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Flying Foster Kittens Arrive

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It's almost too much work to care for 7 kittens and a mama, take photos, do write ups on them and find time to take care of my own cats or do any work and it's only be ONE day since the second litter of foster kittens arrived! Hopefully, I will find a pace and it's just for two weeks-ish, so I will deal.

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These kittens are LOTS of fun! They love to play and get petted and their older than my other kittens, so they can run and jump easily. Angel (above, pardon the joke! and Twitter, below) seem to be excellent gravity-free kittens!

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I gotta get back to kitten feeding, but wanted to get the ball rolling on showing off the new arrivals. There are more photos of the kittens on my FLICKr pages, so do stop by and visit if you'd care to!

Meow for now!

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