'm told usually does the humping!) and Jayne just looked at her coyly.
Then we braved the nasty roads and got back to my house in time to see the snotty, eye-boogered kittens enjoying some play time of their own. Deb felt they were ok to give them the meds they had, keep using warm compresses on their eyes to loosen up any crusts, but that overall a good number of them did look much better.
That was a big relief. I've been waiting for things to finally start to improve. Deb wondered aloud if Donner, who's doing well, could get re-sickened by being around her sick siblings (say that five times fast-sick siblings, sick siblings,sick siblings,sick siblings,sick siblings,). It's tough to say at this point, but hopefully her immune system has built up some resistance. I'll know soon if she relapses.
I have now heard from folks in FL, MI, NY, CT that they are seeing a BAD URI going around. Very unnerving, but in a way, glad to know it's not just us, but horrified because it will mean even more cats are going to die. It's a tough situation.
Super Deb didn't stay too long. I always enjoy her company and always wish she would hang out and watch a movie or have some tea or something, but Deb has to replace her cell phone and I'm sworn to secrecy as to why she has to do this in the first place. All I can say is Deb certainly lived up to the “Super” part of her name and being Super requires acting selflessly in times of danger and as a Super-Vet Tech, Deb has better things to do than worry about where she left her phone when lives are at stake. That's how she rolls, so just stand back and let her do her magic.
Rock on, Super Deb. Rock on.
good news
Glad they are finally turning and the corner and glad Mary Kay found a new customer - LOL! You'll appreciate this Robin - one of our cats went missing indoors yesterday. Found her this afternoon in our attic!!! Must have made her way up the pull down steps when we were putting away Xmas stuff. Cat ownership = never a dull moment.
PS. I did light a candle for the kitties at St. Pat's in NYC on Sat and amazingly the church was not struck by lightening when I walked in - so there might be hope after all!
That candle musta done something because the kittens are doing better! I went in there once to light a candle for my Father. He was raised Catholic, but I sure wasn't. I know what you mean about fearing a lightning strike! Thank you for being brave!
Oops! Sorry you lost your cat. It wasn't JACK BLACK I hope!!!!!
Glad to hear the outlook for
Glad to hear the outlook for the kitties is improving, and it sounds like you and Super Deb had a great day. So.. chances of puppies?
Keeping fingers crossed... and yay to Super Deb for the fun and support!
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