©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. April.
The weeks have flown by in a heartbeat. The kittens just celebrated their eighth week birthday. All six have survived those precarious first weeks and are now spending their day either napping or running around playing with wild abandon. I moved them into Bobette's old room so they have lots of space to explore and a big sunny window where they can watch the birds or see a stray bee buzz by.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. The girls.
It's a happy time for them and relief for me. The kittens have been weaned. It went so easily and perfectly. They've also done great with their litter pan technique. Knock wood, these kittens have been a complete dream to foster. I can't remember the last time I didn't have to worry about loose stools or runny noses.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Getting ready to meet Dr. Chris.
It is, however, a sad time, too. It's time for April, the kittens mama, to go on to the next chapter of her life—a journey she has to make on her own. She's been a GREAT mama-one of the best ever. April constantly burbles and meows to the kittens, maybe telling them to be careful or “watch out!” She's always on the alert, making sure the kittens are safe. I hate taking her away from them, but I know it must be done. April is shockingly thin and needs time to recover and get strong. She can't do that with the kittens around. I can't risk them nursing on her any longer. She needs to be spayed, then go to Animals in Distress where they will work on finding her a forever home.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Cutie Patootie and Belly Holiday after their Vet visit.
In the time we've spent together, April has blossomed. She no longer hisses at me, but seeks out attention. She enjoys being petted and sitting nearby. I hope she gets a wonderful home, with people who will cherish her. She has a goodness and sweetness that's palpable.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Belly and the ball.
The kittens, too, are just about ready. All that remains is that they need to be spayed. They had their first FVRCP vaccine and first visit with Dr. Mixon. The kittens did amazingly well and didn't give him much trouble at all.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Cutie's big mitt.
Dr. Mixon examined the three polydactyl kitten's paws. He suggested that the extra toes be declawed. I was against it until he explained that those claws, being on such short toes, would never be able to be sharpened. If that couldn't be done, the claw would simply grow and eventually grow INTO the kitten's paw pad and cause a nasty infection. This just happened to my own cat, Gracie and she's not even polydactyl. I would never want that to happen to any other cat-even if the adopter promised to trim the claws every week. With them being so young and Dr. Mixon using a laser it would be the least painful to do it now. Next week it will be done, but I feel more than terrible about it because I believe that in one case the entire toe is going to come off because it is so very tiny, it's more of a claw growing out of the paw, then out of a toe.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Looks like a reference photo for a Picasso painting!
Thanks to my friend, Katherine at AID, one of her foster families offered to take April so she could recover in their home before she gets spayed. I thought it was a good idea since normally I'd have to crate April to keep the kittens off her and that wouldn't be very easy on her. It's best to say our farewells now.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Relaxing without a care in the world.
What I didn't expect was that this foster family offered to adopt one of the kittens, too, even though they are currently fostering some of the cutest kittens I've ever seen! The family is from England and black cats are good luck there. They had a black kitty many years ago and they miss her dearly. When they heard about my kittens they asked if they could give one a home because they understand how difficult it is to place black kittens.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Between a pillow and a hard egg?
What made me appreciate them even more was that they wanted the kitten that would have the toughest time to find a home. They didn't want one of the polydactyl kittens, they wanted a simple, black kitten. That's it.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Black Beauty.
I met with the Mom of the family four weeks ago and she fell in love with a kitten. She said her children wanted to name it, “Bon Bon.” I said we could give the kitten that name, but didn't push her to adopt that particular kitten. It was too soon to take her anyway.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. April's eyes are full of hope that her forever home will find her soon.
On Thursday she returned to take April home and to choose her kitten. She brought her daughter, who was very sweet with all the kittens. She understood the importance of giving the kitten a home who others might overlook. Sure enough Bon Bon came over to them and honestly if I had other kittens that might have been considered more adoptable, they still would have chosen her.
©2012 Robin A.F. Olson. Bon Bon with her new mama.
I made special arrangements for them to take Bon Bon before her spay, which will also allow her to be with her mother awhile longer and vice versa. The family reported back to me already that both Bon Bon and April are doing well. April's being shy, but they know she'll come around in time. She's eating very well and eating a lot of food so this is great news. One day I hope to see April again, but this time looking plump and resplendent, the days of difficulty long past.
My heart aches. I've grown to love Bobette and April and Bon Bon, but I must make room for more. There are four kittens in South Carolina who need help. Four more to love. My heart is ready to be re-fueled. This is the life of a cat rescuer, the constant tug of sadness mixed with simple, profound love.
How great for April? She
How great for April? She gets time to rest and recouperate, but doesn't loose all her babies. And BonBon looks to have found a wonderful home.
How great for April? She
How great for April? She gets time to rest and recouperate, but doesn't loose all her babies. And BonBon looks to have found a wonderful home.
The hardest part IS letting
The hardest part IS letting them go (as I type this, I have a foster snoozing on my shoulder)....but you are right that it opens a place to save the next lives that need you. You did a great job with them....and that is wonderful!
Another Happy Ending
This is great Robin! I know what you mean about the constant losing of cats, when they have to move on. But when you put it in the context of what would almost certainlyl have been their fate, had they not spent this time with you... For Bon-Bon, it's such a happy ending; she seems to have liked her new family straight away, so she'll surely settle down well. For April, it's the start of the next stage of her adventure. She is so beautiful, I'm sure that once she has recovered from her spay and put on a little weight, she will quickly find a home.
A little less certain for the other kittens. It's sad that black cats are disliked by so many people in the USA - it's true that here, tradition says they are lucky. People like them anyway, because they are beautiful (my mum has a black cat, who is so sweet and pretty; we had a lovely black-with-white-paws cat a while ago too). I hope they all find good homes soon.
Well done to you Robin, for another success!
Bittersweet Endings
I'm thrilled everyone has done well and one of the kittens already has a home. Removing the extra claws definitely sounds like the best course of action.
The Next Stage - A Duel Edge Sword
The pictures of these playful little kittens are so adorable. It's good news that April will have a wonderful home to recuperate in and that Bon Bon has found her forever home. The rescue work you do is fantastic. I'm sure each one leaves a small paw print on your heart. Here's hoping that the other five kittens soon find their forever homes!
What you're doing...
... is love, plain and simple.
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